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Jackson Redstar

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Everything posted by Jackson Redstar

  1. Maybe this has been asked and answered before, but can a image from local be uploaded directly from my computer - or does everything have to go through the SL viewer?
  2. in a series of sims around http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sundown/39/158/22 fantastic views all around
  3. Down around the Blake Sea... endless photo ops in that area
  4. gonna have to visit your sim hippie looks nice a couple from a island in Blake Sea region
  5. I may be will willing to help if you haven't found anyone yet. my blog with samples: http://windlightphoto.blogspot.com/ jackson redstar windlight photography
  6. A beautiful place in Sl - Goatswood. Worth a visit for sure! maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/N everlandX/151/37/22
  7. Well, in the theme of 'spiritual' Taken in Arizona Western RP area
  8. Well, not sure snarkyness will adress the issue... but...it would be nice yes to have a standard aspect ratio in particular for a photo that would be used in several different places. and from what I have seen, 3rd party viewers seem to use the same formating as linden viewers... But my main question was answered to main profile pic is a 1:1, not 4:3 like on the 'old' style (and I never even knew there was a preference in Firestorm to change that!)
  9. No, every image (profile, picks, search...) uses a different size/aspect ratio. and 3rd party viewers follow Linden's veiwers on that
  10. Firestorm continues to use the 'old style' profile set at 4:3 (and textures loaded from inventory) I only now switched to Niran's and the new SL viewer as I read the gridline bug had been fixed and Niran's was one of the viewers to implement that bug fix. So for me - the 'new style' profile, is well, new. I had always made profile pics per spec - 4:3. But a 4:3 photo in the current profile view renders a really small and stretched image But now I know it is 1:1. Unless people are using Firestorm. then a 1:1 is distorted. Maybe the good people at linden can all gather around the table one day and come up with a simplied and universal aspect ratio for the photos. Or would that be just way too much common sense?
  11. So in the new viewer profile, the profile pic is a tiny little thumbnail. OK. Click to zoom. doh! still this tiny little little image - and just what aspect ratio is it anyways? Seriously, this is pretty annoying. Some people pay a few L$ for a nice pic, a nice photo is made for them, and this is it? some tiny little distorted pic is all we get to see from all that work? Let alone how STUPID it is that you can no longer load in a pic from inventory, like WTH
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