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Trick Or Treat?

Gingir Ghoststar

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I don't remember what I was doing last year but I totally missed out on the fun.  I didn't really decorate much for Halloween but I did go pick up a candy bucket and put it on the porch at my home in Knebworth.  I don't know if I'll be trick or treating myself or just passing out candy.cropped2halloween2022.png.badb09647ca7738187b861eeaa46e6b2.png

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On 10/17/2022 at 8:50 AM, diamond Marchant said:

A Modest Proposal

It would be nice if...

Only Candy Bucket owners broadcast the location of their Candy Bucket

as Bodicea did above. By "broadcast" I mean reveal a location inworld or in social media.

My reasoning is...

Such a broadcast, while not against any rules that I am aware of, appropriates control of owner information to others. Is it not preferable to let owners decide if and when to share their info?

I believe this proposal is in the spirit of the event. The rules make no mention of sharing the Candy Bucket location info of others. Nor do they exclude location sharing, as this would be impossible to enforce.


I have a slightly different feeling on this matter. I did not post any of my locations on the spreadsheet (there are 7 of them).  I dont mind if someone else posts them, but in my thinking this is a hunt and I would like at least 1 person to find them by hunting. :)


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On 10/18/2022 at 4:59 AM, Nika Talaj said:

Someone started a Google Doc, updateable by anyone, for those who DO want to share their pumpkin location.  At this writing, there are 168 homes on it.



Someone seems to be adding every bucket they find to the spreadsheet, so if you (general you, not Nika specifically) don't want yours listed there, I'd suggest checking it isn't there. Also expect repeats towards the end due to that, as some were already listed by the owners. It worked for a glorious almost a day!

It's generally gone a lot better than last year. I haven't hit any autoban orbs yet and nobody has assumed I'm there to see their avatar naked. So I wandered about, stole a car, crashed it, got a few gifts.

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7 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

Anyone know where i can get a bucket for my linden home?

To quote the Great Patch Linden:

"The event starts on Tuesday, 18th of October, but Bellisserian’s can place out their candy bucket on their parcels beforehand. You can find the vendors for getting your own Bellisseria Trick or Treat Candy Bucket and Bellisseria Trick or Treat HUD at the following locations:


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Finally!  After a harrowing roller coaster ride, I found myself in total darkness.  Looking around I saw a fiery pit below me.  Camming around revealed that I was inside a long black cylinder.  Further investigation made me believe that the candy I was searching for might be in the fiery pit.  But how to get there?  there were no more secret teleporters to be found; nothing to sit on.  The slenderhouse has a fixed landing point, so you can't just tp where you want to go.  I finally realized I needed to step forward, embracing the darkness...



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I didn't do trick or treat last year but thought I'd have a go at the hunt this time round.  It's been a wild ride!

So far I've been:

- Soaked through by rain inside a house (yes it was raining inside). Thank goodness it was a sunny day and I dried out quickly.

- Accosted by a jumping goblin - he needs to be kept inside...

- Frightened by ghouls and witches

- Had a narrow escape (multiple times!) from giant tentacled creatures and awful giant spiders

- Locked inside a house. I thought I'd have to wait for hours before the owners came home, because they didn't put the landmark outside. They didn't leave me any food, or even a cup of tea.  But it all turned out okay though. At least I got some candy.

I didn't think I'd make it alive! But I also found some free gifts of other sweets and food by hospitable owners,  some lovely hang out places and even vehicles to rezz (including a cute bumper car!).  And not forgetting having fun seeing all the great halloween decor. I took a bunch of quick snapshots ( just a handful are posted below, I couldn't possibly post them all).

So thank you to all the homeowners that took part to create a fun hunt!:)







Edited by Evangeline Arcadia
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On 10/18/2022 at 6:21 PM, Teresa Firelight said:

I have a slightly different feeling on this matter. I did not post any of my locations on the spreadsheet (there are 7 of them).  I dont mind if someone else posts them, but in my thinking this is a hunt and I would like at least 1 person to find them by hunting. :)


Hunts (especially shopping events) tax my nerves. They're not fun, so I appreciate that there is a spreadsheet of URLs. I posted my two homes there-- one in Ketran and the other in Pinot Point. Feel free to hang out and use the bumper boat rezzer in Pinot Point. I wouldn't post someone else's home. I respect people's choices and privacy.

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I think just having the region name where someone has a pumpkin out is a good intermediate step, as there are so many regions this year.  A region name at least gets one in the right general area, plus still allows for the hunt aspect.  Plus, if you hunt the entire region, there may be other unlisted pumpkins out to be found. 

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This year's approach has been a good balance so far. People have shared their own locations if they want, but it's been left to the owners to decide. There were a few buckets added to the spreadsheet by other people, but whoever was doing that lost interest fast. This has stopped group chat being filled with bucket locations as people compete on how many they could find and publicly announce. It's just the odd announcement from a bucket owner.

Having a list of a few hundred is plenty for someone who doesn't like to hunt. That's a lot of houses to visit and explore. People who do like to hunt don't really need any extra pointers (we're out there finding them right now).

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I wish someone else had posted in the last few days so it didn't look like I was talking to myself, but anyway,
I've been working on the spreadsheet. I don't actually know the person who started the spreadsheet, but if they have concerns about anything I've done, they can contact me.

Long story short, old entries no longer allow editing, but people can add new ones at the bottom. I recovered around 30 deleted locations. The third column can be used to point out issues with older entries that need removing (I'll go check inworld if someone posts a bucket is missing, to be sure it's really gone... I've removed one already like this).

The edit log would suggest it was multiple people making many small mistakes, rather than one person going in and deleting it all at once on purpose. Most looked like copy/paste errors.

The exception was the locations with a hidden bucket, where I suspect someone took it personally. There are three I know about, which are on the list and locked down. I recovered the original owner comments where possible, but one was a repost without the comment, so I just came up with something. If any details need changing in the locked sections, you can IM me.

I know it was upsetting people that it kept getting messed up, so I hope this helps smooth things out a bit so people can go back to candy hunting and having fun. If anything major happens again, I now know how to revert the whole thing.

Go forth, add your own bucket if you want, find candy:

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42 minutes ago, Polenth Yue said:

I wish someone else had posted in the last few days so it didn't look like I was talking to myself, but anyway,
I've been working on the spreadsheet. I don't actually know the person who started the spreadsheet, but if they have concerns about anything I've done, they can contact me.

Long story short, old entries no longer allow editing, but people can add new ones at the bottom. I recovered around 30 deleted locations. The third column can be used to point out issues with older entries that need removing (I'll go check inworld if someone posts a bucket is missing, to be sure it's really gone... I've removed one already like this).

The edit log would suggest it was multiple people making many small mistakes, rather than one person going in and deleting it all at once on purpose. Most looked like copy/paste errors.

The exception was the locations with a hidden bucket, where I suspect someone took it personally. There are three I know about, which are on the list and locked down. I recovered the original owner comments where possible, but one was a repost without the comment, so I just came up with something. If any details need changing in the locked sections, you can IM me.

I know it was upsetting people that it kept getting messed up, so I hope this helps smooth things out a bit so people can go back to candy hunting and having fun. If anything major happens again, I now know how to revert the whole thing.

Go forth, add your own bucket if you want, find candy:

Thank you so much for taking this on!  I checked the locations of my alts' buckets and all were still there but one.  I checked the number of visitors to the various buckets today and even the one not on the Google sheet had had 117 visitors so it seems all is well.

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On 10/17/2022 at 2:44 PM, SarahThe Wanderer said:

I second that, I really didn't like when someone shared my Fantsay home location last year and it got added to the big list!
That's not how I want to participate in this event, and if my House location got shared to another big list, it will take out my fun and force me into thier meaningless boring TP in and out game, I want my bucket to be found with a fun effort ( it's not hidden or anything it's at the front door ) but to walk, explore and find, I know some people enjoy that, and those are the ones I want to find my bucket and hope they win ( tho I doubt they care about that, it's all about fun exploration while also looking around ) !

This year I chose to share the Pumbkin bucket in my Houseboat:


Whoever finds it, you really are the best! just please don't share the location ; b



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