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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. It's also shooting up in Canada, we are on our 3rd wave now.
  2. I totally agree with you, and with a bit more research. You will find that in 2009, was the last time that someone actually patented a virus. In a biomedical lab in England, but they had patented a strain of the avian flu that affected livestock. So yeah, I don't get how these people believe this rubbish.
  3. I don't think that many people know this, but since SARS in 2003. They actually banned the patenting of viruses. So yeah, the whole bill gates stuff, is a load of rubbish.
  4. Okies, I got rid of the glasses and I absolutely love the look guys
  5. I totally updated my look and I think I am as cute as a button.
  6. Franchising is more like those stores that sell their vendor boards, and you make a tiny profit off of a sale.
  7. I mean there is a huge list of banned games on Twitch, Yandere Simulator and Second Life are on there. And they are on their for good reasons. That being said, you can still use YouTube, as SL is not banned on YouTube.
  8. I am just gonna come out and say it, SL and RL are way too hypersexualized. To the point that it's more of a trend then a movement or even liberating.
  9. I have not heard of regions doing that either in a while. So there must be more, than what she is actually telling.
  10. Well Vampires are not a race, so that wouldn't be racism. But I mean it would be discrimination alright, I mean if someone has a problem with your lifestyle, but I can see why. I get the annoyance, but as someone else said. Just create an alt, and just gift your main the stuff.
  11. I get your sentiments, but we are all not Americans here. Not trying to argue, merely trying to give a bit of incite here.
  12. Can stores stop morphing SL heads on DAZ renders and start just taking the damn photo in SL? The Morph looks like utter crap, and well it is really off putting to see an SL head on a DAZ body.
  13. Also Havok itself can take a real beating. Look at Bethesda, for all their games that ran on Havok. They pushed that engine way beyond it's limits, and well we got 4 great games. That all being said, Havok is a really hardy engine as it stands right now.
  14. Thank you so much. This should help. Now to pull out copies of my furniture and put them in. And anything else it can copy. I mean it would also make the perfect prank too.
  15. Sim campers. Need I say more? These people take up space, and you just want to get in and out, and not have to wait a week to 2 weeks for your turn to get in.
  16. I mean it kind reminds me of one YouTuber, I won't name names as to cause controversy. They just let themselves into homes in the Bellisaria region and people just laugh and are okay with this. But I know I am one to talk about letting RL and SL intertwine, but I have one thing that will never change. If I own the property, it is not your right to just come on and tour around my place like it's yours too. Annoys the crap out of me, and something should be done about that.
  17. Yep and I also remember when everyone and their grandmother didn't own an event. Lol. Now we are totally oversaturated with events, with the same crap at every event, or the quality is lacking most of the time.
  18. Especially with some events, that spam the crap out of you inviting you to join their group. One event comes to mind, where you get 3 to 4 invites all at once, and you sit there and have to manually decline all of them. You literally only have to ask once, and even then. Have a script that records the name, so it knows for next time. To not spam that person with group invites.
  19. So basically people are on their own here, is what you are saying. Kinda unfair don't you think. And yeah people will have to find work arounds, if certain words are banned. You need to find other vernacular to describe it. I can understand if they didn't make such a vague statement. Like hey there are some words, that we don't want you to find a work around. But it does kinda feel like we have to use trial and error here.
  20. Shouldn't there be a list, so people know what words to use and not use? I think it is only fair, especially with people who resell on MP.
  21. I went to one of those places, and the hate was just abhorrent. I felt sick to my stomach, it was like they thought they had the right to speak such awful stuff.
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