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Jackson Redstar

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Everything posted by Jackson Redstar

  1. HE he he the gool ol days when I photo bombed Strawberry..... Bit skin tones is really important to get right to have any attempt of looking 'real'
  2. it is like in california and other beach areas where the homeowner owns a parcel but the laws are that the public still has right to access. I dont know LL original intention when creating mainland or open waterways but I would presume it would be for general use and passage through. and by ejected I mean from the vehicle - the vehicle gets the auto return and you get ejected from said vehicle
  3. when the ban line runs into open water with land on one side and a structure on the other... the point is maybe a better way can be made to protect people's desire for privacy while still maintaining the open sim nature of mainland continents....
  4. Those who enjoy vehicling in SL - boats, planes, autos etc and do so around mainland continents know the pain. and yes I am aware there are HUDs that warn u of ban lines. But really, putting along in a boat on what should be open water, brush against a ban line and ZAP! the vehicle gets returned and you get ejected. First of all, nobody is getting in cause you have a ban line, so why make the thing instant? Secondly, maybe it is time to re visit even having ban lines on continents and open water/air. Yeah SL is full of spammers and griefers and people wanna keep the riff raff out of their private property - but maybe it is time to find a better solution than brick walling the parcel with a zero tolerance policy? With the improvements coming to region crossings maybe more people will get into these activities more... I pretty much quit flying cause I got tired of smashing into ban lines. Even putting around on a small boat you would think is fairly safe, all is going well, then you brush a parcel ban line and poof there goes the boat! The occasion crash at sim cross, ok that's technology, hard to prevent all the time, but these ban lines 100% preventable IMO . Wearing a HUD to detect them kinda defeats the idea of reducing scripts as much as possible when vehicling. Maybe its time for LL to address the use of these on mainland and at the least, ban the use of these instant ejection lines when a vehicle hits it....
  5. I think to start with , I would have to say to the whole EEP, why? Other than being able to trade environments (or sell them) I don't see much different than the "old way" I get it alot of people never get into the WL settings and play around and trading and loading xml files is beyond some people, so there may be purpose for the EEP there For every wedding or event I do I create a new WL, so saving them as objects may or may not be easier. scrolling through them def not easier. I can see that the list of pre loaded skies is still the xml file, though, I am not sure when I make a new sky now if I have the option to save as a xml file...? I also copied all my WL I created and put them in C:\Program Files\Firestorm-Betax64\app_settings\windlight\skies - and they didn't appear in the WL skies drop down. I sure hope we can use our own created WLs in the new EEP version! The little ball control for moving the sun/moon around is ok enough, but a change FS can consider is cloud speed, Same as with the 'old' There isn't much need for 400mph clouds, maybe implement a high/low scale for scrolling clouds...? I also seem to notice comparing EEP Beta with the current FS, same location, same settings same sky, EEP was about 5fps slower overall. Of course there could be alot of variables at work here on that
  6. maybe its just me but I have noticed lately the few times I have tried to use BD Im getting like 3-10 FPS on the same sims and settings where FS is getting 20-30 FPS. this is even waiting the customary 5+ min for BD to even load a scene. Has something changed in BD to cause this massive drop in performance?
  7. remember the movie Avatar? the Na'vi was a race of beings 10ft (3m) tall. Everything in their world therefore was appropriately scaled and was completely normal. A human visiting would find them and objects huge, and a Na'vi visiting earth would find humans and objects very small, but in their own home worlds the scale of everything would be 'normal'. Sl is no different. Its all about the proper scale
  8. Lag nowadays is primarily avi - induced, or at least a major factor in it. turning off shadows in a crowded place or otherwise laggy sim can help greatly - you can always adjust whatever WL you're on to look good shadowless (of course, on FS viewer if you close the env edit window w/o saving the WL u lose the changes) you can lower the 'avi count' in crowded places as well,
  9. Civility and tolerance go pretty much hand in hand. Agree to disagree. Your hate of something/someone probably won't change someone else's opinion on that no matter how much you spout off. Learning to accept people have different opinions on certain subjects and accepting that is tolerance and civility. Once the discussion devolves into insults, name calling etc...then it only shows that you're neither tolerant nor civil
  10. or, Photoshop. Problem solved! (once you learn the basics of doing high quality snap shots in the first place)
  11. I have seems to notice a increase in passenger ejection on sim crosses of late - other than the usualy lower scripts etc anything else that will help prevent that? This is sailing (blake sea area) and even motoring at like 3 knots on a simple sim cross the passenger often gets ejected. The passenger ejects seemed to be mostly a thing of the past (least in lower speed crossing) maybe its just me, but wonder if anybody has noticed a increase in this...
  12. that would be nice, a note from Team Linden saying Happy Rezz Day! to date you have spent x amount of lindens on buying pixels! Congrats!
  13. I was sailing on the blake yesterday and noticed some VERY rough sim crosses and got thrown off a couple times and even had to relog. Then I flew in a plane for a bit and it was really bad and yes I hit that invisible wall you speak of. In fact I could not even take off from the Norway airport at all. But when the sim crosses went 'normal' they didn't seem to be any better - or worse than it always has been
  14. what you really need is a really cool coffee mug, Cause no matter how much you spend on a pc, you'll be wading through the lag like everyone else so may as well enjoy your coffee while you wait to move.......
  15. older but still good: https://strawberrysingh.com/2010/04/12/tutorial-taking-high-res-blog-snapshots-for-intermediate-users/
  16. The lead investor's past investments: Bradford Oberwager has founded and/or run five tech/CPG companies—Jyve, Bare Snacks (acquired by PepsiCo), True & Good! Snacks, Acumins/more.com (acquired by HealthCentral), and Blue Tiger/Open Webs (acquired by CarParts). Notice a pattern there?
  17. I think one goal of Sansar was to create a sexless virtual world, cause yea, its pretty hard to get corporate investors to come into SL when the first thing when you open of the search is.....boobs and escorts
  18. when is it ever a GOOD thing to be bought by an investment group? With Linden getting all the user data onto Trillia, and user data likely the most valuable asset Linden owns.....nothing lasts forever, and Im sure SL is an aging dinosaur of the tech world - but should SL see its final curtian call, its not hard to think of all the people it will affect - shut ins who rely on SL for daily interactions, all the vendors who if not making a RL living, generate a good side income, all the people in relationships who only communicate through SL.. It's good the stay positive but when being acquired by an investment group who's primary goal is to maximize returns for it's backers - it's hard to see the upside here. And because of the nature of the SL ecomony they will be putting out all these 'don't worry, things are great' messages right up to the day they throw the switch and shut the grid down......
  19. While it isn't possible, one could wear a large prim box over them so the only thing they see is a box....
  20. The problem lies in the fact that SL is not RL and why the hell should anyone care about "height" anyways! all that matters is retaliative scale!
  21. Everybody does photography in SL it seems and a ton of super talented people. You can charge what people are willing to pay! If you offer somthing super nice, or unique or awesome or whatever.... but to make money on a consistiant level with SL photography a specialty field could be really helpful, like Wedding, Maternity, Family, etc.. One thing is don't under sell your self ... SL is full of cheapstakes and tightwads, but if you offer good high quality work and you know it - set your price and don't let people convince you to basically work for free
  22. how many "confederates' are left? seems there are those that want to erase every memory of that from history, so then why not erase the word "democratic Party' from history? times changes and people and ideas change. how are monuments to confederate generals harmful to anyone alive today? they represent a snapshot in time. not a pleasant moment in time, but it is a part of America and its past. if we insist to purge every reminder of past wrongs done by America or Americans, then we need to purge everything, not a selective set of things
  23. there is a thread in Machinima forum about this viewer I thought Id post here, I been running it through its paces last few days, I'd like to know for given the same settings how it is performing so much better than Firestorm in terms of scene loading and FPS gains. I have observed the LOD is rather low by default - you see some mesh items deform rather quickly when the camera is pulled back some and FS has a checkbox in Phototools to disable Dynamic Draw which in this viewer is on by default and only able to turn off via debug settings but overall I have been seeing FPS rates at least 2-5x that of Firestorm. The UI is more a fancy linden viewer not really impressed with that, but I do wonder how it is able to perform so well
  24. What Ive noticed is by default Alchmey uses very low LOD values for mesh and very low LOD on distance drawing
  25. the main question I have is what is this White privilege and where can I get some? does it pay your bills for you? put free food on the table? pay rent? inquiring minds want to know!
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