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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. Hm. 3 hours since it did it, now did it again, status page seems to not be getting the updates so means something that talks to it is not talking to it.
  2. So what ever it was, my online/offline emailed never sent a thing, so it was good hiccup this time lol.
  3. sorry that's just my tail *picks it up and holds it close*
  4. Patience remember SL can be silly and fun, but the backend has hiccups.
  5. Yep, you are likely waiting on the login queue to allow more logins, so just wait it out after this many years, patience most of us have learned is needed with SL.
  6. Wait for the login services to catch up, it gets hammered, so it throttles back to get the queue moving. it'll get there.
  7. unplanned is most likely or something was commited by mistake and pushed live and they caught it and rerolled what ever it was. not 100%
  8. well I am seeing logins now and several of the bots I know of are logging back in too. so LL \o/ great work!
  9. This is what I am thinking, I just got back in instantly just now. hm
  10. checking current major ddos attacks, not showing anything hitting the data center LL is in.
  11. okay I checked the status provider for LL's status, their systems are fine and operational, so means the software for monitoring is fine, wonder whats not triggered to change the status, hopefully that's not tied to their alert system
  12. I'm 2 hours outside of the LL data center in arizona, trust me, I'm not in either, typically I have no issues and low ping times being this close.
  13. I've tweeted to the ones that I know monitor if they are awake and I even poked ebbe, I think the systems have not made an alert yet. dont quote me on that. but we've not heard anything on any fronts.
  14. team of what 35 now they have for SL. I'm pretty sure once more alarms go off people will get texts from their automated setup.
  15. when I did watch nights at a company I did their noc, if anything derped everybody and their brother got a text. not sure what LL has though.
  16. well SL has died again, local chat killed over, mmm I'm walking in a circle. client is showing activaty. mmm im's are dead it seems too.
  17. Call me moe glad display names got introduced lol, since someone took my name and never used the account...
  18. People visiting this thread, if you have left your client sitting at login and it has not done a thing, restart it, they will time out after a certain amount of time.
  19. Yes this, the client will TIMEOUT if it sits to long, restart it.
  20. I've been in and active 11 years only having taken a 3 months break during all that time, whats wild, I work 12 hour nights in a factory, so it's a toss up, sl or social life lol. nobody is awake when I am rofl. sl wins
  21. Ah yes Wednesday bang on the servers day, used to upset so many people outside the US, all the complaints all the people losing their cool. then having to deal with the new features "bugs" over the weekend, that maybe or maybe not had to have a reroll to undo the new added features lol.
  22. Remember before people get bent out of shape, nobody can guarantee a 100% SLA uptime on any product. why you see 98% to 99% uptime guarantee, it's to make sure that the 1% of the time you crash and burn, that you can crash and burn and use that 1% to fix everything. it happens, things fail, it's the nature of the beast when you run a huge environment like SL, remember this is an active product in development since 2003, some of it is old and legacy and can not be easily redone.
  23. Yeah it's the login process, it's gonna need to catch us again. just be calm and patient, things will recover soon, abit slowly but they will recover. 11 years in sl has taught me one thing, patience, I'm seeing people in the second life server topic starting to lose their cool.
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