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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Phil, it seems you are not happy with being appologised to? Most people would accept an appology with grace. So, you and I are done, for good. We'll leave it there.
  2. Then I appologise for effectively calling you a liar too, sorry it hurt your feelings.
  3. The higest point of mainland that people can build on is a mountain in Champion which is 364 Meters. If you head into the air, then as Fionalein points out 4096 metres.
  4. Because it changes a guests view anything that is scripted must carry permission. They would need to accept the script's permission to override their chosen windlight each time they enter a parcel, or it could be tied to an experience key so the permission sticks. Consider that with scripted control one could cause RL harm by creating a fast flicker - something to trigger an epileptic attack/headache. Permissions on scripts stop such griefing.
  5. Mainland region owners don't get access to the Alt-R region panel, so no. They will be able to do it at the parcel level.
  6. Rainbows and Region control and oh my! I sit here drooling on my keyboard thinking of the day we can control this in a script (using an experience key)
  7. That's a pity in a way. I am not sure that being so stubborn for a decade is an admirable trait. OK, I will appologise, I am sorry for thinking you had changed. I will accept you are just as intransigent on this issue now as you were a decade ago. So, the thread subject is proven, the arguments - and your position - are exactly the same as a decade ago.
  8. You gave me one minute between calling me a liar, then taunting me with this Phil. That was a bit rude and argumentative of you, not just for calling me a liar, but then the taunt. I'll let you have the last word, I'm off to bed as it's 1am. 'Night everyone.
  9. I'm not lying. I'm stating things factually as I read them. I welcome you to correct me, although then your thread title is true, things havn't changed after all. The clear perception is you ardently fight against copy, in each and every one of these threads, and there are more of these copy/no copy threads then there are about kid nudity. To quote you from 2008. to quote you 10 years later I think you have changed, and you see the worth of Copy/Mod furniture now. You can imagine that Landlords would love it for their rezzer homes (A lot of those, I have them too on my rental regions!) Or am I simply wrong. You still steadfastly hold the same views?
  10. YCH slap, Love ❤️ Necros of archive threads, OMG. But, I guess Halloween doth approach.
  11. I think it's great. But you have disproved your own thread title. You have changed! You see a far greater worth now in copy furniture, up from your 2008 statement about rezzers. They have a real purpose for Landlords so they can do this sort of thing. And, most importantly you say And, without disrepect meant, that's a huge change. Normally you can't stop. You need the last word.
  12. Body 1 > Top > Shirt Shirt Folder Shirt Folder Shirt Folder > Coat > Formal Coat Folder > Casual Coat Folder > Pants > Jeans > Shorts > Underwear Body 2 same structure Body 3 Same structure I use links to duplicate a folder into mutiple bodies
  13. If it were mole furniture, your point would be valid, but you do say: So, by your own words you are seeing the worth of a landlord having a way for their tenants to rez/derez furniture. Glad to see you coming around though. Copy has it's place, furniture is one of those places. Ah Phil, you should know the forums better then that. You don't get to dictate the direction, remember? You put your topic up and people will comment as they want! Now as for "purpose" You title it "Nothing really changes", you link an old forum thread about the worth of copy permissions, and then want to forbid people talking about that? pfft. Bully for you And I'm pleased to see you have joined the side of people wanting their Landlords to have Copy/Mod furniture!
  14. Such rezzers only work with copy furniture. No copy furniture, like the stuff you used to make, would self-delete. So, extrapolating your thought on the rezzer and that it needs copy... do you like the idea of other people's furniture being copy but not yours?
  15. Phil, have you changed your mind on the furniture in the Linden Homes on SSP? What were your words again?
  16. Won't somebody please think of the silicone! (here, have a gun instead!)
  17. Trav: To take a region from 20K to 30K you submit a support case. Make sure you read https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000134546-guidelines-for-land-impact-change That link also has the costs.
  18. I like it with the small UI based tests I've done so far. I was hoping or the ability to add three moons to the sky (counter-earth), but as the sun can be repurposed as a moon too, there is a workaround, one single moon moon and the sn adding two more as a joined texture. Is there a script interface to all of this? Maybe settable on an experience key.
  19. Your problem might be happening because the variables A / B are not global. Reformatting your script so it's readable... list gDataLines1; list gDataLines2; integer ch1; default { state_entry() { } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string msg, key id) { if (num == -1) { gDataLines1 += msg; key A=(llList2String(gDataLines1,0)); llSetTexture(A, ALL_SIDES); } else if (num == -6) { gDataLines2 += msg; string B=(llList2String(gDataLines2,0)); } } touch_start(integer tn) { key A=(llList2String(gDataLines1,0)); string B=(llList2String(gDataLines2,0)); integer ch1 =((integer) B); if (A != NULL_KEY) if (ch1 == ch1) { llSay((integer)B,A); } } } As it stands, taking B... The line at fault is string B=(llList2String(gDataLines2,0)); Once the script leaves that If/Else the variable is discarded. The fix is to define the variable B globally, so: list gDataLines1; list gDataLines2; key A; string B; integer ch1; default ... ... Also, I'd make comment that this line is a bit redundant: if (ch1 == ch1) { and you seem to have some weird typecasting in key A=(llList2String(gDataLines1,0)); that I would think could lead to problems Also, the way you write this, if the user touches before a link message is recieved the script will crash. Lastly, the way you push the message onto a list, then immediately use a 0 index in a llList2String commands means you will always use the first link message recieved no matter how many are sent. The User will clik-click-click-click-clik until the memory fills and overflows and the script crashes, but it will always apply the first texture it got.
  20. When you post code, please click the <> icon in the compose area, then paste it in there.
  21. Moon, I run a club too, and I am just trying to help. You can blame the lab and feel frustrated, or you can be proactive, debug the problem, and make everything nicer for your guests. I do the latter, because those complaints about "the Lab did something that broke my region" even if correct, will fall on deaf ears. If you run a club, then you need to be proactive in keeping it performant. A performant club is one that guests don't get frustrated with. So, as well as monitoring the statistics panel like a hawk, the other important thing to be aware of is : sometimes the weekly maintenance will end up with your region moving servers and ending up paired with a heavy, lag causing event or busy club. It's rare but it does happen. Put a reboot script watching your server name in place and if that changes do some testing - walk about in circles for a while - watch for serious rubber banding or script failures. (on the statistics panel) before your guests come. If serious rubber banding starts lodge a ticket and request the Lab move your region to another server.
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