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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Questions like this often require a lot of introspection and shouldn't be taken too lightly (so you won't confuse yourself). Always defaulting to a specific gender for a character doesn't necessarily mean you identify with that gender. There can be many reasons for people to do that. A female character tends to have a slimmer profile, be easier on the eye to look at (pretty face, sexy clothing, different body-language, whatever else), maybe it adds to the "escapism" aspect that draws you into SL, or maybe some other non-identifying reasons are why you make that choice. There are people who do cross-dressing without identifying with the opposite gender. There are people who enjoy or even incorporate aspects of the opposite gender (colors, fashion, mannerisms, etc) to themselves without identifying as the opposite gender. We can't give you the answer, we can only ask more questions, which you have to repeat to yourself and think on it to get an answer. That answer might not be correct either, so you need to ask a lot more before you can make a reliable conclusion about whether or not you think you're trans. Some people have been asking questions since they were children. Some start later in life. Some people have gone as far as starting an actual transition process before realizing they were wrong about themselves. What I would ask is whether or not you're trying to seriously figure out who you are, or whether you're just trying to figure out what to tell people on the internet. If it's the latter, I don't think it matters at all until you're trying to establish a relationship or you're thinking of meeting someone in real life.
  2. It's not because of the texture, but because of mismatching normals between the head and the body. That can only be fixed by changing the lighting (angle, or maxing out the ambiance to remove shadows, CalWL windlight). Or you can make the mesh and match the normals. But yeah, demo head for a product picture would look pretty bad. I wouldn't buy one, unless there was at least one non-demo head where the full skin was showing. (Also assuming the skin had a demo I could try myself.) Also, whether or not you're a beginner doesn't excuse bad presentation. A customer doesn't generally think "yeah that looks pretty bad but I'll spend my money on it anyway to encourage them." Some might, but I seriously doubt you'd find people in the double digits doing that unless they have a lot of expendable income. But for what it's worth, the skin looks okay, I'd almost buy it since I like most of these "super soft" skins that are mostly gradients. I especially like the nose. But the lips and inner-eyelids look a bit off (too saturated/orange), so I'd personally pass on it if I saw it on MP.
  3. The people who were in SL before mesh still tend to say "prims" as a synonym for Land Impact. Mesh can have LI between 0.5 (half a prim) and "there isn't enough capacity in the sim to rez this." The discrepancy is because mesh is often much "heavier" than prims. More data to send to a viewer, more data to handle for collisions, and more data to render on the screen. Some regular prims can also be tortured in such a way that they consume much more land impact, mainly because the physics cost shoots way up. For marketing purposes, you should ALWAYS list the LI. The number of "prims" (which could mean links in the linkset) is not useful information for the buyer. If you're doing a contest, the choice is up to you. Is it more important that the object only takes up an equivalent of 50 prims, or are you allowing 50 individual components? Also, you can just right-click an object and "inspect" it rather than using the clunky area search window.
  4. Recently, somebody was talking about Unix time and how SL scripts will potentially fail on year 2038. I jokingly chimed in with "unless SL fails first," but I guess the joke's on me.
  5. Nataly Top by Nerido. (The avatar isn't mine, I saw them at Collabor88) Edit: On a closer look, it's 157'000 triangles and uses 7 max-resolution textures... without the bikini! Why...
  6. Thank you. That makes sense, considering how rare it is to see avatars that are unusual in height. So to accomplish that, you would need to create the mesh body and the deformers to go with it, and that's not practical for me (and most people I imagine). Regarding the pelvis scale, you made it sound like scaling the pelvis could affect the whole skeleton. Is that the case (if it was supported and we ignored all the potential drawbacks)? Otherwise it would be kind of odd to mention the scaling of a single bone.
  7. Hopefully the title gives a clear enough idea of what I'm talking about. I'm using Blender 2.8 with Avastar, and what I want to know is if there's some kind of deformer (animation) that I can create which would not only adjust the length of bones, but the "volume" of the bone as well. For example, let's say you have a Maitreya body (editing the mesh is not an option), and you want to make a bigger version of it than regular sliders would allow. Simply changing the length of each bone wouldn't work, since you'd look like some kind of new-wave Slenderwoman. Each part of the body that gets stretched would also have to get proportionally "thicker" so it would still look proportional. I noticed the rig has Collision Volume bones, and I know/think they're related to the sliders, but can I scale them on their own? So any mesh that gets attached would be "scaled" as well? Is there an clean process to this (making sure things don't get distorted), or am I stuck with trial and error?
  8. 🤔 Siemens stated that the worm has caused no damage to its customers,[26] but the Iran nuclear program, which uses embargoed Siemens equipment procured secretly, has been damaged by Stuxnet.[27][28] You also left out the key part of the sentence you quoted. How disingenuous can you get? Despite speculation that incorrect removal of the worm could cause damage,[67] Siemens reports that in the first four months since discovery, the malware was successfully removed from the systems of 22 customers without any adverse effects.[65][68] The removal process did not cause damage, but the mere existence of it (where it was intended) was already causing damage. Later: [Michael Hayden] believed it had been "a good idea" but that it carried a downside in that it had legitimized the use of sophisticated cyber weapons designed to cause physical damage.
  9. Why do you have such a strong need to defend a statement like "no software in the planet has ever broken hardware?"
  10. Yes, if software manages to damage the hardware, removing that software and doing a factory reset won't fix anything. The problem is now (assumed to be) in the hardware. Nothing short of new physical replacements will fix it now. As you say, the techs will do that if necessary.
  11. It's absolutely false to claim that software can't destroy hardware. Software can control hardware in a way that can permanently damages it. PCs are all about software controlling hardware. (Drivers, fan controls...) Certain BSODs can be triggered simply by trying to access a region of memory that doesn't exist. Firestorm already has the occasional pointer-related crash, but it's impossible for us as the simple end-user to figure out the exact cause of a BSOD.
  12. RLV is a feature that is built into some viewers (such as Firestorm). It enables scripts to send messages in such a way that the viewer recognizes them as "special commands" which the viewer will respect and do something, like teleport, sit on an object, or take off / wear something. A reference manual of the API can be found here. In short, RLV commands are sent from scripts as llOwnerSay messages. Only the owner's viewer can hear them, and only the owner's viewer will respect the commands. (You can't use RLV commands in llSay or llShout to affect other people...) Although it is possible to use RLV relays, which are essentially scripted objects that repeat RLV commands they hear from others (llSay) to llOwnerSay so the owner can be affected. For example: So, a script could do: llOwnerSay("@attach:shape_folder/stage_one=force"); ... some time later ... llOwnerSay("@attach:shape_folder/stage_two=force");
  13. No, trust me, you're like an externalization of my own thought process. I make the same arguments as you to myself and have the same internal discussion about this topic and I fully understand the point you are making, but as usual you're using hyperbolic arguments that go beyond what you mean, or what I think your point is, or you're being as uncharitable as ever when it comes to the opinions of others, taking them either extremely literally or applying your own implications to their words. (The same thing that causes you to accuse others of "putting words in your mouth.") Second Life is not real life. Anything that happens to your avatar in SL has no physical effect on you. That's an undeniable, literal statement of fact. If you genuinely disagree, you are crazy. However, humans have complex minds. The things that they experience through a virtual platform (insults, harassment, griefing, "having their avatar abused," etc) does have an effect on the mind, as even people who don't identify with their avatar will find it annoying (to the point of becoming upset/enraged/stressed/depressed) when they are personally experiencing someone else saying or doing mean things directed at them. They don't just think "that fictional game-character is just insulting this fictional game-character I'm controlling on the screen," more often than not they read the word "you" and interpret it as one's self (unless it's clearly established to be roleplay or something). It goes even deeper than that, and although you could "just log off," that doesn't always solve the problem when it stems from personal friends/relationships who you might keep contact with even outside of SL. Even this website isn't "real," it's just text on the screen, yet people's behavior is often real-ly affected by what is posted because we don't always have an objective separation between the physical and the virtual. I don't think we even should. So you are right, it's not just fantasy as we are personally experiencing the things that happen. But if you think that your avatar is literally you, as in "weapons should be banned because only violent people would use them" or "child avatars need protection from predators" as if they were actual children, you're disconnected from the actual reality where SL-violence is safe and no child avatar is an actual child of the same age. It is more nuanced than "you obviously just don't understand." Acknowledging that "SL isn't real" doesn't inherently mean that the people who know it are somehow acting "different" from how they would act in real life or being inconsiderate of other avatars. Some do, some don't, some do sometimes, some only change a few things such as their gender but keep their personality exactly as they are. Your opinion is expectedly black-and-white yet again, just like everything else you've said. Me calling you anti-social is not intended as an insult either, and I definitely don't consider myself a "socialite." But you're going so hard with trying to express your opinion that you can't see how you're saying something totally different from what I think you intend to say. Yes, sometimes it's fun to poke people. I often make arguments I don't necessarily agree with (which is an exercise in empathy and open-mindedness in itself) in order to coax a more nuanced opinion from people, or to see how far their opinion goes. But I think you're giving yourself too much credit for that, whether to ignore or excuse your own poor style of arguing.
  14. The people who literally can't discern fantasy from reality are what we call crazy people. "I never said all I said most/majority of the people that use them are just incels and degenerates. again you are the one now trying to put words in my mouth.." [Earlier] "A big reason why those that go there is to use and abuse those that just leave themselves open to it. ... they are degenerate people ... they are incels. You can try to defend it all you want but it doesn't change the facts of why the majority of the patrons go there. " You can't be this disingenuous, surely you understand that how you say things heavily affects how other people will read and take from it. I can already hear "that's not my problem" but you're either completely lacking social awareness or you just love to argue (which I do too, can't blame you), but dude.
  15. Rigged mesh, if attached to the HUD, will never show for anybody but the user. The HUD attachments are "private" in that sense.
  16. With RLV you can automatically swap to different shapes over time, with the progressive changes you want.
  17. It's a feature. Before you say "then it shouldn't be a feature," why not, and does that mean I can still spam messages to you every second and you won't consider as abusive/harassment? If yes, let me know. If no, what changed?
  18. What you don't realize that I could do that without EVER coming into contact with you. I don't need to see you, you don't need to be in a nearby sim, nothing. The only thing I would need is your avatar's UUID, which is public information. Mine is 779e1d56-5500-4e22-940a-cd7b5adddbe0 Yours is 46708f33-74d1-4225-b5b7-5cf7a64fed7c I know this despite never having met you in-world. The point I am making is that some abuse you can't escape without abandoning your account, or getting help from LL.
  19. Does Mono on/off show any noticable difference?
  20. *Sends you 1 message every second, for every second while you're online, expending your IM capacity while you're offline, no matter where you are, no matter if you mute the object.*
  21. From my experience, opening new windows (chat tabs, second inventory, etc) can be slow depending on its content, made worse by a slow computer. What kind of computer do you have? Does it happen on other viewers? Do you save chat history?
  22. I'd recommend looking up things like line-draw algorithms, rasterisation, and matrices (singular: matrix -- related to homogeneous coordinates) which you'll need to get things drawn on the screen correctly. This is an amazing resource: https://www.scratchapixel.com/
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