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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. Of course! Classic fashion will never go out of style. Heck, her ensemble outlasted blinging shoes, invisiprims and sculpties. 👍
  2. @TrophySpouse Send me the info please. Ya'll got me curious now. I must see this shopping event.
  3. I'd say the legs have a bit more meat than the chicken-legged Gianni. The booty is definitely a lot thiccker even with the slider at zero.
  4. It's like what's the point of having the alarm if the owner doesn't come running out to defend their car? I'm reminded of a time when a couple of friends and I encountered a car with a motion sensor alarm that sends out a warning message that said "Stop! Step away from the car!" It amused us greatly to see a talking car. Being the defiant 12 year olds we were, we sprinted in and out of the sensor range just to get the car to talk. It did this about 10 times before the alarm sent a final warning countdown prior to sounding the siren. No adults ever came running out to check on the fancy car. lol
  5. With the lack of available clothing variety for the body, I'm afraid you're stuck with your purchase. If I were to make another expensive purchase I would walk around in the demo version of the body and skin I'm considering first before buying. It may take a few weeks or months to get a feel for them and figure out your likes and dislikes. At the same time you should browse the market for clothes that would work with it.
  6. White Canvas Templates and Meli Imako are having a 50% off winter sale on select items where you can pick up some furniture, decor items, and various tchotchkes. White Canvas Templates - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/141267 Meli Imako - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/67299
  7. Not so easily... May I present the 1 hour version for your listening pleasure? I don't remember how. It came up in the recommendations and now I feel I must share the wealth. There you go with putting nefarious ideas in my head. I might necro Strawberry Linden's dance challenge thread for my next tentative video.
  8. @colleen Criss I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolences.
  9. Welcome back. Skell Dagger has some tutorials to get you up to speed. https://virtualbloke.com/tutorials
  10. I have pen... I have apple... Apple-pen! PEN PINEAPPLE APPLE PEN
  11. Ship in a bottle decor by Hilted. 1 LI. A free gift for the L'Homme Magazine group with free join. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/HILTED/137/126/24
  12. Look out for the shoes as well. When Belleza updated to v.2, they broke all the older content so most of them don't fit right anymore. My friend who had his body since the beta version is still salty about that.
  13. On one hand, it'll save me time in getting dressed and not having to worry about shirts and pants clipping through each other. On the other hand, Greg will be screaming bloody murder about not getting to wear his favorite pants and shoes again.
  14. This could be a minefield for the Jake body especially. It's essential to know if the rings are rigged to version 1 or 3.
  15. Stores that don't offer demos. One would think I'd learned my lesson the last time I took a gamble. 🤦‍♂️ 98% of children's clothing stores never have demos...why?
  16. ORANGE "Looks like we got mystery on our hands." "Jinkies!"
  17. For me, the studio setup or location depends on the project. A portrait project is easily done at home so I stick a flat prim behind me and sit on a poseball, then delete when done. If I want to use a backdrop and it's too big for my parcel, I go to a sandbox and rezz it in the sky. Or visit Backdrop City and use one of their backdrops. Other times I find a picturesque sim and do photo shoots there.
  18. I think I figured out what to do with that space under the stairs of my houseboat. A laundry room: It's the 3DL - Laundry Room Set at 2 LI: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/3DL-Laundry-Room-Set-2-Prims-100-Mesh/10375916 There's also a bathroom set at 3LI: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/3DL-Half-Bathroom-Set-3-Prims-100-Mesh/9645273 There's an inworld location where you can see them up close: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/NTBI/104/136/24 They have a few more furniture there as well.
  19. Why they want to do that? Some people think the reviews section is an avenue of contacting the store owner for product support and will use that instead of notecards or IMs. A store owner would have to wade through mountains of sales notifications, off-line IMs, and group notices on the off-chance of catching a complaint a customer might have made via a MP review.
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