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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. I'm going to take Kristin's action as a clear "Politics discussions are bad". From my opinion, and I think a few of the internationals feel the same: American politics are toxic. Politics and religion should always be off topic.
  2. Right now you can use parcel windlight in Firestorm and other TPVs. This will not work in the LL viewer. https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_windlight The Lab is currently working on EEP (Environtment Enhancement Project) that will allow anyone with a current viewer, including the Lab's own, to do it. That is still a while off, although I am sure they really want to get it out this year. EEP has a heap of new features too, like being able to replace the sun and moon texture, make the sun and moon travel in any direction, even reverse them. You will also have 4 layers of skies that you can set, so the ground level can be very different from the skybox level.
  3. I love this one. I think tradespeople would likely laugh at me (in jealousy) if I used it.
  4. He seems very excited to be going to the prom!
  5. If you played SL, instead of procrastinating on the forums, then you would have SL things to discuss! Of course you will reply "I am studying, and don't have time to play video games" as you have before. But the point is, my dear Boney, you are not actually studying. You are wasting time on these forums.
  6. This is a 2012 thread. The discussion has also been done to death. The Wiki is user created, it's not an official document. The text you quoted was entered by Marianne McCann on 29 April 2009 a plain resident, and a kid, not by a Linden. In fact, if you look at the edit history of the page most is the work of Marianne McCann not a LInden. As always, if you feel someone is doing something against the TOS them please AR them. That is far more effective then dragging up 6 year old questions.
  7. The way you ask this suggests you are not really looking for alphanumeric detection, but more for letter-like detection. The string to search against would be "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzᴀʙᴄᴅᴇꜰɢʜɪᴊᴋʟᴍɴᴏᴘʀsᴛᴜᴠᴡʏʏᴢ" Using the script Rolig correctly lists above. But your lookup table is also going to need every unicode character that remotely looks like a letter. Sadly, there are some real tortuous combinations out there as well as the readable ones like your small-caps. As an example: ??????? ?? ????? is quite possible in SL, as is ɐʌןıS ɐp ןǝıɹqɐƃ and Ⓖⓐⓑⓡⓘⓔⓛ ⓓⓐ Ⓢⓘⓛⓥⓐ
  8. Chinrey it's a beautiful tree and it holds LOD so well. Made with great skill. Not that I want to cause you stress, or demand, or seem spoiled, but I would certainly very happily pay for any seasonals you ever happened to find time to make... snow, green, fall, and a cherry blossom version for spring. XD
  9. If you are using Firestorm, you have likely derendered it. World > Asset Blacklist > look for it in the list and remove the block.
  10. Politics often devolves into a nasty argument. Nasty arguments on the forums can see you with warning points, or bans. A forum ban is also an in world ban. Best not to push politics (or religion). Two subjects that are - honestly - also best avoided in real life.
  11. Depends what you find fun. To do your own venue would cost about L$7000 a week. Which is a bit shy of US$28 each week. It's also a fair chunk of work. I'd recommend you work on your avatar and making some friends before jumping so quickly into the deep end.
  12. No. But a group will allow people to rez vendors. If you don't do a group, people won't be able to rent a shop. Be patient. Just to make sure your question is answered correctly, can you ask it in your native language?
  13. FS can't do it until LL have done it. While they might have another bug as well, LL still have a bug with FPS dropping to solve, it looks like this bug is around the bounding box code if it's what is hinted at in another section. When that is solved then LL will make it RC and FS can start to plan their merge timetable. Can't make an omlette until the tharlarion lays an egg. As you are GE Haselden, one thing to be aware of might be this picture of what might be the new avatar bounding box as a result of Animesh. Can't say for sure yet.... Certainly I'm not sure how that will affect your GE hitbox displays.
  14. I have to disagree with Marianne, I play this age range myself. Slink isn't so great for 18-20 realistic sized. The chest is very much like a barrel. It's ugly. - but by all means demo it, make a shape, look from the side. If you can deal with the barrel chest then go for it. Gianni is for the 7' people. Forget it. Jake will work for 18-20, but has stupid bugs like splayed fingers and very flat biceps. The biceps look like they have gone through a roller when you are in a realistic size. Again demo it. Jake's one advantage is a wide range of BDSM/Gay clothing to go with it. Geralt is the best body for a realistic 18-20. The clothing is growing quite well although you will have to skip most gay/bdsm items as they really are focussed to jake/gianni. But for normal clothing - Legal Insanity for a shirtless look - if you are going for shirt/pants then many Gianni clothes will fit. Demo always.
  15. Geralt body, avi-glam/stray dog/clef de peu skin, any catwa head that you like.
  16. Owning a few sims regions I can tell you without a shadow of doubt that we can not read your IMs. Anyone who tells you a region owner can eavesdrop is telling a huge mistruth.
  17. That "triangle at a distance" stuff is technically termed LOD (Level of Detail) It's usually an indication of a creator who hasn't put enough care into the creation process so that their mesh can be seen at more then a few meters (The smaller the mesh the more likely it is to break up into triangles, or disappear completely). You currently have yours set at 2.0 (it's object and sculpt LOD slider) on your second photo. Bumping that up to 4 will reduce the number of things that you see that are triangles, but at the cost of more memory and lower fps. Try to find a setting that works for you. If you are not a creator and have strong enough computer pushing that up to 4 can improve your experience. However if you are decorating or shopping really try to remember to drop it back down to 1.5 or 2. Then when you buy things you will only purchase items that look great at the lower, less laggy numbers. Reward the creators who make things properly and there will be more stuff properly made. If you leave it at 4 while you shop you will end up with a house full of triangles for your friends with less powerful computers. And if you are a creator, locking at 2.0 (or lower) means you wont end up mistakenly selling mesh that other people see as triangles.
  18. Changing default is likely fraught with complaints, people hate change and all, so it would be better done at the parcel level for those who want it. A group of people would likely be offended if their skyboxes suddenly ended up in space. But what might work is the viewer have a setting to play and lock a certain user defined sky. So, a rocket ship pilot could play a space light setting and it not accept any parcel changes along the way - all experiences ignored. This of course brings up a valid point, as pilots fly over mainland they may end up being spammed with "accept this experience" dialogs. A switch/key sequence somewhere for locked sky until next login (so that mistakes like "why can't I see any experience accept boxes any more), might be very worth it to stop that spam.
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