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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I mean there is one store, that sells her fatpack of skins for 15k. But this is the thing, I have bought fatpacks of skins with the same or more skin colours at a lower price.
  2. You have it right, and you are certainly right on it's stupidity.
  3. I just realized this, if they update to vulkan. That will force them to basically do an overhaul on a lot of things in SL.
  4. And I mean they can't stop operations with SL. Also where did you read of SL converting from OpenGL to Vulkan?
  5. I am just gonna say it, this conveyor model seems more predatory, scammy and get rich quick than it's actual predecessor.
  6. Excuse me how does the creator take that as slandering? You were telling the truth, clearly this creator couldn't handle the truth.
  7. If this is the way we are going, I am not gonna be buying from these companies at all.Unless they offer a fatpack option. That and with the new rules, Resellers will be a thing of the past. Going forward, all these items will be no transfer.
  8. I wouldn't want to stand around for 4 hours, awaiting the item I want. I want to shop and go. Your idea seems to play on the idea, that people want to wait a crap tonne of time. Now put it in events, you might as well be waiting for longer to get in. As you have a tonne of people standing around at a machine waiting for their item to pop up. Oh boy another conveyor system idea, people are literally saying they don't like this specific approach.
  9. Yes But I don't to be gambling away my money, and pay essentially equivalent or even more for a tonne of pulls and have a tonne of duplicates. Just to get the set.
  10. I worked at a Skilled Gaming sim for a year as a greeter. It was overwhelming. Lol
  11. I was just stating that I had more fun enjoying the lounge and the soda than the gambling xD.
  12. I tried gambling at a casino at 18, and it didn't get me excited or my dopamine kicking me to do more. I was more excited that they had free Soda and sat in the lounge and just drank free soda all day.
  13. Then a lot of them wanted to tell a "story" with their gachas. How does one tell a story with a basic outfit?
  14. This is why when they introduced the choice of buying the fatpack over pulling. Thank you PocketGacha for coming up with that. That I jumped on the bandwagon and just bought the fatpack of the item I really liked. I didn't have to gamble away tonnes of my money, I knew what I was purchasing and I didn't have to worry about losing it, if SL went all wonky. I could just redeliver it.
  15. Not a lot of people are gonna like that idea, I mean it was worth putting it out there. However, I see a big problem here. As @Komarimono you are putting your big prized item behind a pay wall and depending on how much they would have to pay. As we all know, with this new method, they might as well sell it at normal price. A lot of people would be turned off, by having to pay all that for that one big prize.
  16. That happens in real life, owners of stores and even companies have regulations put on them on what product they sell to who. Like would you want cigarettes or alcohol sold to minors? Would you want food that has clearly gone bad to be sold to consumers. This is a normal practice in Real life. It is not called dictation, it's called regulation.
  17. It is not an opinion that it is gambling, it is a fact. People have been telling you that multiple times.
  18. Yes Gacha's model is a game of chance. Just cause you see it on the poster, does not mean you will get it right away. There is a huge chance of you not getting it, dependent on a few factors, how many items there are, what the pull rate for that item is. I don't know why we are going around in circles. But Gachas is a gambling mechanism. Just made to not look like one, cause you win something everytime. That and it teeters on the legal line. That all being said, some vendors offer you the choice of buying the full fatpack, not all.
  19. Yes but Gachas are considered a GAME OF CHANCE which is technically considered gambling. You pay money and there is a chance you won't get item you want and will get another item. It is like a slot machine, as you are literally putting what would constitute coins into a machine for a chance to get one of the many items that are being offered a certain percentile chance.
  20. Can we just let Gachas die with some dignity? I mean people are trying to find ways to resurrect it in new ways and not realizing, they are just wanting the exact same thing. I have seen posts basically go, this idea works best. Yes, but it has chance involved so yeah it won't work. So let the Gacha die in peace and let us move on from all this.
  21. It is gambling, that is the thing. Gacha is a game of chance, and you pay into it, and there is a chance you get a common, rare or ultra rare. I mean sure you get an item everytime, but the same could be said for an RL Slot machine as well. So I usually equate gachas, to an RL slot machine.
  22. It is still considered a game of chance, even though they put the label Skilled Gaming.
  23. You still have to pay for it, and again random "chance" making that vendor a game of chance. Ergo gambling.
  24. You are not getting it. You say it is a random vendor. So there is a random chance you may get one dragon or the other. That is literally a game of chance. So that is gambling.
  25. It literally says gacha on it, and you don't know what you are gonna purchase. As you could get a common rare or ultra rare. So you are literally taking a chance, if you were to pay the 100L on trying to get the rare. That is gambling. Lol
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