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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Please don't explain it!!! I don't want to go down some rabbit hole with you @Luna Bliss
  2. I mean minus that, you are clearly absolutely ignorant of Asians and their culture. I don't claim to know everything, but I mean you really need to look into it.
  3. Um Luna you are totally wrong. Asian doesn't just make up the countries you talked about. Places like Iran and even Afghanistan are a part of asia. And even then you can certainly tell the difference between a Korean and a Japanese person.
  4. Where? Can you at least screenshot what you mean please?
  5. Then why did you even bring up something about wrong think? If you don't feel like it's relevant to the thread.
  6. Maybe try and recap me on what I missed please? Just give me the TLDR.
  7. Whoa whoa whoa. What gives you the authority to state what this person does is either good or bad? I mean you are tolerant right? This does not come off as that.
  8. Depends on the culture though. I think Greek and Rome have gods that are either male or female.
  9. I was about to say, that is Korean. Specifically South Korean, not Japanese. That is Hanja, not Kanji.
  10. Um, you need to be careful with generalizations. Especially without evidence to back up your claim. I honestly don't know how many don't like it compared to who doesn't mind it, to who actually likes it. But please don't make massive generalizations like that.
  11. But also that goes for men too, I think everyone has the right to complete bodily autonomy.
  12. I am all for bodily autonomy. That is my big one that I agree with on the left. And no I am not saying just abortions, I do think that education should be better, but I mean if a woman is not ready to have a kid. Within a certain time limit. It is their choice what they do with their bodies.
  13. Oh I am happy and entertained. I mean I was until people started getting all vicious and stuff. Lol. But then again, these are the forums, even if they have a dissenting opinion, doesn't matter if it's pride or not. They are able to make it clear. However if people are gonna character attack each other, I do think that is in bad taste and does the exact opposite of a healty discussion.
  14. I don't care who you support Lol. That is between you yourself and you. That is your business. But I also happen to agree with certain issues on the left.
  15. Oh and I forgot to add, I vote based on the platform they stand on. Not cause they are either either conservative or liberal. I have actually voted for both, not at the same time. But during different elections, based on their platform.
  16. I am centrist/moderate. And why are you asking that? Do you think I am wrong, for not agreeing with certain things of either side?
  17. Look I am neither liberal nor conservative. I was saying if you don't like being called something out of malicious contempt. Do you think it's fair to do to others?
  18. So just cause they do it, means you should do it too? Lol. Two wrongs don't make a write and if you don't like the cis word and expect people to respect that. Then you can't go throwing words around like that. It makes you sound hypocritical.
  19. Here is my issue with this, you are basically throwing people into a box. Lol. I mean I don't mind, but other people may mind.
  20. I am not saying they have to fly a pride flag. I keep on pitching them and you keep on missing them. Keep up please. I am saying that as you stated prior that should it not be the choice of the establishment to be able to do that? There is the hypocrisy there. You are okay with churches making decisions like not allowing women to be baptist churches, but will high five churches for not being "woke" which I hate that buzzword.
  21. I mean you did use tranny and alphabet soup group or however you said it. To basically state your distaste for this. There was really no need to add those at all.
  22. I don't go to church, I am an atheist. But I am just saying again, the hypocrisy amongst both sides. That is it.
  23. I am not saying that it is a problem, I am just stating that both sides are hypocritical about stuff like this.
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