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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Life is Strange 2 soundtrack, while I wait for the second episode. Being "another game" I'd better not say how much I enjoyed this one.
  2. Puppies! Selling Select Puppies - a continent for breedables \o/ Let me help you out here. Forget about the puppies. Hmmm, *looks at picture again, but discounts the puppies... Scarlet Steel Pushbike! I jest (badly) That house looks awesome.
  3. They get even more awesome. Seriously, this gift is worth a premium.
  4. It hurts everyone's head! Sinks and Sources and Cashouts and Arggghhhh! But I honestly don't think the LR players are there saving the economy.
  5. It hurts it at the point it's cashed out. It's that simple. At the point the play tokens are cashed into real USD, the lab have to pay that from their bank account. Roberts argument was that people farming LR earnt money to keep the economy going strong and offset the damage from Sansar, keeping the Lab flush with funds and safe. My points have all been to disprove this. Merchants might get a few more sales (minimal) then they would have, but the result is the Lab has paid USD from it's bank accounts. It's been a hit to their profits.
  6. Himbo is still the worst of them, beyond staring at the blunt in the car. He shows the same problem that all the 9 foot tall people caught up in that arms race to be the tallest show - a pea head. 8 heads come to his knees, so I'd say he is 24 inches too tall for his head size. His shoulders are also way too wide for his head size. Add T-Rex arms and size 0 hands. Pea headed people look weird. Worse, it'ds a male disease. So all the unfortunate, properly sized ladies, end up looking at their navels.
  7. The timeframe has slipped. While they hope it will be this year there are a lot of problems synchronising the forums and marketplace. With only 2 months to go, and with Christmas and other holidays, realistically, time might be too short for 2018. The last name will not be freeform. It will be from a limited and pre-set list just like it used to be prior to 2010. You will though have free-form choice of your first name. It was said that people will have the ability to recommend last names for the set list, but there would be no guarantee they would be accepted. You will need to be premium, and pay an extra fee to change.
  8. Two jumping people have shadows, but the pines don't. Also just noticed something else. There is a photoshopped hoof-print/rabbit-ears behind the hand.
  9. SL eats IMs, try a notecard. Try asking in their group. Be patient and polite. See 3. See 3 again.
  10. Listen Nappy, when you start playing SL then your questions will be worth answering. Until then you are just a like a 1post sociology student trying to get people to fill in her survey.
  11. Sorry Robert I still don't buy it. If the lab give a LR player L$100, that L$100 does not help the economy, it harms it. If the LR player spends that money, the merchant then cashes it out to pay tier, or take a wage... and the Lab have to pay real USD out. The lab has US$0.40 less profit. To get that money back they need to charge other people more money on tier. If the LR player uses that money to offset their tier then the Lab collect less tier from them, again the Lab has $0.40 less profit. If the LR player uses the money to fund texture or mesh uploads, those assets stay on the Lab's servers using up disk space forever. Disk space costs money. If they give away L$100 which someone used to upload 10 images, then the Lab have to not only pay for the extra, they need to adjust the sinks and sources. This needs to be made up for in other areas, normally by increasing fees on those who use real money. This is not free money that helps the economy as you claimed. This is very much something that needs to be funded by other USD paying customers. We pay more then we could.
  12. I guess, anyone with a flickr feed will know these problems. One spends hours and hours carefully setting up a shot, hundreds of drafts and ages spent looking at the shots carefully in photoshop, really trying to get the perfect one. It's not at all easy. And one almost always misses something obvious! But worse, the missed thing is only seen after you pack up and go home
  13. Going back to 2013... The sculpties didn't rez.
  14. Oh yeah, Mr "My eyes are down there" and Miss "Is that a Parrot in the palm tree?"
  15. It must be incredibly hard to choose the three headline shots. *starts looking at wayback to see who was before himbo.
  16. Credit where it's due. This is a nice one. And the witches one is ok.
  17. And I never could work out what the customer in "the plastic shoppers" is looking at
  18. For the memories, here is surfer himbo. OMG A blunt!
  19. Yes Love, but I toned my words down a little so I didn't seem so mean.
  20. At least the pea headed, himbo surfer looking dumbstruck into the car, like he just saw a half smoked blunt, is finally gone. Same for the plastic shopping girl and plastic shop assistant, both staring crosseyed into space with fake smiles. But, we get a new one to grate on the eye. It's a toss up, the surfer himbo was pretty bad, but this lady's sneer will have me screaming.
  21. Go to https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new and fill in a ticket. The lab will contact you and verify your identity. You may need to answer a few questions to prove you own the account, and you might need to provide a copy of your identity papers (drivers licence, passport, etc) The Helpful support people will tell you what they need. Make sure you leave the name of the old account and even though they will respond on the ticket, also give a way they can contact you just in case. This might take a few days, maybe even into next week, so be patient.
  22. smelly from astronaut farts and Edit: Needs a video (coz boys and fart jokes)
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