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Peeve: Lately I noticed on some news sites, that there will be a video icon, but the included video has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with the actual news item.  This is clickbait-y and I don't like it. 


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10 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

Group chats are broken again.

My text gets eaten by the server...


and yet bot spammers can reach everyone just fine:




If they'd just switch to asking people if they can borrow 20k for tier, they wouldn't have to bother everyone every 5 minutes.

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24 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

Group chats are broken again.

My text gets eaten by the server...


and yet bot spammers can reach everyone just fine:




Those 100L peeps are , in my mind, like those well dressed beggars with nice lawn chairs at gas stations holding signs. lol

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Because bot spammers move on until they find a group that works for sending.  They are as affected as anyone, but are more persistent, and don't care if one group is not working, because they are auto sending in dozens of groups.

The problem is on your end, probably your inventory, or your region.   That's why alts can send and mains can not.  Group chat has been broken for about 10 years.  

PBR has more priority.  If SL would charge you for sending a group message, It would get fixed quickly.

Edited by Jaylinbridges
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Peeve - that some of my favourite furniture stores, and one house maker whose designs I love, have terrible LODs on their products. Houses need good LODs because they are seen from a distance, and furniture should not collapse when you are standing right next to it. 

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Peeve: When someone I've actually liked and semi-admired for a good 8 years or so becomes transparent in their douchery to the extent that I wonder how I could ever have tolerated them before.

Extra Peeve: Seeing them being cowardly about it, while acting smug. Talk about disappointing.

Bonus Peeve: Looking back and seeing that they've been that way to everyone, all along.

Bonus Peeve 2: Knowing they like it, and would rather have that kind of attention than anything better, or mutually pleasant.

Final Peeve: Realizing that they actually think they are superior because of it. What a thing to be proud of.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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2 hours ago, SabrinaCooke said:

Peeve: Too much coffee + intense heat = headache. Bleargh.

Do NOT call Central Services, especially if you get any illegal repairs done. They frown on that, in triplicate.

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11 hours ago, Jaylinbridges said:

PBR has more priority.

PBR has been implemented. It is only waiting for the answer "All is working as intended"  when they have called it a day at the Lab (when the buz effect is over).
On to the next shiny they will implement half finished and half broken.


Edited by Sid Nagy
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7 hours ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

Peeve - that some of my favourite furniture stores, and one house maker whose designs I love, have terrible LODs on their products. Houses need good LODs because they are seen from a distance, and furniture should not collapse when you are standing right next to it. 

This is an instant 1 star from me . If it requires 4.000 lod to see it without it disappearing from 2 feet away , it's trash . Most people don't keep it at 4.000 24-7 .

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43 minutes ago, Midnoot said:

This is an instant 1 star from me . If it requires 4.000 lod to see it without it disappearing from 2 feet away , it's trash . Most people don't keep it at 4.000 24-7 .

The only justification I can see is if they're advertising it as super-low prim, and warn people ahead of time. Some people specifically want things like that, because they don't have the prims available otherwise. It sucks, but yeah.

Way I see it, if it's inside decor, like you're going to be in a room a few meters away, max, it shouldn't matter if it looks great from 200 meters away. But yeah, it should definitely look right when you're in the same room with it.

As for houses, if it turns into a loaf of triangle when I'm 50 meters away, they need to go back to mesh uploading school, because that's shameful. Even I'm not that bad.

Landscaping goods? They'd better look right for everybody, no matter what. That's your public face, your land. You want it to look nice. Especially if you're paying for it.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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26 minutes ago, Midnoot said:

This is an instant 1 star from me . If it requires 4.000 lod to see it without it disappearing from 2 feet away , it's trash . Most people don't keep it at 4.000 24-7 .

4.000 is the de facto unofficial standard. That lodfactor battle is lost a long time ago.
Even if one personally only buys stuff with enough strength, others will not.  If one wants to see a whole world around them one has to go for 4.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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24 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

4.000 is the de facto unofficial standard. That lodfactor battle is lost a long time ago.
Even if one personally only buys stuff with enough strength, others will not.  If one wants to see a whole world around them one has to go for 4.

And even if one only makes stuff that's merciful to people with lower LOD settings, other vendors will not. It's depressing, but it's true.

Sid is right, as far as being able to see everything the way it should look.

Still, I wish in one hand, and then wish in the other, on the off chance it doubles the odds that things will change. Keeps my hands clean, too.

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37 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

4.000 is the de facto unofficial standard. That lodfactor battle is lost a long time ago.
Even if one personally only buys stuff with enough strength, others will not.  If one wants to see a whole world around them one has to go for 4.

Pretty much. Unlike was posted above, most people I know, myself included, do keep LoD on 4 at all times.

I still do appreciate well made LODs, however. Because while the 4 is a standard pretty much, some creators manage to make such bad lods that their stuff breaks from just a bit of zooming out. 2-3m and it already shows some textured shadows under pieces that have vanished. Good example would be one fairly popular furniture/decor store starting with N. Many lovely looking pieces there, but LODs are just beyond terrible on 3/4 of their releases, so even indoor furniture/decor is unusable.

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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:
1 hour ago, Midnoot said:

This is an instant 1 star from me . If it requires 4.000 lod to see it without it disappearing from 2 feet away , it's trash . Most people don't keep it at 4.000 24-7 .

4.000 is the de facto unofficial standard. That lodfactor battle is lost a long time ago.
Even if one personally only buys stuff with enough strength, others will not.  If one wants to see a whole world around them one has to go for 4.

Peeve: So, if the LOD is such that the world looks like "trash", at least Oscar the Grouch will be happy

"I Love Trash!" - Oscar the Grouch  (the song for this is fun!)


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12 hours ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

Peeve - that some of my favourite furniture stores, and one house maker whose designs I love, have terrible LODs on their products. Houses need good LODs because they are seen from a distance, and furniture should not collapse when you are standing right next to it. 

   I pretty much always keep my LOD factor at 2, whenever I buy furniture I look at it in-world (no display, no purchase!) I make sure to cam back and forth a bit to see both when the LOD model changes, and how it changes. Very few creators in SL bother making actual LOD models and just lets the mesh uploading tool auto-generate them - which is why a lot of things turn into a spiky mess as they just shave off vertices at random. Creators that tell you that you need to bump the LOD factor up to 8-16 to 'see their product as intended' should have their sales licences revoked! 

   .. Well I guess we'd first have to give them a license to revoke, but still!

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47 minutes ago, Orwar said:

I pretty much always keep my LOD factor at 2

That's where mine always is too. I avoid buying anything without being able to see it -- either in an in-world shop or as a demo. 

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Facebook apparently is having problems.  It's been telling me that my password is incorrect, that's been functioning just fine for months, but the procedure to get a new password keeps failing.  Is it time to get paranoid?

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