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6 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

You could always just not read them, I suppose. Ignoring things that annoy you hardly requires much effort at all. 😉

Sometimes it does require effort when the very sight of a particular thread instantly makes my blood boil - happens rarely, granted, but happens enough for me to want a block thread feature. Generally I am pretty good at scrolling. It is just sometimes.

Like if I'm watching a film on Channel 5 and they show the same adverts during each break. There is just no getting away from them. (Dang it, yes, I do still watch commercial TV sometimes.)

Edited by Marigold Devin
Edited three times and still not happy but too hungry to continue.
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19 hours ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

One Peeve from a couple years ago.....

At our bar we had this large wall poster that's been there since the bar existed. It's from WWII and shows Mickey Mouse and couple other Disney characters in military uniforms and with a message to support the war effort. The original owners of the bar put that up when they opened the early 60s and think their family had the poster way before that and bought it up north when they moved here.

About 2 years ago Disney sent us a notice we had to take it down and would go legal on us if we took to long. The reason was it didn't represent Disney's current views. Our attorney wrote back it's been there forever but they wouldn't hear it. So after much debate we took it down. We offered to return it to the original owners family, but they weren't interested, so it sits in the back room to this day.


Yes Disney is pretty hardcore about their IP, they go after nursey schools and such, for having paintings of their characters, you can try selling the poster on ebay, probably make a lot of money

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13 minutes ago, Ashley Darkheart said:


Yes Disney is pretty hardcore about their IP, they go after nursey schools and such, for having paintings of their characters, you can try selling the poster on ebay, probably make a lot of money

Just as long as it doesn't feature Eric Clapton. (The utter wanker.)

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It is my belief that RL should come before SL. Actually, it is a rule for me.

I've been trying to help this person who stopped playing SL for many years and recently returned, to put together his new mesh avatar; let's call this person "Joe". I had given him tips and information on the main topics around mesh avatars already.

I was watching a movie with my RL spouse, when I noticed that Joe IMed me inworld and said that he was shopping, mixing and matching skins, and wanted my help. I replied indicating that I was unavailable at the moment and would help him after the movie was over. Well... Joe didn't like my reply, so he unfriended me.

I love entitled people who think that you should drop everything you are doing to help them, who think their needs are more important than my RL spouse, and that somehow you owe them something for helping them. Shesh...

I sent him an IM, wishing him a Happy New Year and much fun in his future adventures in SL. :D

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2 minutes ago, Echelon Alcott said:

It is my belief that RL should come before SL. Actually, it is a rule for me.

I've been trying to help this person who stopped playing SL for many years and recently returned, to put together his new mesh avatar; let's call this person "Joe". I had given him tips and information on the main topics around mesh avatars already.

I was watching a movie with my RL spouse, when I noticed that Joe IMed me inworld and said that he was shopping, mixing and matching skins, and wanted my help. I replied indicating that I was unavailable at the moment and would help him after the movie was over. Well... Joe didn't like my reply, so he unfriended me.

I love entitled people who think that you should drop everything you are doing to help them, who think their needs are more important than my RL spouse, and that somehow you owe them something for helping them. Shesh...

I sent him an IM, wishing him a Happy New Year and much fun in his future adventures in SL. :D

I have kind of different take on this. Yes, I agree that RL comes first always, however you are still logged into SL and responding? Why if you are busy in RL?  I would have just not responded till I was available. Did you have yourself as unavailable or have a auto respond on?  

Depending on the level of help you were giving him I get it. He was at the store and was ready to buy something.  

I agree it was a bit drastic to unfriend you but I don't know what kind of response you gave him so...shrugs. Text can come off as sounding harsher to the recipient than intended sometimes.


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5 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

I have kind of different take on this. Yes, I agree that RL comes first always, however you are still logged into SL and responding? Why if you are busy in RL?  I would have just not responded till I was available. Did you have yourself as unavailable or have a auto respond on?  

Depending on the level of help you were giving him I get it. He was at the store and was ready to buy something.  

I agree it was a bit drastic to unfriend you but I don't know what kind of response you gave him so...shrugs. Text can come off as sounding harsher to the recipient than intended sometimes.

To be fair, I tend to AFK in my apartment for hours at a time while doing other things and maybe he was AFK but heard the chime of an IM? I like replying to people as soon as I get their message because otherwise I forget, or reply in my head and then forget to actually reply -- I also just like letting people know what's going on so they don't interpret it as me ignoring them. I might not personally get up from watching a movie to go respond, but I can understand why someone would. 😅

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1 hour ago, LilNosferatu said:

To be fair, I tend to AFK in my apartment for hours at a time while doing other things and maybe he was AFK but heard the chime of an IM? I like replying to people as soon as I get their message because otherwise I forget, or reply in my head and then forget to actually reply -- I also just like letting people know what's going on so they don't interpret it as me ignoring them. I might not personally get up from watching a movie to go respond, but I can understand why someone would. 😅

Thanks, LilNosferatu. We are on the same wavelength. It is not uncommon to leave my avi logged in when I'm home. My spouse needed a bio break in the middle of the movie, so we paused it, and that is when I noticed the IM. Out of courtesy to him, I let him know what was going on, so he would not interpret as being ignored.

6 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

I have kind of different take on this. Yes, I agree that RL comes first always, however you are still logged into SL and responding? Why if you are busy in RL?  I would have just not responded till I was available. Did you have yourself as unavailable or have a auto respond on?  

Depending on the level of help you were giving him I get it. He was at the store and was ready to buy something.  

I agree it was a bit drastic to unfriend you but I don't know what kind of response you gave him so...shrugs. Text can come off as sounding harsher to the recipient than intended sometimes.

I feel saddened by the "you must have done something to deserve it" reaction. It was out of kindness that I was helping this stranger, who was needing help customizing his avatar. And again it was out of kindness that I decided to inform him of the situation.

Edited by Echelon Alcott
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Hey Echelon, I would treat something like this in the same way I handle work pings on my work cellphone. If I’m working or on call I’ll reply, no issues about that. If I am off work stuff isn’t replied to until I am back.

I learnt it the hard way, after replying to people out of courtesy or just to be helpful on my days off… only to be chastised for not always doing so or being at their beck and call.

SL should have an even lower priority than anything rl related, and yes, some people in SL can be quite entitled. You sound like a very kind and helpful person and some people detect and exploit that. Not just in SL… this is opportunistic human nature😑

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   Good morning all...

   I hope your all gonna have a great day today, but onto a semi-pet peeve of mine, and that id company's eating up all other's so that they are the ONLY fish in the sea... especially such companies like Disney. While on one hand I can appreciate all my favorite shows and movies being shown at one place, being "owned" by them generally speaking sucks, especially as far as a good overall business model goes for other one's that might want to try their hand at success. I mean some competition can be a good thing after all, but if your the only one in the sea, then that can lead to a crappy lazy company overall I would at least think. So to sum up my pet peeve about Disney, may I leave you all with this (which sorta sums this up nicely I think)...



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22 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Just as long as it doesn't feature Eric Clapton. (The utter wanker.)

Our DJs don't play Mr. Clapton as per recommendation from our music provider. Even when we had someone from SOCAN at our bar she said "I'd avoid him, and some other singers like the plague."  Sad....

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1 hour ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Our DJs don't play Mr. Clapton as per recommendation from our music provider. Even when we had someone from SOCAN at our bar she said "I'd avoid him, and some other singers like the plague."  Sad....


I'd always thought, without being very well-informed, that Clapton was a sort of "ok" guy. Unlike some, he at least acknowledged the sources of much of his music and style in the great blues artists of the 1930s-60s. At the same time, personally, I'd rather hear Robert Johnson's original of "Crossroads Blues" than Clapton's cover anyway.

When the stories about Clapton's weird conspiracy-theory response to the pandemic started to break (not to mention suing a grandmother for selling an ancient bootleg for, what, about CAN$18?, other stuff about him started to come out, such as the rambling, drunken, and deeply racist rant he indulged in at one concert in the 70s. He no longer seems a "sort of 'ok' guy."

And it IS sad, because the music of course exists somewhat independently of all that. But, myself, I don't want to be contributing money or web clicks or anything else to someone like this.

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Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Really? Where? In what context?

So a good example, say you have an adult daughter in SL and well you guys get rid of the title and wind up dating. That isn't incest, you aren't related by blood, legal marriage or even by actual adoption. It's just a label in SL. I see that a lot on SLFB.

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26 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

So a good example, say you have an adult daughter in SL and well you guys get rid of the title and wind up dating. That isn't incest, you aren't related by blood, legal marriage or even by actual adoption. It's just a label in SL. I see that a lot on SLFB.

I think it would depend on whether or not they continued to represent the relationship as a father/daughter one. If they do, they are role playing incest. Which is not the same as an actual incestuous relationship, of course. But if they are continuing to represent as father/daughter while dating or having (simulated) sex, then clearly role playing incest is part of the thrill, no? (With the additional possibility, no doubt carefully hidden, that the daughter is representing a minor.)

Strictly speaking, almost nothing we do here is "the same" as the RL equivalent. And we often elide over that: we don't say "I'm going to go role play dancing tonight at a club" -- we say, "I'm going dancing." For that matter, we don't say "Look at that digital representation of a woman over there" -- we say "Look at that woman," or at best, "Look at the female avi."

But the fact that they are not the same does not rob them of meaning. I get pleasure dancing in SL, for instance, that is related to the pleasure I get dancing in RL, even if it is different in many or even most regards.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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Random, small annoyance lately is when the same employer will post a brand new "now hiring" thread every other day instead of just posting once and bumping it once a week or so. There's no need for a place to have multiple duplicates of the same thread on a single page, it's a bit much lol. 😝

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6 hours ago, LilNosferatu said:

Random, small annoyance lately is when the same employer will post a brand new "now hiring" thread every other day instead of just posting once and bumping it once a week or so. There's no need for a place to have multiple duplicates of the same thread on a single page, it's a bit much lol. 😝

To be fair, a Linden did post once that a 'bump' is considered spam.  



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23 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

To be fair, a Linden did post once that a 'bump' is considered spam.  




Um. Read that again? It says 'single word responses' and then gives examples.  If you post "Bump! Because this is a good thread!" then you aren't giving a single word response and it isn't spam.

Bumping is ok just don't do it with a one-word post.

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19 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:


Um. Read that again? It says 'single word responses' and then gives examples.  If you post "Bump! Because this is a good thread!" then you aren't giving a single word response and it isn't spam.

Bumping is ok just don't do it with a one-word post.

This is why the world has gone to hell because people have to follow stupid instructions like this where one thing is wrong and another isn't but it's basically the same damn thing.  

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23 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:


Um. Read that again? It says 'single word responses' and then gives examples.  If you post "Bump! Because this is a good thread!" then you aren't giving a single word response and it isn't spam.

Bumping is ok just don't do it with a one-word post.

He said placeholders, too such as "Still looking".   are still.considered spam.  

Either repost the entire ad or add something new instead of a one word response or a placeholder intended to Bump the thread.

But, whatever.


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2 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

This is why the world has gone to hell because people have to follow stupid instructions like this where one thing is wrong and another isn't but it's basically the same damn thing.  

Feels more like the "problems" of legal speak and therefore to some extend the problems of making rules or guidelines for anything. Too precise and there will be loopholes, too muddy and the whole weight on outlaying the "law" is on the "judge".

They want people to be able to keep their thread "active", even if its not a normal discussion thread and all the responses will be by a small pool of people or a single person. But at the same time they want to limit that option, to prevent people abusing the forum (because people will be people and this is why we can't have nice things).

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

To be fair, a Linden did post once that a 'bump' is considered spam.  



Oh, okay well that's fair. But I'd also think reposting the same threads over and over would be just as spammy, personally. Seems like people could at least wait a full week before reposting. But oh well, it's just a slight annoyance lol. That entire section of the forum just always seems like a bit of a mess. 😵

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18 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

So a good example, say you have an adult daughter in SL and well you guys get rid of the title and wind up dating. That isn't incest, you aren't related by blood, legal marriage or even by actual adoption. It's just a label in SL. I see that a lot on SLFB.

But it's the principle of it. I can see where that seems a little weird to have established a family dynamic of an adult Father/Daughter relationship and then change it to a romantic one. Many, many people in SL RP families and take it very seriously. So yes, in a sense it's RP incest.  I guess it would depend on how long the relationship had been established and how far the RP went. Either way, if they are associating with the type of people that see it as incest then it's very easy to disassociate with those people and play your SL how you see fit.  Too many times people expect others here to have to approve or want them to approve of what they are doing and that rarely happens.  


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3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

He said placeholders, too such as "Still looking".   are still.considered spam.  

Either repost the entire ad or add something new instead of a one word response or a placeholder intended to Bump the thread.

But, whatever.


You're right. It's no big deal. 

Technically though, every time one of us posts, we're bumping the thread so... 🤭

You're gonna Gibbs smack me now aren't cha.

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