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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. I've always found the terms "SJW", "RWNJ", "Leftard", "Alt-Reich", "Feminazi", "Trumpette" and so on to be rather childish *on both sides*. It not only makes the person using it look like a rabid, raving lunatic, and it turns reasonable people (everyone not at the two extremes) completely off the argument. For those people on both sides who like to throw these terms around... are you trying to make the vast majority's eye glaze over on purpose?
  2. I don't want to mess up the 5 word story thread, but this needs linking.
  3. There are some great names there Vanity. It's clear you had a lot of fun naming them and putting time and effort into creating each. I'm going to hope that the surgery and your recovery go well and the collection doesn't need to go to new homes, but spend many more years under your stewardship.
  4. You won't get an official interpretation, but it's been discussed ad nauseam on these forums. Here is the long and short of it: Child Nudity is not forbidden under TOS in M and A regions. There are a fair number of places that allow it. Child Nudity offends a good number of people. A small subset of the people Child Nudity offends can become quite "insistent" on their views. A smaller subset of these people also get offended seeing a clothed child near a nude adult. (it's a no-win situation) The first point means you are quite unlikely to get into trouble. The other points means your moderation workload will be higher. Normally muting/estate banning the person bitterly complaining about it can be enough, and give your moderation team time to return to nicer tasks. I gather Burn2 is based on Burning Man? You may be able to get by with a clear notecard to hand out to complainers, something like "In real life people attending this sort of events don't mind their kids running about innocently butt naked" and "we've worked hard to ensure that there is no sexual activity on these regions, if you see anything against our rules please let us know" You might also avoid a little drama if you ask the pixel kids to consider wearing speedos instead. Most are respectful enough not to push it.
  5. "Depictions of" is quite a popular thing with law makers right now. Sigh.
  6. Daww, humour and having fun is important, both for oneself's mental health and as an icebreaker. Sometimes they fall flat (quite often in fact) but when they work it's worth it! Don't give up on that. FWIW I would have said it "No blanket for you... 10 years!! " and to any complaints just gone pffft
  7. I think this ^ is probably the closest. The mess-up happens because the marketplace policy has to be a little different to the in-world policy, money involved. (I'm going to use ages and practices from my country in these following examples) Cigarettes can't be bought by people under 18, but people under 18 do openly smoke in the street, even the school yard, without getting into legal trouble. Alcohol can't be bought by people under 18, but parents often let their kids drink small amounts in a controlled manner to teach them responsibility.
  8. This is incredibly fun for family Christmas. One does need a lot of patience to do it troll well, but if one has a particularly annoying nephew, start huge and do the whole Matryoshka Doll of gift wrapping bit, to end up with.... socks.
  9. 'twas a subtle joke Imagine the forum posts!
  10. hehe. The way that avatar height works is one of the "quaint"* things about SL. I think the person who wrote that particular bit of code was likely stoned at the time. * By "quaint" I mean annoying as hell.
  11. I hope you feel better super soon! Nothing worse then not being able to shop!
  12. I wonder if it's worth making a Jira requesting the Lab gives us a way to let other people sort our inventory? Those with submissives can command their pets to do the dirty work. Those who don't like RLV can enlist friends for a fun 'sorting party' sitting around a campfire and chatting as they drag someone's folders around. One could even see a way that people could get quite rich creating businesses to do it. A sorting party could be sort of fun. Almost like a Amish Barn Raising.
  13. Hi Raeannly, I feel your pain. This is also something that is a little annoying for people who have various alts. The shopping cart is tied to the browser cookie of the person logged in. If you log in after stashing things your browser cookie changes, so the cart gets messed up. The cart isn't destroyed though, so if you log out again you should be able to see the items, open them in new tabs login on a new tab again refresh each tab to get the new login cookie add them to a new cart. Complex, yep. I don't believe there is a real solution apart from making sure you log in with the correct avatar before you start shopping. Hopefully someone else has a better solution!
  14. どうもありがとうございました。
  15. sorry for the edits to shorten your post Drake , just wanted to say... Are you calling the lab "old"? *ducks* (probably safer not to answer) Not excusing the behaviour and it doesn't mean I don't roll my eyes, but I can see their point. If a last-namer does it then after 8 years they really should know better. One that is akin to this for me are the semi-regulars who come in 'boots and all' to correct the Naïve newcomer who dares utter the words "I am having a little trouble getting the game running" as they shout in unison "How dare you! SL is *not* a game!! There is no goal, no score, no end!!!" But despite hating this line of attack on the poor new poster, I can also see their point just the same. (btw: SL is a game, just like playing with Barbie is, Barbie also has no goal, no score, no end)
  16. At least to consider any translation card must include Portuguese as a minimum. ((Of course, we may just be seeing one upset person and a flood of sockpuppets))
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