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Jackson Redstar

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Everything posted by Jackson Redstar

  1. this argument back and forth reminds me of the days I worked as a UI designer for a major corp - and how we would always kinda laugh when developers thought they could design a UI. Always turned out to be a UI only other developers would possibly understand
  2. excuse me for saying so - this is one of the very core problems of SL. only the most techie of techie understand all these options, yet these options are left to novices to figure out how to make for a good experience in SL. and even at that, there is disagreement on what different options do what and how it affects performance
  3. One word though: I been using beta FS the RC for a while now. these changes in code really do improve FPS - but they also can really max out the GPU too - so keep the inside of your puter clean and make sure air intakes aren't blocked. I always almost always keep v-synch checked on as well
  4. Check Wren Noir and her Visionaire Insitute, She offers a multi week SL photography course that is really good
  5. I tend to look at it that the state of the RL economy (for me, that is mostly based on the USA) affects the SL economy alot, in that in poor economic times and high inflation, people of SL are just going to spend less on a "video game" - gas for the car or a shopping spree in SL? In the industry I work in in SL I can see alot of slowing down of spending in SL due to record high inflation and gas prices in RL. I haven't particualry noticed things or items get more expensive, and for the services I do, my charges haven't changed in years
  6. if in 2022 your network cant handle 1.5mbs or it "may cause issues" then that person might really need to upgrade from AOL dialup LOL
  7. maybe that is why I havent had any issues. But honestly just another reason why SL is so hard for new residents. You have to set your net work bandwidth. Then your cache sizes. your video memory.....
  8. I go into debug settings cant remember the exact name now, and set mine to 30000, I have 300mb up and down. Been doing like that now over a year no issues that I am aware of
  9. I recently re-built my PC recently right around that amount. Intel i7, RTX 3070, 32 gig ram, 2 - 1TB SSD .m2 hard drives Now that graphic card prices have returned somewhat to normal, I'd get as new as a card as you can, (for SL Nvidia is the best choice) AMD processor is fine, but on Win11 32 gig ram is really needed, and a good SSD HD One other thing to note with the new performance code in the Linden viewer beta and FS beta - the graphic card will really ramp up with shaders and shadows on in SL so get a card with really good cooling on it
  10. And btw if you really really wanted to you can capture um copmpressed AVI files with OBS like FRAPS did, though I have done a lot of side by side test and really can see any difference between the avi file and a mp4 or mkv with good quality settings. In fact it is almost endless the amount of ways you can set up OBS from frame rates to encoding and even to various color spaces
  11. OBS is most commonly used (I think) I use a version by StreamFX so I can record h.265 files (the updated standard to h.264) but there are tons of OBS tutorials out there for recording FRAPS was king years back but is a bit of a resource hog, I tried the Nvidia gameplay didn't like that all
  12. Just in case a Firestorm Den is reading this the DOF lock (shift+alt+x) is brilliant, but, is there anyway and indication can be turned on when it is on (and goes away when UI is turned off)
  13. IMO it boils down to 3 main things 1) Initial Lag 2) The UI - way to hard to understand simple things 3)What to do and where to go The newer viewer code rolling out will help, but not eliminate Lag, but the UI and just trying to figure what and how things work..... and lastly, one usualy gets dumped in a noob terminal and then you like ok,,, and now......?
  14. This is the step foward Linden really needs - they keep coming out with stuff nobody really asked for and really doesn't address the core issue with SL - the lag primarly in heavily populated areas. I think with this new viewer code it can start to become a game changer, Residents who have been here for years can enjoy SL will all the "pretty" turned on even in crowded areas and more importantly new residents won;t be going 'what is with all this lag in this stupid game' Now onto a new book series called SL for Dummies that explains clearly how to do some core things in SL that are not intuitive at all for newer residents or even old times who never really got under the hood
  15. I been using Linden performance viewer beta, FS beta and the latest BD viewer and from my expirence so far, all 3 have made the topic of this thread a moot point. and with modern CPUs and graphic card, I think the days of griping about the never ending lag may be coming to an end....
  16. Mine are almost client related, but brings me the IM etiquette - if you are IMing about a product or service (in my case service) in is nice to state the date AND time of the service reuest and a general message of what you are requiring, For me it usually goes like this: I want to see if you can video my wedding resond back, they are off line of course: What is the date and time you are looking at several hours later or the next day it would be on August 30 Resond back they are off line of course OK, what time SLT would that be? by now often 2 or 3 days have passsed just to get a date and a time! LOL ok, rant over
  17. After using the Linden performace viewer beta and now the FS beta, I think Alot of people migh rediscover and or re enjoy SL. Least if one has a decent computer no more complains really about lag when all the pretty is turned on, or lag in events or clubs or concerts. Of couse that is all on the technical side, but sometimes you visit a sim and are thinking holy ------ SL really can be this awesome
  18. Ok it appears I stand corrected. Turned off vsynch. Set both beta and latest FS release the same settings, (Shaders and shadows on with ALM, avi count 40 avi detail 10 obj detail 2) check fps in a crowded sim (60 avis) FS release 8,5 FPS FS Beta54 40FPS Ill continue using beta see if I get any crashes, but as it is now, this could be a game changer for me videoing weddings, I am usualy lucky with 60 avis present to even get 8FPS And since my original thread was about BD, I checked BD in the same crowded sim. while its impossible to a apples to apples comparision between BD and FS it appears I was getting about 25FPS on BD - one thing to note though on BD it appears it was using more cores on the CPU
  19. I tried the new FS Beta. From my useage, zero difference so far in performance. Reading the readme,txt, it doesn't say its based on the Linden performance viewer code, just a few versions behind the current LL release
  20. So I read in Niran's blog he is now using the code from the Linden's performance viewerm I been trying it and indeed does seem to run pretty fast. I want to try to start using BD in my videos again some things I still have to figure out wwhat exactly they do But what I did notice was the GPU was running 96-100% regardless if defered rendering was on and with or without shadows, Now I was in a sky platform so nothing to render up there but wanted to confirm - is this a part of the new performance code? I plan on doing alot more testing to ensure I can use it to video "live" events but so far, it appears the update is working well
  21. Reading the detailed response by Niran here has left me wondering maybe BD needs a "portrait mode" to imprecise shadows for portait work ... ?
  22. I always had a hard time wrapping my head around the 'big bang theory' How a partical that existed in nothingess could explose so massively into nothingess and keep expanding into nothingess
  23. Wedding videos (and Lag wrangler). I started out with wedding photography then taught my self how to video in SL and how to edit , 7 years later and 200+ wedding videos, still enjoy doing every one
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