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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Paranoia and/or control-freaks. Anything that someone might be able to do to steal, break, change, or re-purpose the product must be prevented or strictly controlled. It doesn't protect the product from being stolen.
  2. There's no way for objects to take other objects into their contents. There's also no way for objects to move other objects. Objects can only move themselves.
  3. Wulfie Reanimator


    BOM stands for "Bakes On Mesh." Bakes are the textures used by the system (LL) avatar. BOM allows your mesh attachments (usually body-parts) to use the same textures. When an attachment is using BOM, the appropriate section of the system avatar will vanish, so you shouldn't use full-body alphas or you'll end up having no body at all. Essentially, this allows you to use skins, tattoos, and regular clothing layers on your mesh body without needing any appliers. All of your body textures will also combine into fewer textures, making your avatar easier to render, and making SL run a little better.
  4. I didn't know about this and it seems like something a few creator friends of mine might want to know about... Also, that's a very pretty object. Edit: For what it's worth, I wasn't able to reproduce this with Blender. (I used a cube with a slightly-concave side.) Whether or not the object was scaled or not, the normals would always show identical.
  5. The fact is that you're being harassed. He is hurting your feelings to the point of driving you out of your favorite spot and making you block him. Let him know you're not interested, and want him to stop. Just because you strip doesn't mean you want to bang whatever random dude asks for it. If he feels hurt by that, assuming you don't go nuclear on him, that's not your responsibility.
  6. I mean it's pretty logical, right? If you have a way to get the other object's UUID, you can use that same method to get further data from that object (such as URL in description/hovertext, or even llEmail for first contact.) In practice though, there isn't a way for one object to discover the UUID of another, unless it's in a connected sim. The only way you could discover UUIDs from disconnected sims is by hand or an external server.
  7. AWS offers free database services. I haven't gotten around to trying it yet but it sounds like a super good offer. I doubt anybody in SL is going to reach its limits. 750 hours per month of database usage 20 GB of database storage 20 GB of database backups or 25 GB of database storage 25 "units of write capacity" 25 "units of read capacity" (Enough for 200 million requests per month.)
  8. If you have a way to know the UUID of both objects, you have a way to know the URL (from llRequestURL) of both objects. In that case, you can use llHTTPRequest to talk directly between the objects, since you can make the request with the other object's URL. But, URLs are even more fragile than object UUIDs, so without a way to automatically republish the URLs of at least one of the objects to some fixed, external-to-SL location (or Experience), your communication will inevitably break if both objects lose their URLs at the same time. (Such as when the grid goes down, or a rolling restart gets both of them.) Edit: And yes, grid-wide access to the Experience database would be more than enough for me. It would solve so many problems and remove the hassle of setting up external services.
  9. For context: I don't know if my function can be made any more efficient, short of maybe replacing the LL functions with "manual math." It works as long as the center of the target is inside the cone. For cases where an object is partially inside the cone, without the center being in the cone, there would always need to be at least one (or multiple) raycasts inside of the cone, such as finding the closest edge within the cone and firing a ray along it, in hopes that it can still hit the target. But that would be unreliable as you could no longer assume that "if nothing is hit, there must've been line of sight." The ray would have to actually hit the target, which creates some caveats like moving targets and weirdly-shaped targets. (Imagine trying to hit the center an L-shaped target.) You would also have to discard the arc and range checks, since the target's center could be just outside the range of the cone, but still extend into range. I think this would sacrifice performance in cases where the target is nowhere near the cone.
  10. Just because you can still find download links for it doesn't mean it isn't dead/abandoned. I would much rather direct people towards mobile solutions that are in active development.
  11. I'm 99.9% sure there's nothing about virtual worlds that would make them "illegal" for underage people. It probably comes down to the user-generated nature which allows for largely unregulatable content. Anybody can waltz into a PG sim and throw hardcore porn on the screen. Also the whole "real money economy" and gambling sims. Which MMOs are you talking about by the way? Lumiya is old, dead, and buried. Just use SpeedLight as a better example. Buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords, definitely looks like a scam.
  12. I'm not at home to test but it seems like you'd benefit from having more lights set up, to make the shadows "softer." There might be other settings but I don't recall off the top of my head. That's not a resolution issue, the shadows look to be caused by the actual topology.
  13. This would hint to the AO listening only to the avatar. Eg. llListen(llGetOwner); Gestures are your only option unless you can change the AO script.
  14. Definitely this, but it has some nuances. The LODs need to have "the right amount" of triangles proportionally to the object's size. (This is usually the root cause of high land impact.) The physics shape definitely wants few triangles, but the overall shape also matters. (Certain gaps or long/thin triangles can skyrocket physics weight.) With some patience it's even possible to get some text down to 1 LI. The limited edges can even add a nice stylistic effect. When it gets tricky to figure out what to take out for the LODs, I like to triangulate the faces to see where the "small areas" are. If I see a thin triangle, I look to see if I can slide any of the edges around to get rid of it. 1 LI at slightly over 2.5 x 0.5 meters. (1220, 408, 256, 24 triangles) I also found it extremely useful to use vertex groups to define important edges that shouldn't be dissolved. With them, you can use checker-deselect and then also deselect the important edges. For example.
  15. You would, of course, add the front/back faces back after you're done reducing the curved surfaces. Removing them is necessary to make the simplification a much less painful process, because the edges on the front would make selection and dissolving very impractical. This is what would happen: On the left, I removed every other edge. This didn't actually reduce the topology because you'll get the real triangulated faces back after you upload it to SL, which would result in a mesh that looks like the one on the right. Nothing changed. Manually simplifying the front face would be pointless because it's all flat. You can simply select the outer edge and press F to fill in the face: This will also get triangulated during the upload process, but that's fine. It's a flat, static face, so the result does not matter.
  16. So let's say you have something like this, converted to mesh: If you extrude the mesh to give it thickness and run Limited Dissolve, it actually does a surprisingly good job, though it breaks some shapes: Note how the C, O, and D start poking through each other. In this case it could totally be cleaned up by hand. If you have a more elaborate font (as was shown) or otherwise need/want to control the LODs (which is what I'd always recommend), you can instead extrude the mesh and delete the flat faces on the front/back, like this: (Tip: Use "Select Similar" and "Normal") Now you could start manually selecting and reducing the curved edges. To reduce the amount of clicking, you can use the Face Select mode and Ctrl-Click to make a "path selection" between two points. Then you can hold Shift-Alt and click twice on the side edges to deselect them. Then, Checker Deselect will remove every other edge from your selection. Then you can Dissolve Edges to remove them without breaking the surface. It's not as much work as it might seem at first, and it's a process that should work regardless of what kind of font you're dealing with. It's more likely that the majority of your LI comes from the automatic physics model during upload. Did you read the link I gave you? Can you show the upload window in SL? Export a simple 6-sided cube from Blender and use that as your physics model.
  17. Some reading material: TLDR: You'll need to simplify your model and its physics shape. If you want to share the model, I can probably do it for you.
  18. Can you show the "Worn" tab in your inventory?
  19. TVs on SL are just simple web browsers, lacking support for many features. I haven't tried logging into Google through SL myself, but you may be stuck using a proper one. If you're trying to log in to share a view with someone else, it's not going to work. When you log in, they won't be logged in because their browser is separate from yours. Only the URL is shared between viewers, not the page content.
  20. Exposure and plain goodwill are both common reasons. For example, I've donated my time and knowledge writing scripts, tutorials, and answering questions for people for many years. I haven't gotten anything back for 99% of it. I can't really explain it, I just do it.
  21. While I agree with the point you're making, what benefit or "open discussion" goes on in marketplace product listings?
  22. Being against AFK places because you saw a child avatar in one is pretty dumb, I think. A person with a child avatar is capable of going to ANY sex-spot. By your logic we should shut down everything explicit. Yes, the child avi should always be reported if you're going to, no exceptions. The non-child (if any) could arguably have some exceptions such as this case. I don't think quoting the TOS in an abuse report is very useful though... The people checking the report should know it like the back of their hand already, or at least well enough to know that age-play is a no-go. Instead, make sure the screenshot shows the act clearly. Maybe give some context like that it's an AFK place. I think it's more likely that they just enjoy it and don't expect others to notice/care. Especially if the reaction we were told about is accurate.
  23. You're friends with a supposed misogynist? But you're here rallying troops to "shut down" other places? Grow a backbone.
  24. Are you kink-shaming? You can't take away my right to be voluntarily oppressed. Wait. I changed my mind, this is hot.
  25. No, but you can enable the LSL Preprocessor if you're on Firestorm. It adds a comment like this to the source code: //program_version Firestorm-Releasex64 - Wulfie Reanimator //last_compiled 06/02/2020 11:13:25 You can find it in Preferences > Firestorm > Build 1 > Enable LSL Preprocessor
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