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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I can confirm that this is not true at this time.
  2. I'm guessing that you left a negative review for something and the review got removed. To ensure that a review is not removed, it needs to be factual and state a VALID reason for the negative review. Not liking something or not getting what you thought simply because you didn't read or understand the description are not valid reasons for a bad review.
  3. While there are some of us that use Premium alts to bring down the overall cost of our land, most of us do it for roughly 8k or less of land. Trying to manage more alts than that gets a bit rough, especially if you are wanting to spread their renewal dates around. I'm not sure LL would knowingly allow hundreds of premium alt accounts just so someone could be a land baron at a cheaper cost.
  4. Talk of musicals got me to pulling up the music from Phantom of the Opera. I often play the entire musical score on repeat mode.
  5. Ya know, the absolute best stories ever always start with something like "Hold my beer and watch this...."
  6. Calling it a GIFT and then charging L$ totally bites. I don't have a problem with them putting out some little item for L$10 at events, but do NOT call it a GIFT. Call it a sample, call it a cheapie, or don't freakin label it at all, but it is NOT a GIFT.
  7. I seldom ever IM anyone inworld, especially just for some random chit-chat. There are two people that I regularly say Hi to, but our conversations are usually pretty short - probably because I truly suck at misc. conversation. Thus, inworld IM for me is much like RL phone calls, texts, emails -- I contact people when I have a specific purpose.
  8. The vast majority of the people here are not "uncaring", but simply "realistic". You need to realize the following: - LL seldom reads the forums, thus pleas to them here is much like shouting into the wind. - It truly is not an unusual situation to have a sim owner just up and shut things down without warning - sometimes due to finances, sometimes due to health, sometimes due to other RL issues, sometimes due to <insert-whatever-reason-you-want> - If the owner has kept the sim up but simply denied access to everyone, there is pretty much nothing you can do except keep trying to contact them. LL would consider it a resident-to-resident issue. - If the sim owner gave the sim back or if LL claimed it due to money owed, then if enough of you submit support tickets "simply asking to have the sim reopened so you can get your stuff back", it MIGHT happen. If your tickets keep talking about LL keeping the sim open just because you want them to or if your tickets talk about anything else, the tickets will likely get closed as "resident-to-resident dispute". - If all of you are happy to donate money, then either donate it to a person that you trust to get more land and pay the tier on it -- or all of you should become premium and donate your tier to a group that then can own some Mainland. Then rebuild in your new location. As unfortunate as it is, the reality is that you really can never fully trust anyone that you might be renting private estate land from. If the sim owner still has control of the land, you can hope that your messages to them at least get you into the sim long enough to get your stuff. If LL now has control of the sim, "carefully worded POLITE support tickets" might get the sim reopened long enough for folks to get there stuff. That is truly the best you can hope for here.
  9. After 500 posts, you can change your title to whatever you want.
  10. Unless I'm missing it, I'm not seeing what your video card actually is. There are some Nvidea cards where 75c is not an unusual temperature for them.
  11. I have a couple dozen that are not human. Most are very old and were probably freebies or cheapies, though a few are rather new. Various misc animals, a few fairies & pixies, a robot, a cardboard box, a snowman, etc... I pretty much never wear any of those though. Would likely only wear any of them now for a themed party or picture.
  12. Hi kids. Hope everyone is having fun. I'm missing my inworld time, but having a blast at an art auction. Auctions are fun but boy you have to work on self-control - it is so easy to get "caught up" in the action - had to take the bid card away from dear hubby.
  13. Possible that socks is turned on. On the Lara HUD, check the tab that shows layers and turn the socks off.
  14. In a short bit, I'm headed out to stay at a hotel downtown for the weekend for an event. That means limited time for the forums and no inworld time since my travel laptop cannot do SL. I'll check in before bed. Everyone be good have fun
  15. Isn't this basically what the RLV stuff does? (not sure, never did any RLV stuff)
  16. You truly have some of the oddest inventory issues. Prokofy's evil inventory gremlin has struck again.
  17. Or just insult them all by constantly telling them they are all wrong after asking for their opinions/help.
  18. If you go all the way back to its origins, yes, it is. This thread originally started a little over 10 years ago and has continued through 2 changes of the forum software. Here are the links to the original and the continuation of it in the previous software: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/85/252954/1.html https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/32554-just-ignore-and-let-this-one-die/
  19. Yes, the stuff I buy in SL is mostly stuff I don't need, but it is with money that I do have (via my RL entertainment budget) and I do it purely for my enjoyment, rather than trying to impress others - I don't interact inworld enough with others to warrant trying to impress anyone. As others have alluded to, we are all getting something out of this experience, something that we desire (and possibly need). Thus I'd say it is money well spent.
  20. Yep, this about sums it up. Like pretty much anything else in SL that someone doesn't like, it is all about laws and how the legal folks interpret them. That is what will determine whether or not Gatchas stay in SL and whether or not they are open to all or end up with some restrictions.
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