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Evangeline Ling

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Everything posted by Evangeline Ling

  1. I'm making my Daydream a reality! So... looks like I'm in the same boat as many of you... no houseboat... not likely to get one anytime soon... but I'm not gonna sit around and dream about being a Bellisserian... I declare by squatters rights I AM ONE.. Here I am growing roots on a beach towel in the sim of Calm Waves... The hermit crabs make pretty good neighbors too as long as they don't get too grabby!
  2. I really want a houseboat but I could go for one of those beach homes provided that part of the parcel is water... I'm a water rat so I need to be able to at least have a boat out there without having to go look for a rez zone... The house looks cozy too
  3. Me and my sis Armunn out for a dance 😃
  4. Another theme that would be incredibly popular in SL would be a steampunk continent with clockwork structures and a healthy mixture of sci-fi and victorian looking builds
  5. Very cute! I popped over for a visit... It's awesome to see how people are customizing their Linden homes
  6. I like it... turn it into the Reclaimed Wood sim... all houses repurposed and improved
  7. I LOVE the idea and I hope lots of people with houseboats love the idea too... maybe I'll have a shot at getting one if a good share of folks decide to live on a sky island instead 😃 Plus for some reason I'm thinking of the little hover van from the LSD song Thunderclouds when I think of Skyhomes... Damn now i want a skyhome!
  8. Congratz on getting a houseboat, at this point it sorta feels like winning a lottery if you get one... I don't know how I would feel living next to a Linden... I tend to be very private about my RL and knowing there is someone living next to me who can probably look up my RL stuff at any given moment kinda creeps me out a bit... Yet at this point I think I would take any houseboat I can get even if they sandwiched me between a gaggle of Lindens, a virtual version of my grumpy RL next door neighbor, and someone who lives out their SL life in a Mr Potato Head Avie
  9. I dont have a houseboat yet, but like you I'm excited about possibly getting one... I actually own a large community on mainland but it's a public place and after a while you sorta become a mini-celebrity in your community. You get IMs all the time and everyone wants to know the owner and be friends with them... and i honestly love that... however i have my private home up in the sky there but when people see you on map they usually assume you are "On" While I love that, I also long for a spot where I'm just 1person on the sim among others. A neighbor and not the big owner of something huge. I love my Atlantis it is my labor of love... but one of these houseboats would be a place where I can just enjoy community without running it. Maybe someday I'll get lucky on one of these refreshes
  10. Yes I realize this... i just have absolutely zero desire for another landlocked house in SL... I'm a water rat... no water... no desire to live there... plus from all the photos I've seen there seems to be plenty of folks who do enjoy the landlocked suburban life so no reason for me to occupy one of those spots when someone else actually wants one. I can wait to see if I get a houseboat and if not I'll still be ok. I do wish though with the demand for houseboats that the Lindens continue to make a greater share of those to satisfy the obvious demand.
  11. I keep hoping for a houseboat I realize there is an outside chance at that ever happening... however in my few attempts at a refresh tonight I did have one of the little blue houses pop up on my screen... since it was not what I wanted I let it pass for someone else who might be looking for exactly that. Hoping maybe they throw another atoll out there or something soonish
  12. Kudos to everyone with a brand new house... they all look lovely and some really great photos too! One day I'll join you, I'll keep trying for a houseboat. My sister is excited about trying to get one too. For now just to dream about my future houseboat I have a houseboat I bought on the MP that i rezzed out on my mainland water plot... granted I have ban line to my left and ban lines to my right... behind me I got some guy with a dock so old that its littered with actual poseballs oh and there is a store there that looks to be selling something from 10 years ago... I kinda feel like Pinocchio dreaming about the day when my houseboat will be the real deal LOL
  13. I've been saying the exact same thing about the need for a waiting list... I realize the idea to some folks about waiting is somehow repulsive but hell waiting lines work at amusement parks... what if instead at the local popular theme park at the ride everyone wanted to be on if they just had everyone standing around in a big cluster and every time an available car came in they got on a bullhorn and shouted "AVAILABLE CAR JUMP IN" Just even thinking about that is ridiculous the chaos of people jumping over each other to try to get on board... As its rolling away people on the car saying oh dont worry there will be another car and you will get a turn... except you dont... some of the very same people get off the car and join the crowd again to get on another car... This is why amusement parks have those long twisty lines... you know you will eventually get to the front of the line, you wont have to compete or fight to get a seat and you might just make some friends in the line while you wait... I am PRO-waiting list
  14. Because I just don't feel like anytime someone annoys me for one reason or another that my first option should always be to block that person... I also feel that also enables the culture of spam lists... We will keep on spamming and you can go ahead and keep on blocking... fine that is sort of the current state of things and probably most people deal with it that way. It's the easiest way i suppose... And it ultimately is my last resort method... I am just not an inherently trigger happy blocker... that's me... that is my personality online in general (maybe with the exception of twitter I will block like crazy on twitter)...
  15. Yeah I find this one of the most annoying practices in SL... The first part of my login day is usually TPing around and unsubscribing from stores IF I CAN... many of these merchants don't even provide an unsubscriber so then plan B is to send them a notecard explaining to them I do not want to be on their spam list and to kindly remove me from them... if Plan B does not work then and only then do I block them... I honestly hate blocking people in SL and I don't have a very large block list but I would be willing to guess most of the people on that block list are spammers I agree though... if you are going to have a group like that there should be a policy that a person needs to opt into a subscriber and not be placed on automatically cause you happened to walk into their land or purchased a demo on the MP... Merchants... If you are reading this thread... Just STOP it
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