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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. The sad thing is, as it discusses specific cases this would be off topic to raise at Kristin's new governance inworld meetings except in the most general way, and a general way wouldn't get a clear reponse. It would be lovely to know a trigger point for what constitutes forum (and group notice) spamming.
  2. It's super difficult to comment on moderation ? Knowing that a few people were caught up in the estate agent spam cull there was possibly a reporting spree by someone. One imagines this could be business based. As in; someone wanted to destroy the opposition's business to boost their own, so seemingly went through and flagged all the posts in the advertising sections as spam. A governance Linden, tired, or distracted, or angry, or new, or *human* has seemingly acted on those spam reports in a way that has certainly upset the community. One of the people caught in this is a very nice lady working for a fairly large estate whom I often rent from. She does not spam in my eyes. But she was also disciplined at the same time as the person we talk of, and others. tldr: Governance Lindens are human and can make mistakes. Governance Lindens also have far more facts at their disposal then us. We know those two tldr facts from Tommy Linden himself. I am pretty positive Kristin Linden would also confirm those two tldr facts. But would they discipline someone for two photos? Who knows, but I doubt it. The only way would be if someone who had a grudge was reporting all your posts hoping something would stick and a Governance Linden made a human mistake, or had enough extra facts to show it was part of continued wrongdoing.
  3. ok, looking more at the traceroute you posted: (opentransit is France Telecom, Level3 is an American company) We can see you *are* using a VPN into germany (which is about 140ms from your home), and that the "link" is breaking inside Level 3's network, or after Level 3's egress point. Level 3 has had faults, but is fine now, so try again. Otherwise, change your vpn's endpoint country.
  4. Asking your questions in a graphic makes it hard to answer. Please don't do that. You ask The answer to this is "maybe but unlikely" Windows 8 is very old, in fact it's obsolete now. This means you have been running it for a long time in a deactivated state. It's not really known what locks microsoft will cause over time. It's possible they have allowed you to browse the web, but removed all non-standard ports. However, that said, you are unable to ICMP ping the login server. This indicates there is likely more some internet fault in place. Are you able to try a VPN into another country in order to test if this is a local internet problem? I see that you have used Arabic in your screen shot... some countries do block secondlife. If this is the case in your country consider that your government might not be happy if you bypass their censoring.
  5. It was another way the creativity of the community was tickled. Some great combinations exist. Back then, I would watch Adz Child's SLNameWatch.com waiting for the new releases then quickly jump into the list trying to make good/funny ones before they were snapped up. I hope Adz can continue that project, or someone else pick it up.
  6. Dunbar's number is 150 and I think that's a pretty ok stab at quantifying the limits of social cohesion. We are still a long way from this number in the various forum cliques, so heaps of room left for people to join in. Even if you can't ? a ?at least there is a ? emoji now! I prefer this one ? ? ??
  7. All of those, and clique. And clique is quite common in all groupings of people, but on the forums I think it's a fairly soft clique, not to RP region levels. I personally think it only takes a few ? votes to help someone feel accepted. I do believe it's very helpful to throw those hearts around freely so people do feel welcome and stick past the first nervous/indignant/happy/whatever posting.
  8. I have set up my accounts so that my Estate Owning alt is bequeathed to another person, my fear though remains - when one dies one's credit card is locked by law. Without a valid credit card the estate won't last long. The method LL allow for an approved account transfer can't happen fast enough to align in one billing cycle. It can actually take months. The only way past this has been to "illegally" share the account password for the estate owning alt. I wish there was a way for some signal to be available to the Lab that... hey this person has died, please don't close down their 20 region estate and make all those people homeless.
  9. Not really. Those childish names could already happen with name combinations often becoming quite strong double entendre, and it can still happen with Residents too. (do a search on poop) Due to a design choice made back in 2002 last names are stored in the database as an integer. A look up table turns Poopy 0x12FE* into Poopy Bedlam. There would need to be quite a bigger change then the Lab are doing now if they allowed free-form names. * I made that number up as an illustration, but it's the correct idea.
  10. I do appreciate when people have, even though it can be a mess. I guess the exception is to be careful of quoting rule breaking parts such as... As a giggle I am actually considering deleting the original now.
  11. As Fionalein mentions it can be a missing texture, especially if someone gave you a free skin to wear. It can also be temporary inventory problems. Sometimes it will be helped if you set your draw distance very low, then log out, and force a login to one of the linden water regions (I like to use one called Hume as it's easy for me to recall)
  12. One of the constants of the forum seems to be the thread creator randomly redacting their original post, and quite often all the posts they make that come after it. We even see times when helpful posts that would assist others in the future are redacted. Sometimes it's done when they don't get the answer they expected. Sometimes it's just done for no discernable reason. It's random, so some people get into the habit of reposting the entire post to try and minimise the mess, that in itself can be messy. Thread starters:- please don't delete your opening post.
  13. The pregnancy consists of a HUD and various private messages and dialog boxes as your pregnancy progresses. You are delivered instructive items that you can rez that explain the stage you are at. At the end you can request an object delivered that you can rez (it's pretty ugly, I trashed mine) There are no changes to your body, there is no external indication at all.
  14. I believe it's patriachy and toxic masculinity. You quoted... and replied... and I was responding to that chain. My appologies if I misunderstand your quote.
  15. With respect, that's not patriachy Rya considering more often then the regular females are right there too. These pile ons are due to the poster. One recently in Merchants is an example, although sadly he deleted the initial few postings which were incredibly ranty and attacking LL from 100 different angles.
  16. hehe, this is true, it's also true that a huge slice of males are females. Some of the much admired, and trend setting fashion lights of SL, in fact!
  17. It would be a case of calling their bluff then working with the reporting system and Dakota Linden to get the bad reviews removed. Your products are pretty darned good Naiman and they speak for themselves, I use them extensively. I think the quality of your products on display speaks volumes and you have a good name as a creator. In many cases answering their bad review with a well written comment not only undoes their mean words, it can completely work in your benefit by making them look like unreasonable idiots and you as a patient person who does support their sales.
  18. There isn't. SL, and the forums, are very much female dominated. It's quite a polar opposite to the real world. Some relatives are good.
  19. Pfft, it's no fun unless you put the box inside a delivery HUD, inside another box! Extra points if that box is only delivered after rezzing some object in world.
  20. Cool, I need $1250 for my rent. You'll still have 3750 left
  21. They all seem to use google, so much of a muchness in laughable translations. (I had someone speaking to me in French and it translated their words as "I like to kiss little emus") So, I like the one by hinaichigo xaris for casual use on languages I don't know (like Spanish, Russian and so on) - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Translator-All-google-languages-menu-version/7175140 But sometimes it's better to just copy/paste into deepl -> https://www.deepl.com/translator as that gives the best "quality" translations.
  22. Not a derail! Attractive butts come under the "oh my!" part of the subject
  23. I think someone went through on a reporting spree against estate agents.
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