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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Timezones are a pain, Australia just went to DST so now I get an extra hour each (euro) night with my partner. Tonight we are dancing at a popular German Goth club. 31 here so far and the numbers growing to the normal full region. And I only needed to wake at 7am, instead of 6am.
  2. How could I resist! (no offence meant to anyone in this one) becomes Share your Inspirational Moments - The Covfefe Thread
  3. I can imagine the shock of that, and can very much see the typo happening. I'm actually trying to think how you can blacklist those shop devices you implicitly trust because they are yours. An untrusted alt to rez them maybe? By his request, and with full consent, I set my primary subs safeword to something he can't type easily. Heartcore scripts installed, so there is no RED alternate, and relay is locked to always be permissive. He'd have to deal with the noob. My embaressing moment? The worst is a crash when I was naked, and in the middle of some adult activity. Relogged to appear in Ahern. Normally I would fly up before my mesh rezzed, but there was that glasshouse design to catch people. The panic is quite real sometimes, and it's difficult to do simple things in that panic.
  4. No, feedback is a screeching whistle. Foldback is the performer hearing themselves. It's a good thing in a live setting and quite desirable when it's instant, but when there is lag, it's really bad. Hearing your own voice 6 seconds delayed causes most people to stop talking, it's quite jarring. Think of it like an echo on a cell phone, but worse. These are live foldback speakers...
  5. We *really* need a groan like.
  6. Psycho Kitty Qu'est-ce que c'est ? fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better Run run run run run run run away
  7. Interesting problem! I can't speak from experience of doing it, although I stream a lot and can visualise some of the issues. I hope you don't mind me making these comments. Apologies in advance if it's useless. Solution 1.... Streaming - lowcost, complicated, laggy, likely not ideal You would need everyone to use similar software that would transmit their voice reliably. An Icecast endoint using Mutt for example. A central person - the sound engineer - would attach to all the endpoints. It would be a star shape. And that central person would open up each and every performer's stream. He would rebroadcast his systems audio to a proper shoutcast server with sufficient capacity for the audience. It would be ideal if he were using Linux and Jack so that each of the performers streams could be fed to an onscreen mixer, and his stream fed to the shoutcast server. I am not sure Windows is smart enough to do a good job of it. There are two problems - One will be foldback, the performer can deal with this by removing their headphones as they speak, but that will be an issue with snappy dialog. The other problem, and a far bigger one, will be lag, and I can't see a way around that in a live situation. There is a 1.5 second or so delay at each point, 6 seconds of lag all in all. Performer ----- 1.5 seconds ------> technician -------- 1.5 seconds --------> other performers -------> 1.5 seconds ----> technician ---- 1.5 seconds -----> 1st performer Solution 2... Workable, lag free, low quality voice only, but would carry a cost. Business grade VOIP sessions can be rented. They are high quality, very reliable, and have almost zero lag. This is, essentually, commercial grade Vivox done over normal phones. I use them every day in conferences all over the world, lag is not detectable. Everyone would use a good quality phone, or sip software with a high quality codec and dial in to a commercial grade conference server. One person would digitise the conference and send it to a shoutcast server for the audience. I'd envisage that technician would use SIP software on their computer and rebroadcast that. Again, linux using Jack - althought this time windows could do it too if they were very careful of other noises their computer makes. Main problem would be quality. It would sound like a telephone call. Meh. Cost would be in the order of $0.05 to $0.30 per line per minute. Solution 3... Workable, lag free, low cost, likely ideal Teamspeak. Millions of people in MMO dungeons can't be wrong. A teamspeak server is very easy to set up. The software is stable, lag free and high quality. Each person would join the software with teamspeak, a technician would use linux and Jack, or less optimally windows to rebroadcast it. https://www.teamspeak.com/en/ I'd certainly do some dry runs on teamspeak. I think it would work well. If you need help with performing a trial let me know, I can do the technical stuff for you in advance.
  8. Numbers are more likely down because a lot of people in Florida are dealing with the aftermath of the storm, or because it's almost summer in Australia so people are at the beach, or the earlier nights means people in Brazil are eating earlier, or those in Asia are dealing with the aftermath of an earthquake. Think of the biggest number of green dots you ever saw in LR, be that 50, 60, or even 70 green dots... and that's the absolute maximum drop in concurrency you would expect, and that's assuming all those green dots farming LR were angry and went back to watching animax in Sao Paulo, Brazil or Caracas, Venezuela or Toronto, Canada or Sydney, Australia or Nashville, TN.
  9. I still think of that post quite a bit. In fact each time I go to provide some creative critisism on a build I bite my tongue a little and second guess myself. I actually think we hurt the feelings of the mesher, Patch saying he walks amongst us too or words to that effect. I might be wrong, but the images the Mole provided with his design choices were clearly the same style as someone who gives a lot of help on the forums in his normal account, and someone whom I always read with a lot of respect. I'm actually going to say sorry to the moles and to Patch for comments I made about the Skybox back then. I let the dissapointment of nomod get to me.
  10. Editing this: People who have used XYText and it's variants should look at the photos above a little closer, and consider the scripting magic.
  11. I sort of want to make a non-political comment about the very heavy chain the PM oft wears and how it will stop her being blown around the houses of parl. Without that chain it would be a Benny Hill-esque chase as the Lords run after her trying to grab her ankles as my storm whips about the house.
  12. We just had a few supercells in Queensland too, hail the size of baseballs, scary, a few deaths from them. Florida got hit bad. Hope everyone who is in the path of all these weird weather events stays safe!
  13. If one is using firestorm... Developer>Avatar>Character Tests>Appearance to XML. Save that file on a local disk, or google drive, or one drive, or email it to yourself. You can then start a blank shape in firestorm, and import the XML.
  14. Wonder if he has bunks in his mouse house? Soundly Sleeping Patch!
  15. Patch is a mouse, this is obviously a mouse house. Mouse houses are tiny! Special Small Pad
  16. The door and door frame look to be sculpts. Relinking might have messed them up. Can you rez a new copy? As something unrelated: Have you applied materials to the door frame? Because the LI for it is pretty high.
  17. In 4 steps. Each layer darker then the previous. Oh, I understand... does one layer fade into another like when changing windlights. I'll have to check and post back, if nobody beats me to it.
  18. Intestesting effect... I guess that was done with the two planets moving the same way and fading one away?
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