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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. Considering catfishing being a SL favorite pastime, I'd imagine it smelling like burning pants.
  2. Stand back... I'm going to try SCIENCE !
  3. LOL. Their international offerings doesn't look anymore appetizing than the domestic menu. McD always look unnatural. I still would rather go to the local non-chain eateries when traveling. What's the point of going to other countries if you're not going to sample their local specialties? I'm reminded of a time when I nearly got dragged into a McDonald's in Switzerland by fellow American tourists because of unexpected high prices at other restaurants. (Prices average about 30 CHF or 33 USD per entree and a 12oz bottled water costs 4 CHF or a bit over 4 USD.) With the help of a Canadian and an Australian in our tour group, we managed to steer ourselves back to the nice Swiss cafe for better food.
  4. I'm sure there are voice changer software on the market. You can try one of those for an alt.
  5. Paragon:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mount Paragon/144/72/2089
  6. [Hair] Analog Dog freeball - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Analog Dog Hair/80/230/22 [Body] Ruth - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Ruth2-v4-Mesh-Avatar-Business/20220626 [Skin] Mango, Mango! Halloween Beta Gift 2019 - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mango-Mango-Halloween-Beta-Gift-2019/18132054 [Mask] CREATIVE STUDIO - Leviathan Mask - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CREATIVE-STUDIO-Leviathan-Mask-FREE/10235147 [Gloves] [D'eVil] Lia Bento Gloves Maitreya - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DeVil-Lia-Bento-Gloves-Maitreya/12938684 [Dress] [D'eVil] Mijn Long Dress Maitreya - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DeVil-Mijn-Long-Dress-Maitreya/13260793 [Boots] [D'eVIL] Minua Ballet Boots Maitreya - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DeVIL-Minua-Ballet-Boots-Maitreya/11934357 TOTAL COST: $0L
  7. As a part-time child avatar, there ain't nothing wrong with us. The Terms of Service has already stated that we're allowed to wander around in adult rated sims as long as we're not in close proximity to x-rated activities. I (actually Greg) don't intentionally go to A-rated sims in child form, but sometimes ended up on one because I wanted to shop in a store (during a weekend sale) that happened to rent a parcel in that sim. These trolls seem to like saying 'pedophile' a bit too much. Accusation, as is recognized in psycho-therapeutic circles, is just another form of confession. Chances of their own guilt & shame turning out to true are as good as the homophobic politician getting caught with a gay lover in a public bathroom. They could put a movie theater out of business with all these psychological projections. Reason and logic will not reach their dark minds. Tossing them into your block list takes less time than typing out "I know you are, but what am I? I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounce off me and sticks to you!"
  8. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
  9. The free body is a different rig than the current TMP Legacy and I hardly see anyone making new stuff for it nowadays. You can take a gander at Salt & Pepper for good quality latex stuff.
  10. Deselecting all animations in the HUD would be a good start. In the Vocal and Lips section (seen in example image from Lillith's post above), leaving all options deselected (button options not appearing as pink) should keep your mouth stationary.
  11. Pants and shoes never working together is the bane of my SL existence. I can only have so much patience with endless demoing before the rare occurrence of hitting the right combination.
  12. So my cousin's friend took the vaccine and two days later... BOOM! He got bitten by a møøse. Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti. Do your research!
  13. @gez12 Let's start over and rebuild you from the ground up. We'll do an avatar with BoM (Bakes on Mesh). 1. Take off everything: mesh head & body, clothes, AO, alpha layers, tattoo layers, hair, etc. until you're stripped down to the system avatar. (For more in-depth explanation of system avatar, see this link.) You should be left wearing 4 things: eyes, hair/hairbase, skin, shape. These four kinds of body parts you can't remove, but you can change them by choosing another part to wear. 2. Pick a BoM skin to wear. It may be a single full skin worn by itself or a body skin with the untextured head that you'll need to wear together with a head skin which comes in a tattoo layer. For the type that requires the skin + tattoo layer combo, these 2 parts has to be from the same store and in same skin tone to get the best matching result. 3. Put on your Lelutka head, Letlutka eyes, Lelutka teeth, and the shape that came with the head package. If you see parts of your system body poking through, put on head HUD. You'll need to find 2 BoM buttons. First BoM button is under the face tab. Click the BoM button until you don't see the system head anymore: Clicking on the BoM button allows you to switch between BoM and applier modes. (Appliers are a different method of putting on skin. It's old tech. We can deal with this later.) Now, let's take care of the eyes. Go to the eye tab and click the BoM button. Detach the HUD. 4. Put on the Belleza Jake body and its HUD. Go to the Skin tab, click on BoM button and you should not see your system body poking through anymore. Detach the HUD. 5. Now you can fine tune your look by adjusting your shape slider, going back to the head and body HUDs to experiment with gloss & shine, eyelash styles, nail color, adding more tattoo layers for facial hair, freckles, and etc., etc. 6. Don't forget to put on some clothes so you don't get arrested for indecent exposure.
  14. I gotchu fam. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/23164/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=dancer
  15. How sad for them, trying to stir up conflict. Let 'em rot. lol Wonder why. Aren't you in the country that keeps getting left off maps?
  16. LOL. What thread did I miss that lead to the creation of this secret? I am reminded of why I don't visit the VS site. That place is hot garbage. The 'm' is simply the 'w' turned upside down. It's like representative of the topsy-turvy nature of their psyche. If their head was a RL high-rise penthouse or a parcel in Bay City, think of all the savings living rent-free. But hey, free rent/tier!
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