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  1. ...has potential, if it was user-friendly, which is not. I tried to get immersed with this game the very first time (because people still think that SL is a thing, which is rather silly) and the FPS were choppy as hell on even the best PCs. Its baffling on how Linden Labs even overlook this type of issue. And the graphics are seriously outdated as well, which has never gotten the full HD/4K treatment whatsoever. Not to mention how limited the avatars are and you can't create it yourself, especially if you're new to SL, and the devs offer no tutorials whatsoever so they expect you to learn everything you've seen on YouTube videos (or not), and even tutorial videos found on YouTube regarding SL is not enough. You're basically an outcast around every veterans on SL, no matter how friendly. Not only that, they look seriously inappropriate, no matter how safe they seem (seriously, its there). While I appreciate a HUGE amount of features SL has to offer, none has any interest of me (some even requires to pay a fee to take part, though I may be wrong, but even then it wouldn't matter much). If I ever want to interact with an online player, I'd rather do so elsewhere than in SL so I wouldn't have their character(s) follow me around for no reason (they're mostly stalkers anyway, no matter how friendly they seem). I can't really understand the concept of SL at all. Read about it, even tried it, uninstalled it afterwards without much of a second thought because of so many things wrong with it, mainly the outdated graphics, complicated UI, nonexistent character creation, tutorials are not there (even though YouTube has them, which again, is not enough), horrible optimization, and the online players are just... weird, especially since even the friendliest will end up devolving themselves into following you in the creepiest fashion. And yes, I know there's "Linden Dollars", but the concept looks cheap and mundane, even looks like a chore to do which is a serious waste of time and effort (even competitions would require an entry fee AFAIK). If I want to earn money, I would rather do art work commissions or, better yet, get myself a real job. You can try and defend it, but in all fairness, most of us would rather not be stuck behind the PC doing virtual nonsense all the time and start socializing in real life and even working in the real world. I know you guys will try to defend SL, but there's a thing called real life and virtual interests like education and other things makes you feel pretty isolated from the real world, and its unhealthy as well, especially if you prefer to stay unemployed instead of making a living (and no, Linden dollars is not enough, you need REAL money to maintain yourself though if you're an artist, fine. Its considered a hobby for many and getting money is fine so its safer than in SL, honestly). Call me wrong or whatever, but its the truth on how outdated SL is and many people need a serious reality check and move on to better things, because Linden Labs won't be improving much, especially towards newcomers like me. I tried to like SL, but it made me dislike it and uninstalled it afterwards. Unless they take updating graphics seriously along with other things mentioned, I'm basically staying away from it, and I suggest you do the same, doesn't matter how many years you've been to SL. Its become obviously devoid for the many. I shall bid you all adieu.
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