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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. No I am not influenced by anyone, If I put a cigarette in my hand in my pics. It is to literally set the mood of the pic. That is it.
  2. But here is the thing, you are not being forced to look at that image. You can just as easily scroll on by, to avoid getting triggered. So the accountability and responsibility doesn't lay on the artist, it is on the viewer. We need to stop putting it on the creator, I mean YouTube is a fine example of that. Creators have to create content that is either family friendly or has some kinda warning of adult content. As somehow they are responsible for their viewers who watch it.
  3. I mean here in Canada, companies have to legally put their ingredients on the item. So I usually just read the side of the bottle to check if it has it. That and I buy from the same company, so I know for sure what I am getting. That being said, everything in moderation as you said. But I feel like moderation is just a fantasy today, and everyone is just a glutton to their addiction.
  4. New pet peeve, people who can easily change the channel, scroll down or just go to another Youtube video. These people who complain about something triggers them, when they have the power to just scroll change the channel or even find a different video on social media. I mean I am sorry that you feel that way, but it makes it hard nowadays to create content. When someone is triggered by anything.
  5. I am not talking about dispensary marijuana, and smoking marijuana is just as bad as smoking. Again, due to the combustibles. That all being said, I think it would be far healthier and wiser to vape it. Making sure the product you get, does not have Diacetyl in it.
  6. I don't know, I feel like the OP is making mountains of molehills here.
  7. Yes, but if you don't like the content. You can easily just scroll on by, or if you don't like what you see on the avatar. You can block and derender. There is no need to make a scene.
  8. Yes, but you are comparing instant injury and death, to injury and death that happens over a period of time. Smoking doesn't instantly kill you, but jumping off a building depending on the height does. You are using an analogy that is totally wrong to the situation. A better one would be, comparing smoking to say that of heroin use.
  9. I mean the only way it is dangerous, is if there is diacetyl in your vape juice. Whether it be nic salts or a thc vape. Vape juices made without that chemical, do not cause that issue.
  10. You really can't compare jumping off a building and smoking cigarettes. They are two totally different things.
  11. But THC can be used in vape pens and actually be less harmless than it's smoked counterparts. I don't see why people need to demonize it, I don't smoke it, however I am not gonna demonize it.
  12. Okay but I mean who is actually ingesting this stuff? Minus kids. Again I don't get why people demonize smoking cigarettes and even the administering of nicotine. Yet they don't don't do that with weed or thc. Like it perplexes me, smoking in general is terrible for your health. The combustibles created, getting into your lungs. Can do a number of things. But I digress, what is the actual issue with someone smoking in an SL pic?
  13. I just want to say, it is being used in a controlled medical scenario to help people with dementia and alzheimers and adhd. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC526783/
  14. Here is an idea, and it will be revolutionary I know. How about instead of trying to censor things in pictures, like smoking, alcohol use, cuts bruises and what not. If you don't like the art, just scroll on by.
  15. I was literallly talking about nicotine with tobacco, like the patch or vaping or any other way to adminster it. Without the use of tobacco or combustibles or chemicals.
  16. I mean you have to be 16 or older, to play SL, and most 16 year olds I know are already smoking. But not due to ads, but either cause their parents do it, or peer pressure. So I don't see what protecting is doing. That and I am strongly against censorship. If a young kid sees a picture of someone smoking, it should be the responsibility of the parent to explain to the child, of what it is and that it is bad for them.
  17. It's absolutely funny and kinda hypocritical, that people want to decriminalize drugs. But yet, they want to criminalize cigarettes. When Drugs like heroin are more harmful than cigarettes.
  18. Without the combustibles, Nicotine is as harmless as caffeine. If done in moderation.
  19. That is because Swastikas promote hate speech and therefore violates TOS. Whereas smoking does not, do either.
  20. I mean sure, but that isn't the point of the OP. That all being said, yes I was a smoker. Yes I used smoking as a way to help me concentrate. I did not like the effects that ritalin produced after taking said medication. I stopped it and went straight to smoking. When vaping came around and I actually got into it. I now use nic salt vape juice to help me concentrate. I don't know why we demonize nicotine, when it is also used for Dementia and ADHD patients.
  21. Studies actually show quite the opposite, they use nicotine therapy in dementia patients. Nicotine Therapy is also great for people with ADHD and ADD. I am not telling people to smoke, but there are other ways to intake nicotine without all the harmful chemicals and combustibles of a cigarette.
  22. I do have one question. How would LL add MFA to their viewer? Also how would you add it to the TPVs?
  23. I will have to do it tomorrow, when my phone is fully charged.
  24. The only way SL is gonna ever have a second rising, is if they fix all these dang bugs first. Before they start adding more features and adding more bugs, to their ever long pile of bugs they have to deal with.
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