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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. Do you have the surl for Love? The search function has been sucking so bad as of late...
  2. As someone who has to return to the physical office, I felt this.
  3. Never trust a club that hates Ylvis to be a a good place to be caught dead in.
  4. I've never held a job in SL. RL work is stressful enough; I certainly don't need that kind of drudgery in SL. XD I live off my weekly stipends from being a premium account.
  5. I got childhood and maturity for now.
  6. Did you see this one? I don't know how I managed to miss it when it was streamed live. It was nice of them to leave it up.
  7. Making Greg get his organizing game in order.
  8. My Joker origin story started the same way. That's how I came to hate techno dance music. "...thumpa-thumpa-thumpa..." LOL. What did they hope to prove? That's like bringing silly string to a gunfight.
  9. Goes to show that one should back up the (surviving) pictures they care about on their local machines instead of relying on servers they don't own to always be there.
  10. 1) The clear layer feature on the head HUD should take care of it like Rowan said. 2) There is absolutely no need to rebuy the head. The store has a redelivery terminal where you can get a new copy, free of charge, in case things get FUBARed.
  11. The profile problem has been going on for a while. It was reported by others: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-229730 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-231035 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-229743 Currently, the Lindens have stated that there is no estimated time or date for a fix.
  12. There are two terminals; one for Shyla Diggs and one for Tricky Boucher. Click on Tricky's terminal and hopefully you should see your past body purchase.
  13. I'll either have buyer's remorse or regret not buying when the price is at its cheapest. What is that lingo kids say these days? YOLO
  14. The CSR did say the more narrow the shoulders, the more pronounced the neck bump; so it's very likely. It's going to be a challenge finding a balance with broader shoulders and still maintain Greg's svelte physique.
  15. 1 for me. I like having a premade landscape and house so I can have more LI to work with without the house and trees eating into the prim allotment. I can't terraform worth a damn, so the arranged flora and paved roads on the Belli continent is nice.
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