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Ardy Lay

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Everything posted by Ardy Lay

  1. Maybe she can get some animesh puppets to dance with her.
  2. I suppose "we" can, but how will this initiate a change? Can we also talk about adding another language to Second Life to be used in addition to LSL? I used to love the heated debates between residents about what language should be added. How much 'script memory' would you suggest LSL have access to? What language would you like to see added and how much memory should it have access to? (Or shut me down by saying "No additional languages to be discussed in my thread!")
  3. This is likely found in a Graphics Settings area. I think you will find it requires a viewer restart. After the restart you will likely see less detail in some things inworld because that S3 lossy compression applies to rendering, which only occurs after the textures have been downloaded, decompressed from JPEG2000, stored in RAM in at least THREE PLACES, buried in soft peat for six months then recycled as fire starters...... wait a minute. Where was I going? Oh yes, that lossy compression is between CPU memory and GPU memory. It's only useful to reduce GPU memory consumption. It will not help your network usage unless you have managed to remote your GPU from your CPU via the network. (It could happen.)
  4. I suppose that, in order to not violate the Principle of least astonishment, undocumented possibilities should only be accessible to those that continue then a dialog asks them if they are sure they want to take that route.
  5. I wanna stand around and watch them dissipate. (Making fun of "management speak" is one of my hobbies.)
  6. (Sorry, nothing better to do during my lunch break.) The correct usage of "unscheduled maintenance" is when preventative action is taken based upon operational observations indicating something will wear excessively or break if you let it continue running as-is, or that database is full of records marked for deletion but they system is too busy to perform an expunge. Or maybe a network node or link was over-loaded or experiencing communications errors. Off-schedule maintenance would be doing things like engine oil changes early or more frequently than dictated by the schedule, maybe you have nothing more pressing to do. So, I am thinking something was "running hot" or slow or making noises, etc. Now, if it already broke, as in is no longer functioning as intended from the perspective of the casual user, then this is a repair, Corrective action taken to restore proper function after a device or system fails to function. I have an unmaintained preventative maintenance schedule! bla bla bla Oh, we cannot log in. Is this the result of "maintenance" or is it a symptom of "broken"? (Sorry, nothing better to do during my lunch break.)
  7. Question: Why is that a big help on Firestorm? I do not experience a significant speed-up when I try it on Second Life Viewer.
  8. Second Life is a complex instrument. I fear making it easy for the uninitiated to use will bury or remove functions many of us are currently using. Second Life Viewer currently has a menu scoping filter. Would modifying that to allow menu item exposure control by some parameter be useful to new users in any way?
  9. How much of this tunnel is made up of boxes of content produced by users that refuse to tolerate change that affects their creations?
  10. Hmm, I find that reducing from 1920 x 1200 to 800 x 600 does not increase frame rate at all, where I am standing this moment, with the current surroundings and settings. I suspect my Intel i9-9900k and NVidia 1070 need some different sort of help. Also, Second Life Viewer UI gets really weird when size is less than 1000 x 700. Glad I don't try to run SL on a potato.
  11. Something like that, and this is after expunging the 1.7 TRILLION that were deleted from in-world and left in trash folders for years.
  12. I'll admit to doing this myself. Furry avatars can do the cartoon-nude thing in General regions. I use the phrase "Wile E. Coyote nude" to describe this apparent disparity between community standards for avatars. When he loses his fur in an "accident", he seeks to cover up, indicating he isn't nude when he has fur, and is nude when he loses it. It's part of the humor. I missed out on all the login issues. It was fixed before I got home from work. Sounds like it was just awful.
  13. I wonder what the current scale of operations is? Imagine this: Years ago we were told there are more groups with online member accounts than there are online accounts. I don't wanna do the math on that model.
  14. The ones nobody has noticed yet, hiding among the woodland creatures. Once loss of habitat forces them to reveal themselves you will see what I mean.
  15. I do not know why that process is used to "restore last position", but, the high percentage of failure is why Linden Lab removed "restore last position" from their viewer long ago.
  16. I have been told that AWS means "Argh! What Shysters!", commonly shouted when receiving the invoice.
  17. When asked how I "bullet time" scenes I record in our dance club I had to think a bit about what they were asking. I simply tell the viewer to play all animations at reduced speeds. Its in the menus. This, of course, only affects avatars. It might affect animesh entities, I haven't tried. Slowing animations has no effect on physical or scripted objects or on clouds or particles. Those items, if you want to slow them down so you seem to have extremely high frame rate rendering and recording, will require script adjustments and environment adjustments. I know this is NOT what OP requested but it's 100% legal.
  18. Those all sound like one-way trips to me. Is this what <insert scope of people here> want? I love Second Life for what it is. I can say I could probably love what it, or something else becomes, if they are enablers for both able-bodied souls wanting to retain their real-world lives AND those whose real-world existence is self-perceived to be a limiting factor in their being. I seem to feel that I want the possibility to take a trip into a metaverse to explore and reflect once my real body becomes a burden to me, and that I am free to pass-on in the old fashioned way when I am ready, but now I am getting maudlin and should stop.
  19. The Lindens should be happy she joined! Now, perhaps they could find something interesting for her to become engrossed in! Oh, you mean the L$.... currency. Hmmm.... Dunno. I spend a lot of money using Second Life as an entertainment and communications platform. It is neither a game to me nor is it employment. HOWEVER, I find I give money to people that are good at what they do. Those that attract my money are making things that tickle my fancies. Some are playing music that I find amusing or enjoyable. Another is creative story telling, which, is really a much deeper talent that most assume. My favorite story teller passed on several years ago. I have not yet found another that can fill that void.
  20. As far as I know there is no way that anyone can swoop in and claim a Linden Home preferentially, so, showcasing what is liked best about the homes and surroundings can only serve to show those artists creating these scenes what is most appreciated!
  21. These two got pounced, accused of copying content, and nearly ejected by a merchant when standing in a store and chatting in private about what they wanted to purchase for the house. One spoke up in local chat and said "We are here to buy stuff. Got any stuff?" The other said "I only copy her. She's my twin sister." The merchant did calm down and let them shop. He even asked what, specifically, they were looking for. They spent almost L$12,000 there that day, but, never returned.
  22. Yeah, "Media on a prim" really let us down on that one.
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