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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Oh, this is a really nice gift, and yay for mod. Thanks Ancient Mole for making it, and the Lab! The tombstones are awesome! And I love the rez/derez idea in the radio. Woot.
  2. Strawberry Patch? Strawberry Mousse Sweet Scarlet Parfait.
  3. The use of "spoon" as a retort to fork suggests it's a troll, or just a person with dreams but no technical ability.
  4. Heh, thanks for the compliment, but I'm not a firestorm dev, I know the limitations of my skill-set. I am though, intensely interested in your topics.
  5. Yes. Basic Follower. But there are two problems, one is they will need to rotate themselves manually the other is when you move they will be lagged a little. After yoiu stop moving they will catch up and sit back on the chair.
  6. Not sure if flouncy social experiment or dev-troll
  7. If we add O2 to the "tobacco" will it's formula change to C21H30O2
  8. I've spent quite a bit of time, months, working with the High Fidelity source code. It has no relation to the viewer code at all. Have you even cloned the HighFidelity repo? Have you cloned the FS repo? Do you have a working build environment on your PC? Can you compile the viewer yet? Do you have your fork on GitHub or elsewhere already? Have you started writing patches for it so we can look at the commits? I am dead serious Jason, look beyond your indignation and try to understand what I have said above. If you want to attract people with the skills to do this, then you need to be able to answer the questions I am posing and you need to demonstrate you can as well.
  9. Not sure what they have to do with the SL viewer at all? Neither of them are even remotely related to the viewer codebase. Not even the same licenses, HighFidelity is Apache 2.0 which might pose some legal issues, and Sansar is proprietory. Have you grabbed a copy of HiFi from their repo and then compared it to the 2016 FS code you are hoping to work with, they are very different. Effectively one is a plane, one is a car. They both carry passengers, but nothing in each is related to the other.
  10. I am actually not an FS dev. I worked for a little while on Singu, and so I am a little aware of how difficult merges can be. At the moment I am unattached to any team. My comments are serious. Another dev skill is not to be thin skinned. IRC can be brutal sometimes. I wish you well in your project.
  11. I was wondering if it were "The UUID isn't constant, it changes each time I upload the same texture" Hopefully a repro will help make this bug clearer.
  12. A huge part of being in a development team, let alone being their leader is working with bug reports. Have you considered it would be rather a good test of your skills to debug the (numerous) "texture upload problems with resultant textures that have variable uuid code" problem? You could find a reproducable test case, and lodge a well written Jira. I am not sure how far your knowledge of Java, Python, and K&R C will take you, but armed with the test case you could then dive into the source and fix it. Fixed you could submit the patch to one of the various teams for approval. Unless you plan a feature dead viewer, doing that would be less work then endless merges moving forward, especially as your fork becomes further and further diverged from everyone else.
  13. (Bran pizza is a thing) https://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/oat-bran-pizza-4977
  14. Imogen Heap singing Hide and Seek a capella. (I think the conductor is cute).
  15. It's probably best you might get someone willing to sell . Although if it's the parcel I think it is, the one with the club in a brown building on it and monorail behind, your neighbors with all the rainbows might want to buy yours too. You could then find something bigger.
  16. 1. This version is from March 2016. Why such an old, obsoleted viewer? 2. Do you know c++ and the source as well? Or just dreaming of leading a team of developers
  17. The sun and moon can travel in any direction and be any sizeand intensity. Being done with frames of variable length inside the day cycle I believe (untested) they can also do silly things like reverse direction or do zig zags. The clouds are movable in speed and direction just as now, again a texture to apply on them.
  18. For the logo stuff https://secondlife.com/corporate/brand/trademark/
  19. Unheilig heute Abend - 「Mein Stern」 And for those who can't see my vevo's a different version of the same song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8Kk5i-um7c
  20. Redacted Removed Deleted Abandoned .
  21. So many wants. I see a little partially broken legacy content might be possible, although I have not yet tested this, in lights/birds/so on that turns on or off depending on light. At the parcel level that might be messed up, also I am not sure how it will handle the sun and moon both being present, although I htink it's mainly done on sun angle, so should be ok. I don't think automatic lights/bird noises are a reason to change a thing though. They still work somewhat, and EEP has far more value, and all those things can be rewritten to account for parcel sun direction.
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