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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. I never fly when shopping. I walk all the way through in first person to simulate real shopping or I cam around if I want to go faster. I don't see why flying should be banned though. If someone wants to fly it doesn't detract from my experience. I guess I never noticed this issue because of my preference.
  2. Started on unpacking and trying on random demos. Right now, Evani has made an impression with the 'interactive' clothes. Kaithleen's also has very useful item hidden inside the demos which is a universal thong that fits underneath skirts without clipping through. I've tried it with other skirt demos and it works well.
  3. Made it through all the sims. I have a huge haul of gifts and demos that I will sort through in a few days. I was able to teleport into most of the sims but cam-shopping was the best way to look at things. I couldn't get into Golden and Aurelius but it was easy to just cam-shop from the adjacent sims. There was one shop that had nice unique clothes and I was about to get demos of everything but they were timed demos! I really don't like timed demos. I like to look at a demo several times before I buy and the timers just ruin it for me.
  4. My reality is that I am sitting in front of a desk looking at patterns of light within a rectangular enclosure. One pattern has formed which asks if the other patterns have the same reality as I sitting in front of the desk. I push little buttons to form my own patterns.
  5. Does he match? What's the state of the whole matching thing in SL? Has it been solved with the use of mesh bodies? I haven't been paying attention.
  6. Maybe once per week. But for the holidays, how about once per day? Maybe that's a bad idea.
  7. What if they like closing threads? Maybe we should give them a whole week of terrible threads for them to close.
  8. Well Brexit will be going through. Tories won big time. Not sure why they are called Tories.
  9. How will Brexit affect British SL residents in premium payments and vat taxes and such? Purely from a resident standpoint should British SL residents want Brexit or no? Certainly SL shouldn't be one's main consideration on Brexit but this is the SL forum.
  10. It's because the old threads are usually filled with irrelevant facts and solutions. They were good four years ago but SL is constantly changing and making previous information obsolete.
  11. My pronouns are she/her. I'm writing down the non-standard pronouns that people here have specified so that I don't offend them in the future.
  12. We need full organ avatars. LL has been cheating us. Organs now!
  13. Make a small pool. Fill it with 7,000 spheres set to physical with random colors.
  14. Here's my question @Velk Kerang and @Pamela Galli . Would you be saying these things in-world if you were standing next to each other avatar to avatar.
  15. I don't notice gaps and spacing at all. Once someone IM'd me to say I was floating slightly over the floor. I had to zoom in to see the gap! I like to skew my avatar faces very slightly with the slider. Just to make it realistic because no one has a perfectly symmetrical face. Hopefully that doesn't trigger people. 😜
  16. So many good points made! And yet, here we are on the 2d web forum because it's convenient. But I think actually flaming people in-world is nicer. I also got kicked in the groin once at a cartel chat. My fault cause I was distributing a groin-kicker disguised as a hug animator.
  17. Do you think a discussion is better in SL (real-time typing in a 3d virtual world with body/face emotes, sounds, animations) or the forums (typing in a 2d web page with attachments and no time constraints)? Just thinking of the early idea that SL was the future of the internet and if it really can't compete with even a web forum. Is it just apples and oranges? Perhaps a hybrid of the two having the strengths of both that could be made into a new feature for SL.
  18. I don't think I have any weird shopping habits. I cam-shop and walk around in first-person depending on how busy the event is. One thing I always do is get demos of items I like AND get demos of items that are only slightly interesting. I've found that sometimes the vendor photo of an item doesn't look as good as the demo when you wear it on your own avatar.
  19. I haven't made a hud in a while but one issue I recall is that huds are prims like everything else in SL. Try taking one of your huds and rezzing it on the ground. It's small. Making a hud smaller means working with small prims. Like being a jeweller in SL. It's difficult because you run into the constraint on dimensions of prims. You have to design the HUD in-world and then shrink it down to fit into the HUD view.
  20. I think it should be avatar viewing and inventory management with messaging and shopping.
  21. Do you think we could crowd fund a project on Kickstarter for a mobile viewer and then hire an iOS programmer on uhm.. Upwork? I dunno. Seems like there's a demand.
  22. If you suspect that two people are the same person try having a long conversation with one of them and get specific details of what they say about whatever topic that interests them. You should also give them specific details of your topic but make sure the information is only told to that person. With the alleged alt you should also have a long conversation but your goal is to mention indirectly things only known by the person in the last conversation. So you may mention that you were in the desert and afraid of snakes to the previous person (and to no one else) and mention the desert again to the suspected alt and see if they bring up your fear of snakes. Or maybe tell the someone sent you a gift bag with a snake and see if they assume you were afraid of it.
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