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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Help me out here Robert. If you were only farming for coins that the lab provide, how are you an income source? The *only* income source for the lab are people who pay in USDm be that in premium, tier or lindex. LR farmed money that you give to merchants doesn't help the economy, it's money the Lab give away. When the merchant cashes out... the Lab pay for it from their own pockets. If anything LR eats into the profit that the lab make. It's not strengthening the profitiability of the game, it's weakening it.
  2. I iz whale. I don't think people who call me a facist are much of a community. I don't have much time for ungracious people or those who throw insults. Life is too short, and there's a lot o' whaling to do!
  3. I am glad to hear the biopsy is over at least and things can progress. I think you are right; Working on your collection of avatars and also writing will give you a little control over what has to be a scary time. This has touched my family too, my mother and sister both survived it, but I still can't begin to imagine what you must going through. All I can do is reiterate that you have a lot of people standing beside you, and we are all hoping the best for you. And more, this circle of people likely extends far further then you could ever imagine. Feel the warmth and support of all your friends, of everyone in this vast circle that surrounds you, draw strength from us and know you can make it.
  4. Black Bayou Lake, as mentioned above and the same Hotdog that Skell chose, it really is awesome.
  5. It's fairly subconscious. I really do try to constrain my dominant voice to just a small number of people. With them, I make a conscious choice to start using it, from there it sticks. As for my non-dominant casual voices, one for friends, one for club, one for strangers... the situation, mood, and avatar I am in sets the tone, manerisms, and cadence I use. That's mostly subconscious, although I am sometimes aware of it, especially if I want to make a point. As an example of making a point; to deal with some club drama I might let my dominant voice to take control. Or if someone is hurting to really soften myself to be non-threatening, open, small, and fluffy. On the other side, after a few hours talking to other people they are invariably assigned a unique head-voice as well. When their cadence changes I hear the emotion, and experience suggests it's fairly accurate. I've certainly observed most people will use a different cadence subconsciously, so once you know them you have the empathy to decode that small change. Consider: How many times does one ask a sad friend "Are you ok?" after sensing something in change of cadence of words, even if they don't say it in words?
  6. I need a break from scripting, so I am watching the Kitten Academy live stream While I mine G&S Iron Ore for the farming game I use to waste time.
  7. (( sorry Cindy, it still works though )) As we were jumping up
  8. Love, I think you are going fine. Ignore the poopyheads and don't change to suit them. Recall, once you start a thread you really do give up control of it. People can take it any way they wish, and the stronger the OP tries to police it, the more like a controlling idiot he looks.
  9. Absolutely different "voices" depending what I want to do. Cadence is something I believe people can pick up. Casually, I like to use shorter lines so that people don't get too bored and start typing a reply which is something they will do if one is writing a long screed unless they have turned on talking dots... which of course needs a TPV because the LL view viewer is broken... I think it can sound likely sound breathless or excited or playful depending on the cadence I've use. (This one likely sounds breathless - well it does in my head) /me looks at them kneeling and places a hand on their head "However... When I am in a more dominant position and expecting my subs to listen to my words and obey what I say I completely replace my in-voice head with one that is slower, and - I think - more commanding as a result" /me moves to my chair and sit, looking at them still kneeling "And by using emotes in front to increase the image along with longer sentences, I think the result is quite different. It's certainly one that seems to work". In roleplay, well, that is likely to spread to a paragraph and take upwards of 5 minutes. But roleplay is yet another set of voice.
  10. Era livre para começar. Não há quebra de contrato para coisas gratuitas.
  11. I am super impressed with Hotdog. I've found I need to bulk my torso muscles right up or I have matchstick arms, but having 2 shapes is a small price to pay for something far better then tracksuit pants. I've been using the pants from ED, Kenzo. Which are available in Neo Japan.
  12. Think of it as entertainment for those that stick around answer questions. I would think the number of answers would drop off a bit if that was all the forums were for.
  13. I don't think I am interesting at all. Most of my time is spent sitting or standing looking into space as I run Blender, or Gimp, (or the forums if I am stuck) on my second screen. Or my screen is covered in a scripting window. Thanks to time zones, the little human-interaction time I have is spent dealing with Club Drama, exploring photosims with my Partner, or practicing knot-tying on my subs. The camera crew might have some ratings issues with one of those things.
  14. Wishlists! Sugarbabies of the world will rejoice. Favourite Creators! Nice feature as it will let me check them quickly few new schtuff. Thanks. I wish there was a way to realiably filter out gatchas, maybe something as simple as filter out limited quantities? I think a few other people at least want this too. Please? Pretty Please?
  15. And a dancing Patch who A wonderful iced Gateaux that
  16. I wanted to do Tim Minchin's Pope Song, but it's a little sweary (unusual for tim, rofl). So, F Sharp.
  17. Yeah, it's a bit problematic. Randoms will be moved into the rental parcels are they are the only accessable parcels on the region. 1. You can set up groups for the rental homes and lock those to members. This is not ideal as renters then need to invite and eject friends. People still get upset about being ejected. 2. Use an orb on the beach. A region can only have one telehub. It's real purpose these days is to spread people randomly around a landing zone more then force a landing zone - it's something I wish event organisers would learn to use as it would stop everyone landing on other people's heads.
  18. You might be able to get away turning the layer to alpha mask instead of alpha blend when it's under a dress, which will stop the pasties appearing over the dress due to alpha clashing.
  19. The inside normals are back to front. I assume you are using blender? Go into edit, then select all the inside faces, then Mesh>Normals>Flip Normals You may find it useful to press N, scroll down and tick backface culling so it's more obvious as you are meshing.
  20. I guess recently too, we have had 2 people trying their best to disrupt. The forums have been chaotic as a result. One has a very long name that breaks the forum, and doesn't even log into SL. One was hurting. I was very happy to summon a linden specifically (my first time ever) to stop him going too far.
  21. 5 word story game is off topic. What are you listening to is off topic. Various threads wishing people in the paths of hurricanes are off topic. The derail thread is off topic. Change one word thread is off topic. SLUniverse is off topic. It's nearly Christmas is off topic. So just watched a movie is off topic. Discord Group is off topic. Net Neutrality is off topic. He-Man vs Captain America is off topic. Revolving Sushi is off topic. But none of these create a huge amount of moderation workload. They are innocuous. A political thread on the other hand will cause a lot of angst as both sides report each other and the Governance team have to break from ARs to clean up the forum mess.
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