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Ardy Lay

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Everything posted by Ardy Lay

  1. What Goat Simulator should have been I guess I mean to say the name "Goat Simulator" should apply to award winning software for autonomous lawn mowers. I suppose the name can be shared with a game?
  2. Instead of clicking "OK", because it's not OK to replace a working viewer with a known defective viewer, I closed the window and relaunched. Then the downloader still downloaded something in the background then tried to interrupt me for permission to install, which I denied. I thought the argument --channel "NoUpdateMe" would stop automatic updates as it is not a valid channel to the updater. @Dan Linden Dan, we may need a little help here.
  3. Try https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/index.html - LMR 5 Thursday, May 27, 2021 has a fix for that.
  4. I think the important learning point here is that the person you were looking at from across the room that made a fuss about it was asked to leave and you were not. Too bad this event somehow kept you from enjoying the club.
  5. Why assume they went home afterward? In fact, why assume they have to leave their home to tease us with something we do not comprehend as we might tease a cat with a beam of light? Our physics might not be their physics.
  6. Teasers! https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Teaser
  7. "Sorry, I can't identify that flying object for you" turns into "Unidentified Flying Object" turns into "Aliens!" LIDAR and other light sources can indeed destroy video camera sensors. Consumer and most commercial cameras scan a matrix of sensor elements in a serial raster sort of way using a matrix so damage to matrix elements results in horizontal and/or vertical lines in the image, depending on the extent of the damage. Some science and military application and a few commercial camera sensors read each element independently without any signal matrixing to reduce noise or increase sensitivity and in some applications sample the imaging sensor at very high sample rates compared to matrixed sensors. When the non-matrixed sensors are damaged by light there are no horizontal or vertical line artifacts generated in the resulting image. What you get more closely resembles over-exposed photographic film. And yes, the damage tends to be permanent. (I have replaced a few $30,000 imaging sensors because some yutz did something stupid like using the science camera outside in Sunlight or in front of a car with a 1550 nanometer wavelength LIDAR system in operation.)
  8. Tyche's bots are not zooming around the grid making lists of who is in each region to sell to stalkers.
  9. Quick! Somebody make avatars that look like the video and put them on Marketplace! Somebody else make the scenery and sets! If that's the crowd that's coming and what they will be expecting them meet them, greet them and cater to their expectations.
  10. When Linden Lab was building those lands there was much screaming in the forums and elsewhere that LL was destroying the land market by flooding it with cheap land and devaluing that which the residents had already purchased. The plans probably died with Blue Linden.
  11. I use OBS Studio to record, but I don't give tutorials. Open Broadcaster Software | OBS (obsproject.com) You may hide all or part of the SL UI within SL itself. I run SL at 1920 x 1200 and have OBS capture 1920 x 1080, which crops off the title bar and menu at the top of the SL window and the status info at the bottom of the SL window. Some people have OBS capture at lower resolutions to leave off HUDs and chat windows. SL HUDs are literally part of the rendered scene so no capture app will be able to capture what they obscure.
  12. The Bellisseria Linden Home parcel can be set to group. The house provided to use there is "rooted" to Linden Lab owned land adjacent to the Bellisseria Linden Home parcel. Annoyingly, and apparently confusingly, they are both called Linden Homes.
  13. The contents of each folder, sans the contents of subfolders, must be collected from an inventory item database (not assets or asset 'server'), packaged, transmitted and received, unpackaged and parsed, all within a limited time period, which varies by the performance of the receiving system. My "real computer" can manage a lot. My notebook cannot. Fortunately I don't care about the notebook anymore. After handling a folder, we move on to the next in the hierarchy. Hopefully none of the packages takes too long to process, gets damaged, or causes a HEAP allocation failure!
  14. When I want to offer a URL to somebody, I put it in local chat or IM and let them decide what to do. There may be some good reasons why LL does not want to contiue using local chat for their tutorial URLs. If I had to guess I would say it's because of the malicious cloud of hooligans that hang out at the places where new accounts enter Second Life.
  15. Maybe take it as an indication you should back off a bit?
  16. That is more of a demonstration than a test. You know it happens. When I repeat your method, I get textures dumped on me at a rate exceeding 50 Mbps until they have all loaded, except in the very infrequent case when I get something somewhat like you describe. Sounds like it happens to you more frequently than it happens to me. I am pondering a repeatable test that could be used more uniformly than what I did, dumping cache and relogging. Would a test program be suitable or would such a thing violate ToS or be 'bad' in some other way? curl has not only deprecated HTTP/1.1 pipelining, pipelining has been eliminated from curl as of 7.65.0. curl enables HTTP/2 multiplexing by default since 7.62.0. Has the Second Life Viewer been updated to use HTTP/2 and multiplexing? I don't think so. Second Life Viewer appears to be using HTTP/1.1 and pipelining. Could this be part of the issue? I just don't know. If your client doesn't support multiplexing and your server doesn't support pipelining, guess what you get. One-time use TCP sessions. That's a problem.
  17. @animats & @Aishagain I am beginning to suspect some bum CDN components. Maybe there is a way to test them? The one I get almost never pulls what you are describing but I have seen it happen. It was quite jarring when it happened. I thought "the Internet was down". Panic set in until I tried some other stuff. (I work for the ISP that serves my home. If it's not working, I get to fix it.)
  18. Peepers Parsing profile picks for locations to peek. Using agent info for locations to peek. There are a number of ways to collect locations where avatars spend time. We know by watching some third party viewer users that parcel landing points and no-fly settings are being ignored by many. Viewers also have tools to teleport to agents on the mini-map and it can be done with a script. Are they taking snapshots when they get there? We cannot tell until we find those snapshots online somewhere, then it's usually not possible tie SL accounts and image board accounts together unless the perpetrator gets sloppy. Survey bots Why would there be a need for so many "survey bots"? What do they contribute to the Second Life Experience? I'd ban them from my own land without compunction if I didn't know there would be another along doing the same thing for the same or other master. The ban list that goes all the way up is of limited capacity. Old Marketplace Links Can they be expunged when the land ownership changes? Can it be a button on the parcel settings so that accidental erasure does not occur when agent owned land is deeded to a group or purchased back by an agent, etc? Stale landmarks I have found myself in the awkward situation of using a landmark and landing on an occupied bed. I often wish a landmark would prompt for confirmation explaining that the name of the destination parcel, or perhaps ownership thereof, has changed.
  19. Any conflation between Second Life and anything else causes discomfort. We want to put our toes in the water without that water leaving footprints every where we go for the rest of our lives. Can we not leave our skins at the door to play in the MUD, MUCK, MMORPG, etc? I may be a combat pilot at my "day job" but can I not just enjoy casual flying in MS Flight Simulator without being attacked? People could probably add to this list....
  20. I wonder how the bots would react to land access being set to "Buy Pass"? Does anybody make a "security tool" that uses an interrogation method like a Captcha?
  21. I use landmarks. I also use "Buy Pass" on land because it's lots of fun for messing with bots and other reasons. At first glance I like the idea of newly created landmarks dropping into a specific folder instead of the huge pile that has accumulated in "Landmarks". I can quickly find the new landmarks by poking the globe button. Then I can move those I don't want in Favorites into Landmarks with a right-click context menu. Not sure this in-box location being the precious Favorites folder is the best place for it though.
  22. Maybe one of: World > Show > Land Owners World > Show > Beacons [ x] Highlights
  23. I do not recommend enabling "full-res textures" under the development menu in Second Life Viewer for general use as it can be problematic. HOWEVER, I have never seen using it CRASH a viewer. What it can do is exhaust free memory on the GPU memory bus resulting in VOCIFEROUS paging activity which delays rendering resulting in nasty interframe delays. Some people may call this crashing but since it does not directly result in an abnormal application termination, I do not. Due to the semantics of the English language, the word crash still can be applied in the form of "the frame rate crashed", which is a really good description of what happens. In short, my GTX 1070 has 8GB of RAM of some sort on the GPU bus, and this does limit the usefulness of "full res textures" to situations where the sum of the various contents of memory on the GPU bus does not exceed approximately 7.8GB, as reported by Windows Task Manager. My CPU's memory bus has 32GB of RAM on it and my computer is not a digital land-fill so CPU RAM isn't being an issue. Practical applications for misusing this setting, in my case, are making 360 degree panoramic images and enabling fast-panning machinima. I have also used it and a clearing of viewer cache to demonstrate the performance of the content delivery network used for Second Life in my region.
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