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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. Something like these styles? https://www.flickr.com/photos/151501485@N05/ https://www.flickr.com/groups/3978385@N21/pool/ https://www.flickr.com/groups/cyber-punk-fair-by-flairforevents/pool/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/waltonwainwright https://vexihgunz.blogspot.com/2021/07/blog-post.html Some pictures will include style credits which will lead you to stores.
  2. This is what I think slides into the gambling territory. You pay for the slim chance of getting the correct piece to complete an outfit. Not like the gumball machine scenario where you know it's just one item offering different colors and it gives out a random color with each pull.
  3. He looks pretty good with the AK head and Linden Library skin combo. Very nice!
  4. Thanks. I realized the head doesn't include the body skin and forgot to mention that it came from the L'Homme gift by DNA.
  5. @headda What you're seeing is the new feature of the Evolution line heads. Evo X is supposed to be higher definition and needs specialized skin made for this feature. This is why your face looks funky when the head is activated in Evo X mode. You can still use regular skins with the heads by clicking on the EVO button as Coby illustrated above.
  6. A quick snapshot of the budget look of the day. The head was a past Christmas gift from Lelutka. Skin, hairbase, eyes, and beard came with the head. With the way the outfit was made so the hands are permanently in pockets, one could get away without a mesh body. Only alpha layers are needed to hide the system body. Shirt and pants: Pare.Matthew Dad Ensemble - Megapack (Lucky board prize) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oliver/108/126/200 Shoes: Hoorenbeek Chelsea boots (group gift) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/JT World VI/133/162/23 [Edited to add: I forgot to mention body skin: BROX [L'Homme] Readers Gift by DNA. Because how else could you see the rest of his neck? ] Total cost: L$0
  7. Thanks. Given this context it sort of puts some of the off-the-wall posts into perspective.
  8. Secure Copy Protocol? Software Change Package? Specialty Care Provider? Help this old man out please. 🤔
  9. Sorry. I honestly didn't see your post. I'm beginning to wonder if there's a time delay for a new post to appear for everyone else as we've seen other people reporting not seeing previous threads before making their own on same topics.
  10. I see there's a new pop-down box thing when you click to sign in: ... only for it to take you to the old log in screen to relog again? What's the purpose of this?
  11. I'm surprised to see heart failure and cardiac arrest amongst those youngins. Heart trouble is commonly considered an old people aliment.
  12. The old woman was a medical anomaly much like Lemmy Kilmister who lived to 70 with a liter of whiskey and 2-packs-a-day habit. It's a miracle he made it as long as he did considering his unhealthy habits. It's insane when some folks look at them and think just because they had defied the odds it must mean their lifestyle could work out fine for them too. Anyone who drank and smoked the way Lemmy did would quickly earn themselves a membership to the 27 Club, or suffer some malaise.
  13. Not gonna lie, I actually sang along to this.
  14. Ok, so the sweater is a little too big. The kid will grow into it.
  15. They should've cancelled considering the world is still not out of the woods yet with covid. They said the reason for not cancelling is because of money? How bad could the financial fallout be compared with human lives? Now there are reports of athletes testing positive for the virus. 🤦‍♂️
  16. Pick up a demo for Signature Gianni. It's popular, easy to dress, and could be easily molded into the "Dorito" look you're after. The second popular body is Belleza Jake. Apparently plenty of people like it enough for creators to keep making new contents for it. My main reservation for this one is the lack of updates and THAT NECK SEAM. The third popular choice is (TMP) Legacy. You can get a slim and shredded look with this one. I personally don't care for TMP because of past business practices and how it lags everyone out.
  17. Can't make a horse drink and all that, but please stay the heck away from the rest us with your Delta variants.
  18. How others see you doesn't matter. They have their viewers set to their own favorite lighting environment so you'll still look fine to them. Just don't walk around with facelights. Not only will 2008 be calling for them back, they will make you look awful with the Chernobyl chic glow filling the whole sim, and ruin the local lighting ambiance regardless of anyone's settings.
  19. Did Europe lift the travel ban against Americans? Let me know if you're able to get past the ban in New Zealand.
  20. Like LittleMe, I would agree with the lawyer. There's a possibility somebody misinterprets a few details and stories become something like the Telephone game on social media. What a PR headache that would be.
  21. I'd say the path of least resistance to finding clothes and skin for a body would be Maitreya because of its ubiquitousness. If you want a cheaper option, you can look into LucyBody. It fits Maitreya clothing and Slink shoes pretty well. There's a free one you can get via the Midnight Mania board. Give it a slap, wait for the target to be reached, and it'll be delivered. It's BoM enabled and you'll need to buy the BoM relay for L$197. Most modern skins have moved to BoM so they should work. Applier HUDs are becoming old tech.
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