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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. @Danielle Atheria There is no forum point critiera. You either like a post or you don't. @Bagnu It happens to the best of us. Sometimes we're so focused on one aspect that we forget to notice other details until after the fact. @Laika Ravikumar Sorry to hear of your mishap. Get well soon.
  2. It took me too long to understand that not all animations are created equal. This thread explains how some animations will not work with all body shape types. What I usually do when using an ill-fitting pose is I either change the camera angle to obscure the imperfection or use Anypose to adjust the limbs into place.
  3. Thanks! The sim's EEP does give a nocturnal feel, doesn't it? I wasn't sure if I prefer to sit in the dark or in broad daylight. haha The night sky does make the fairy lights stand out more and the lit candles made more sense for the atmosphere. For the second one, I don't know why I thought the greenery of the trees and brightness of the snow needed to be brought out. Thank you! The jacket is from Bakaboo. Thanks! A greeting card, eh? That doesn't sound like a bad idea.
  4. May I ask where the shirt/tunic is from? Asking for an alt.
  5. So far I found the Axel shirt from Bron works fairly well with a fat belly. I haven't looked at other shirts yet from that store. Bakaboo is a hit or miss. Some shirts may look okay on the belly but gaps around the neck, other shirt collars look fine. Pants are a bit trickier. Most fits rigged for brand name bodies have this horrid crotch tent distortion. I find standard XL size works better for pants with smoother crotches. Here's the Bron shirt on a Jake belly: Shirt in Jake size and standard XL pants from Bakaboo:
  6. ⬆️ This. So. Very. Much. Because they want you to dillydally around to soak in the atmosphere and EnJoY tHe FuLL sHopPiNg ExPeRiEnCe just like they like to do in RL. Them insisting on their idea of the correct way of shopping shows a severe lack of understanding of a sizable chunk of the potential customer base who prefers to shop the same way they do in RL: go in, get it, and get out. Disabling flying and direct teleporting takes away our choice to move around efficiently. Those who prefer to leisurely explore a shopping sim can still do so; nothing is being taken away from them if these functions were enabled.
  7. I had the same experience with this shop about another issue and no, this is not normal. Delays in responding due to RL is one thing, but hearing crickets after 4 months is unacceptable. This is a good way for a business to lose a customer.
  8. Funny you should mention the black and red. I was struggling with styling a pair of boots I was demoing and couldn't make it work. I ended up throwing on black jeans and called it a day. I suppose this one would be appropriate for the red challenge a while back. XD
  9. I'd say late 50's - mid 60's with plastic surgery work.
  10. Winter Love Valley sim http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/AiR Island/131/153/24
  11. A creator gets repeat business from me if they put out consistently good quality stuff that works well. Good customer service and not having silly sim rules where they require you to walk 5 miles to reach their front door without flying or double-click TP helps too. Some of my favorites include Hotdog, Riot, Apple Fall, Bleich, Izzie's, Paragon Dance Animations, Gild, and Gabriel. If I need something specific for a project, I search through Marketplace. I sometimes find new (to me) creators through blogs or browsing the weekend sales.
  12. How people decorate the inside of their houses is of no concern to me. Heck, keep the Christmas decor up year-round if you like. Unless if you start blaring Christmas music in early November...
  13. I think I may have some of these poses in my inventory.
  14. I generally sort by clothing type then sub-divided into styles or cuts. It's easier for an alt who owns one body. It becomes a bit hairier when you own multiple bodies like Greg does. The sorting method here is by clothing type, then by body fit, then style/cut. He also has a separate folder for children's clothes.
  15. I was roughly about 4 months old here. I used to be so thin.
  16. Edit the system hair by going under the "Style" tab, set everything to zero except for these three: Shear back: 50 Taper back: 50 Hair tilt: 50
  17. I was looking forward to a nice warm lasagna lunch as it sizzled and pop-popped away in the office breakroom microwave. Despite the mess it left behind evidenced by the cheese bubbling over the dish, it's still ice cold except for the surrounding 2-centimeter edge from the rim. I have cold lasagna to eat and a messy microwave to clean up. 😡
  18. The original: Then I tried to do the Dutch angle thing in Gimp because my potato computer can't handle Black Dragon:
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