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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. @Kimmi Zehetbauer This is absolutely shameful. The facial recognition excuse is complete horse manure. Go scorched-earth on them.
  2. Hai gaiz! Does anyone recognize the skin applier used in this picture? 'k, thx. (What? Are SL avatars not good enough to model for them?)
  3. A simple search of your name with the search function.
  4. The anti-vaxxers putting others at risk is no laughing matter, but Duterte's threat of sticking it in their butts made me laugh harder than it should. https://www.npr.org/2021/06/22/1009038842/duterte-threatens-to-arrest-filipinos-who-refuse-vaccination IN THE BUTT
  5. Also, I will repeat what LittleMe said about rezzing a flat prim first before rezzing anything else, so you'll have a safe surface to work on. A plain cube will do; simply reshape to be a bit flatter and/or increase surface area, then rez desired item. You can always delete the cube afterwards.
  6. What Storii said. Or in the pull-down menu Build > Build A box appears like this (I'm using the offical viewer. Don't know how it differs in Firestorm): When you rezz an item out you should see a yellow highlight on it. (I'm using any old item in my inventory as an example.) Right click on item and choose Edit... ...and the x,y,z arrows appears: Then position item into place.
  7. I'm guessing that when you try to rezz something on top of a mesh object, it gets bounced away from your intended target and may have crossed past the parcel boundary, hence the "owner does not allow" message. Is your item copy or no-copy? If it's no-copy, look for it in your Lost & Found folder. If you don't see it, relog and it should appear. If it's copy, rezz out a new copy, but you should go into build mode first before attempting to rezz. What it does is when the rezzed item appears inworld, it gets highlighted so you can easily spot it. Right click on it to get the x,y,z (red, green, blue) arrows to show up and move item into place.
  8. Helping haven, eh? Sounds like a place my non-premium alts would like to check out. With premium sandboxes, I know Greg and Eddy won't have to worry about random cagers flung about.
  9. I thought it was 72 slots until I tried adding a 71st group. And you are right. For me, the main reasons I pay premium: having a Linden home or 1024m of free tier access to premium sandboxes (it's more quieter than the free-for-all public ones) the weekly L$300 stipend plus the bonus L$1000 after being active for 45 days.
  10. I don't change very often. Once I've settled into my face I tend to stick with it. Greg has only changed his look once as an adult avatar when he made the move to mesh from the system body. A couple years later he had a midlife crisis and decided to run around as a 7 year old child avatar. He continued to age like Benjamin Button taking on the appearance of a 2 year old. So now he has three main looks.
  11. Some flowers for garden at 1 LI. Find it at Chris Garden, buy the little black box on the table for L$0. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kiswahili Les Resort/97/217/22 For those who want a skybox above their LH, there's a group gift skybox at Zadig with free group join. And it's only 4LI. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fancy Decor/115/39/26 Tokyo Nights Skybox:
  12. Everybody's gangsta until the guitar comes out.
  13. Ja, one would think. But if you're under 8 feet, then you must be in precocious puberty. LOL, some folks. Alas, the height debate as old as time won't be settled anytime soon. I hate to think how they'd handle pixies and dwarfs.
  14. Does Eddy look like a child avatar? But that's okay, I wouldn't want to hang around in sims with imbecilic guidelines on what a child avatar is. At least Eddy can easily get into the Berlin sim without grief. In short (no pun intended), people who don't know what an actual child avatar looks like.
  15. Are there any clothing stores selling clothes with low triangle count and won't shoot your complexity numbers to the stratosphere? I know TonkTastic does this. Are there any others?
  16. Nero N7 Lapointe Bastchild Hoorenbeek
  17. Nice to meet you too. Congratulations on your married years and may there be many more. Your case wouldn't be fake because yours is actually based in reality. Everyone's mileage varies. I say SL partnerships aren't considered real in a sense that they aren't recognized as legal in any RL jurisdiction. I have a love-hate relationship with MP. While I do like the redelivery feature and the ability to browse your complete purchase history going back several years, the filtering out demo failures drive me up the wall. Congratulations on your anniversary. Long partnerships are rare in SL and it's nice see they exist. Your longevity would be something that Zoomers would declare as #RelationshipGoals. The fickle nature of SL relationships is why people often joke about them fizzling faster than Hollywood marriages. Having a club for more than 6 months means you're doing something right.
  18. The Eon head looks promising. I just need to work up the fortitude of finding new skins and tinkering with shape sliders and seeking out cosmetics for the new X format after being with the Andrea head for so long.
  19. The original: The alpha glitch in the hair drove me crazy, so I did the patch up thing and brighten up the lighting a bit: I need to find some new hair.
  20. It's indeed a hard target to aim for. In all of my and Greg's rezzed days combined, I have never met anyone, with the exception of two, whose pretend marriage lasting more than four weeks. All too easily. No one could tell if the name in the partner box has a genuine separate typist behind it or is an alt.
  21. Imagine if there's a badge for staying SL married for longer than two years, nobody would be qualified to get into such a club.
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