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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Cats out of the bag on that one as LSL can get it, as can all the databases for Key2Name/Name2Key. And sadly, we will always have people who desire fancy but unreadable names with a lot of curlicues. Into that pile I will also throw weabo English speakers with full or partial Japanese names, spelled out in plain Hiragana no less, as opposed to others who are really Asian. Locking displays to a Latin character set might help, and hiding the account name still even though it's still grabbable in scripts. With a locked character set it would be desirable to include the accented characters from Germany/France/Spain *only*. (English speaking club hosts will still mess up ß into a b though )
  2. Sadly SL is shows it's age with that. If you only want to make scenes and are not interesting people so much, you can try Sansar (which works VR or Flatscreen), it has less people in it, and it's only beta so it's feature incomplete, but you might prefer that engine more. https://atlas.sansar.com/
  3. Only with very few "Full Permission" files, with DAE clearly stated on them. Normally it's an in world object that you can only use in SL. A search like this on Mp will get some of them. Only you can use it. You can't give it to anyone else. That's not really how SL works. Normally you create your own mesh from scratch, or buy other people's and place it in world using the SL edit tools. No mod's beyond basics like colour and size. Exporting other people's mesh from SL without permission is against the TOS and can see your account sanctioned.
  4. VirtualKitten, having just looked at your tickets a few comments. Jira is not a support channel, you can't use it to ask for help understanding basic math. Nor can you use it to say a feature is broke, just because it doesn't work like you want it to. You also can't expect a reply in a few days as you have with one of them, submitting on one day and expecting an instant answer. For example: " I used llSetTextureAnim to try to rate three faces on the same mesh " - this isn't a bug. It's how it works. You can only rotate one face. Nothing to do with gender, or anything (especially considering so many Linden are female gendered), it's that these are not bugs, they are for support. Try the scripting forums here - ask nicely, give as many details as possible, and be patient and you will likely have better luck.
  5. No apologies, no "we made a mistake and cleaned it up", just a statement "if you don't like it buy our other ones instead" Look, it has nothing to do with "comfort". It's about that creator clearly using someone else's Copyright without authorisation (and making money from it). That is quite simply not about making customers feel uncomfortable, that is IP violation and theft. I actually wonder how the creators of that system would feel about copybotters stealing their items... because using the Smurfs like they did is 100% the same.
  6. There is actually room for one of them in there. It would be awesome. But this might be like the old housing continents and duplicated a few times. I still think that the forum's old idea of sailing wormholes is the best idea. Sail off-world in certain regions and you are warped to another place. A certain regions void edge in each copy of SSP could connect to the blake on a set region.
  7. We clearly need more bunks!
  8. Beyond the pose modification, it's a great tool for taking photos. Niran has done so much improving light, shadows, more. It's hell and gone from Firestorm, but it's very much worth putting in the effort to learn to use it efficiently.
  9. Oh, I am in Alia's group already, I will certainly go vote for you if I can spot you amongst all the awesome photos! Edit: Just to say, If anyone wanted to vote and wasn't already a member, it's a super nice group too worth the slot. The people inside are some of the sweetest in SL, and Alia does some great group-bribes.
  10. You wasted a chance! Right click>more>more>freeze Once he is trapped and committed to a new life without movement, you can start decorating for Christmas early! Hang baubles from ears, tinsel over his shoulders, and put a gift sock over his... Be creative with your new Living XMas tree.
  11. OMG. I love the source to that Chinrey, "barfblog". (( I think we have well derailed this from talk - and pictures - of politics! ))
  12. Yes, it seems it's root is the Latin "Horn" as in cornucopia. TIL Fish sauce on popcorn is even worse then chocolate... and just furgedaboudit on icecream. Blerch.
  13. No maize, but corn started in mexico 7000 years or so ago with zea mays parviglumis, then as it was crossbred it headed south to the great empires down there.
  14. It's a good improvement, and one people have been asking for for a while. I know there are some super helpful CS people out there who really deserve some recognition for the work they do. (Make a hint to people like Whirly, and Skell, to populate that list)
  15. A gift is a gift. The only concern is the message that comes with it could be harassment. But that can be done now with $1 items too. So, at least one item from the Sugarbaby list is filled along with the creepster message.
  16. Yes I often wear them, or an eye patch. This is the one from Air. A snip from the ad shows it better. The flowers and curlicues are in mesh, not a texture.
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