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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. I've tried deliberately staring at people to see if they respond and I've turned it on in hopes of catching someone looking but nothing happens! I do tend to always click and rotate my camera around people to make them rez properly. But I agree that it's strange to not want people to look.
  2. Granted, except now your Catwa head comes with a duck body. I wish that the 2020 summer Olympics will be interesting.
  3. Happy new year everyone! I know it's already happened for a lot of people. Stay safe! Have a designated driver and point the fireworks away from your eyes.
  4. The sickness in VR could easily happen in AR too. The sickness is caused specifically when holding everything still while moving your head around. So, if you had a table sitting in front of you in VR, as you move your head, the table has to remain perfectly still to your eyes. In reality, the VR headset has to track your head and move the table in the opposite direction. It has to do this in all 3 dimensions. Without 60 frames per second, the lag would cause the table to not track to your head movement and it would look like the table is moving. If your table was moving in real life as you turned your head you'd feel motion sickness, like on a boat, and you'd get sick. Ergo, in AR, if the 3D objects overlaid on the real world were to move out of sync with your head, you'd feel dizzy or motion sick, which is not a good thing when walking down the street. Also, the Quest and Vive have cameras mounted on them for head-tracking so they can also give an AR level of awareness of your surroundings. I think both VR and AR will continue because they are essentially the next step forward and not merely iterations of the same flat screen.
  5. Having a face painted to look like a cat looks much better than what they used in the Cats movie. Even those from the stage production look way better.
  6. With the new Cats movie just released to the public do you think furry creators will switch to this new aesthetic? Is this the future of furry avatars?
  7. Why don't you enter it into the name change contest? Storm Haute. Sounds like something the the Germans made in World War 2. Fauve Haute. Is kind of lyrical. Lindal Haute. You can change your blog to What is hot by Lindal Haute. Bree Haute. Sounds like what a karate master shouts before breaking some bricks.
  8. I agree with the OP that VR is amazing but I also agree with everyone else who says that SL is not going to VR. The complicated designs made by creators in SL are the complete opposite of what is needed in VR. You can't simply have people design for VR either because you'd end up with sims that are designed with as few polygons and textures as possible. Which is not what SL is about.
  9. Old areas should be transformed into ruins overrun by wilderness. Structures should be re-textured to worn and faded stone where certain sections are fallen. Trees, vines and other flora should grow wild with animals running around. Other transformations could be used as well, like having an old area fall beneath the sea where the structures are covered with coral and fish swim between them. I think it would be much more visually interesting than simply keeping an old sim exactly the way it is.
  10. There have been several good answers on how to appeal to the Lindens (who are the only people who have any say in the matter). I find the Op's argument of save this sim or I'll quit and SL will only have fetishes to be quite unhelpful to the actual request.
  11. We need to restart this thread with a new title in a few days. Also need to address it to guys and gals.
  12. Circling back to the topic, I don't think we all look like mall rats. I've been to a lot of shopping areas recently, all the time, and I don't see that particular style. It's truly eclectic.
  13. There was a serious sim once that showed you what it was like to have schizophrenia. You had to wear a hud and as you walked around a voice would come out of nowhere and say things. It was a little disturbing. I'd say that there have been games and movies that try to mess with your mind but it is difficult to do because the audience is just watching a screen. I think VR is probably the best way to mess with people's minds because of how immersive it is. I played a few VR horror demos and even have the Resident Evil game and it is very scary without any obvious scenes of horror or jump scares.
  14. Started re-listening to music I used to have on cassette tapes.
  15. Maybe there is a hud to modify it? Or if the costume is scripted? The costume might contain a no-modify item inside it.
  16. MillieTG should have simply denied everything the accuser was saying. Just imagine what an person would say if they accused you of being some random avatar standing next to you. "My IP address matches with another avatar? I'm on a very large internet provider! Where does that IP say I live? I don't live there. I don't know who that other avatar is except what I see on their profile. Those details you've given me don't mean anything because I'm not that person. I think it's dangerous for you to link two strangers together as if they were one. No, there isn't anyone else using SL in my house and I only have one alt which is not that avatar you mentioned." The lie will set you free.
  17. Is sugardaddy and sugarbaby suggested yet? I haven't entered yet.
  18. If you start a new premium acct then it's just the one premium payment for a first-last name. You could drop premmie after that but you want that sweet new house.
  19. Please use Cheesecurd's preferred pronouns! ****face's pronouns are ****er and ****face.
  20. I've been looking at the list of existing last names and there are a lot of words that haven't been used. I think the best names are more general and can be used by many people both male and female.
  21. I celebrate with family. We used to give gifts to everyone but after giving/getting sweaters and jackets all the the time we stopped and now just give gifts to the kids. Food is kind of all over the place. I think there's always a roast beef but everything else can be quite random.
  22. Given how long it took to roll out name changes this probably took more effort than we can imagine. The price may reflect all those person-hours or it may just be an executive decision. Either way, this may not be the pricing forever. As Lyssa said, maybe incentives will happen or recalibration after a few months of roll out.
  23. I think the price may be to keep people from changing names on a whim. But, if it's too high they might not make money on name changes. How about Targaryen? Or Trump?
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