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So what do you all think to the Premium Plus package?

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On Changes To Linden Homes

In the past at SL Birthdays, I have asked the Lindens "what is the Bellisseria secret sauce?"  The common answer is "community". I believe this is not true. My experience is that community in Second Life is everywhere... or at least where two or more people share a common interest. The secret sauce of Bellisseria is a combination of value (Linden Homes are a great deal), a lowered (SL knowledge) barrier of entry to home ownership, and fairness. The fairness part is a combination of everyone being treated equally and the covenant, which gives some protection from annoyances.

The only change I would advise for current Linden Homes is to devote more resources to governance (fairness) and to  improve the allocation protocol.

@Abnor Mole has said in this forum that all Linden Homes are different but each has something special. There should not be any bad ones (and if there are that should be fixed). The current allocation protocol for homes allows for specification of a home theme or sub-theme. Why not improve the protocol. For example,  allow more selection attributes  (e.g. elevation or proximity to another resident) or change the retry algorithm so you don't get a home you have previously rejected.

Introducing an ability to select a specific home would erode the practice of fairness, in my opinion. It is not immediately obvious to me how this would even work.

Introducing larger Linden Homes would also be a mistake. Residents already have the ability to have any size home they like. It's called mainland. Why go down the rabbit hole of designing a whole new class of grander homes to solve a problem that does not really exist.

In summary, make no changes other than to fullfill the promise of governance and improve the allocation protocol.


Edited by diamond Marchant
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6 hours ago, Exavor Diesel said:


Annoyingly this page is still out of date, it says:  "Currently, only Residents who live in the European Union are charged VAT."

The UK is obviously no longer part of the EU and hasn't been for years now, but of course VAT is still applicable to residents of the UK. (Rightly or wrongly - a discussion for another topic) 


Ask your government, big chance they didn't change the VAT policy, this isn't a LL rule.
They only forgot to change the info on their websites.

EU pays VAT others pay Sales Taxes, and i am pretty sure i seen many posts in the past about Aussies who got billed a lot more...

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2 hours ago, diamond Marchant said:

Residents already have the ability to have any size home they like. It's called mainland.


0 second whitelist security orbs, ban lines, low hanging skyboxes, various hideous prim builds that glow and have textures straight out of a mid-90s free screensaver program within draw distance...

Maybe if Mainland had a "don't be a terrible person" covenant it would count, but for space to build in an area where there are *some* standards it would be beneficial...

Though we need a hybrid type area that allows us to have a small (limits make sense, I mean no mega-malls floating over a neighborhood full of empty homes, but a few vendors can have their place) shop and still be held to basic standards of being neighborly and at least pretending to match an area theme. AFAIK you can't even rez a donation box there if you keep a public area for anyone to use.

The worst thing I've seen (or rather heard) in Linden Home areas are people who don't understand how (or just don't care) to make that stupid YouTube "tv" that only manages to spam ads 24/7 keep the ear shattering noise on their own parcels.

Well, that and random guys who walk up onto your porch and start spamming any HUD they can access, but that's pretty universal anywhere the public has access to.

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Mainland does not cut it, people want pretty neighborhoods, a nice selection of homes. pretty place to live, without worrying the parcel they just bought will be surrounded by a club floating billboards and the other assorted crap, that you find on mainland.


People who play GoH will still play, they may have a combination of accounts depending on how desirable these 2048 parcels are, if they can afford 20 premium accounts they can certainly go premium plus and reduce some premiums. Goh is a game some people love it some hate it, ultimately it brings in more income to LL, so it would be a unwise move to block that on their part.

I know many people with only 1 account who hit it at the right time and get amazing homes, and others with multiple accounts who work hard to get what they want. If you want it badly enough then you play for more chances, to get what you want.

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12 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

ETA: While sloping around the video, hunting for this fee waiver, I stumbled on something that Patch seems to have gotten wrong, which I see Inara also notes: Around 28:28, Saffia seems to ask about an increase to three animesh attachments, and Patch says it will go from one to two, but regular Premium accounts already get two animesh attachments...

I would assume he meant that premium + goes from one extra animesh attachment to two extra animesh attachments so in total 3 animesh attachments possible for P+, so he wasn't wrong just worded it without context.


On a side note and not specifically addressed to Qie, was there any mention if premium plus offers still an either or option of Linden Home or Mainland parcel?

If it is still either one or the other like regular premium, then this is a bad move. P+ would offer a far better package if you could have a Linden Home on 1024 as well as an additional 1024 mainland parcel (for say a shop) making up 2048m² of land allowance. This may be the case and someone may have answered it already.

Edited by Drayke Newall
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5 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Local textures is a Linden feature. You have this feature.

Oh, right! I knew that. Except the whole point of the beta grid is that you *put the texture on the thing*. Just looking at it in a preview isn't always enough. 

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21 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Oh, right! I knew that. Except the whole point of the beta grid is that you *put the texture on the thing*. Just looking at it in a preview isn't always enough. 

You can put it on the object, just only you can see it unless you pay to upload.

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34 minutes ago, Drayke Newall said:



On a side note and not specifically addressed to Qie, was there any mention if premium plus offers still an either or option of Linden Home or Mainland parcel?

If it is still either one or the other like regular premium, then this is a bad move. P+ would offer a far better package if you could have a Linden Home on 1024 as well as an additional 1024 mainland parcel (for say a shop) making up 2048m² of land allowance. This may be the case and someone may have answered it already.

you can use your 2048 for 1 linden home 1024 or 2048 when they become available, or split it between 1024 mainland, and 1 1024 Linden home, or allocate it all to mainland.

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6 minutes ago, Aethelwine said:

What is an animesh attachment? Why might I want one or even two of them. 

I have an animesh dancer, but can't see any benefit to wearing them, and so know a bit what animesh is, but clueless what benefit it might be in this context. 

A lot of add on pets, babies, tails and ears are animesh these days.

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I did not read all the replies so pardon if this is a duplicate or similar comment.. but according to my math.. Premium plus is not much more than regular premium...Correct me if am wrong..

Premium plus stipend is L$650 per week (times that by 52 weeks in a year)= L$33800 = approx $135 US Dollars

Cost of Premium plus is $249 per year MINUS the stipend above = $114

$114 divided by 12 months is cost of $9.50 per month cost


Premium regular stipend is L$300 per week (times by 52 weeks in a year) - L$15,600 = approx $62

Cost of Premium regular is $99 per year MINUS the stipend above = $37

$37 divided by 12 months is cost of $3.08 per month cost


So, for a little over $6 per month extra for Premium plus, you are getting twice the land size, way more group space, free texture uploads and other tidbits. Not a bad deal at all !



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7 minutes ago, blissfulbreeze said:

I did not read all the replies so pardon if this is a duplicate or similar comment.. but according to my math.. Premium plus is not much more than regular premium...Correct me if am wrong..

Premium plus stipend is L$650 per week (times that by 52 weeks in a year)= L$33800 = approx $135 US Dollars

Cost of Premium plus is $249 per year MINUS the stipend above = $114

$114 divided by 12 months is cost of $9.50 per month cost


Premium regular stipend is L$300 per week (times by 52 weeks in a year) - L$15,600 = approx $62

Cost of Premium regular is $99 per year MINUS the stipend above = $37

$37 divided by 12 months is cost of $3.08 per month cost


So, for a little over $6 per month extra for Premium plus, you are getting twice the land size, way more group space, free texture uploads and other tidbits. Not a bad deal at all !



Not bad, but not great either. For me, I have a number of alts helping to cover the cost of my mainland (mostly for my inworld stores). I’d hoped to retire some of my alts and simplify things, but those $6 per month add up. Perks like having more than one store per account would be more to my taste than more group slots that I won’t use, but each person has to weigh up the benefits. So for now, P+ is not what I had hoped and I’m sticking with the status quo.

Oh, and if they change the regular premium price upwards again to make P+ look more attractive, I’ll be rethinking my inworld stores and retiring a few alts.

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1 hour ago, Sparkely Sugar said:

Mainland does not cut it, people want pretty neighborhoods, a nice selection of homes. pretty place to live, without worrying the parcel they just bought will be surrounded by a club floating billboards and the other assorted crap, that you find on mainland.

Mainland is specifically what I want so I don't get suffocated by the building codes on Belli. I'll take floating billboards and assorted crap over uniform faux-suburbia any day. :P

Some kind of balance between the two where you can build anything as long as it has some effort put into it would be ideal but alas, they probably don't have the time.

Edited by Cinos Field
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My conclusions atm about premium plus, speaking with creators in general they are loving it along with bloggers. Region owners are not happy and feel like they have been left out, average user response  is mixed some feeling this is great, some are it is too expensive.

I think there needs to be an ala carte option where you can do add ons, or there needs to be a midrange package with Premium plus giving you all the options. I do feel that $199 annually would of been a more attractive option, that would gain more people picking it up then $249. perhaps LL might consider offering that as a first year special to get more people to adopt it.

I broke down the costs at @ $249 annually which is a cost of $20.75 a month, to see who this works for.

1 premium @ $99 annually  with an additional 1024 of mainland total land 2048  $15.33 a month $184.00 annually offset by stipend of 15,600L =$62 USn Net Cost  $122 US

1 premium Plus @$249 2048 included $20.75 a month   Net Cost $125 US

If you currently have 2 premium accounts

2 premiums       2048 16.66 a month $200 annually Stipend offset $125 annually Net cost  $75.00
Premium plus     2048 20.75 a month $249 annually Stipend offset $135 annually Net cost $114.00  

Cost increase is approx $40 - this could be offset by free uploads 83 uploads a month is equivalent to $40 a month, the added bonus of extra groups etc makes this attractive to creators, if they where using 2 premium account

If your not a premium member at all but rent a small parcel this could benefit those people, depending on what you pay per prim. In this scenario premium plus is a better deal then renting  just land, since you get a house in a community

Renting just land from a Land company no Premium account

1 L per prim     $751 per week $3,154 per month  39,052 L annually  $156.38 US out of pocket

Saving of $42.38 if they got a LH instead

2 L per prim   $1,502 per week $6,308 per month  78,104 L annually  $312.75 US out of pocket

Savings of 198.75 

if they got a LH instead

Edited by Sparkely Sugar
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31 minutes ago, Cinos Field said:

Mainland is specifically what I want so I don't get suffocated by the building codes on Belli. I'll take floating billboards and assorted crap over uniform faux-suburbia any day. :P

Some kind of balance between the two where you can build anything as long as it has some effort put into it would be ideal but alas, they probably don't have the time.

that exists now, you can buy land in Horizons where it is not as wild west as mainland, there are also other regions that have some restrictions but not as restrictive as Belli.  I think we have a ton of options, you can go to a a Private luxury estate, you can go to Belli, you can do private island, homestead, mainland, or mainland with some restrictions. I would like to see a mid range island like Homestead plus with 8 or 10k allowance, and the ability for premium plus to do that as a stand alone.

Edited by Sparkely Sugar
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25 minutes ago, Sparkely Sugar said:

that exists now, you can buy land in Horizons where it is not as wild west as mainland, there are also other regions that have some restrictions but not as restrictive as Belli.  I think we have a ton of options, you can go to a a Private luxury estate, you can go to Belli, you can do private island, homestead, mainland, or mainland with some restrictions. I would like to see a mid range island like Homestead plus with 8 or 10k allowance, and the ability for premium plus to do that as a stand alone.

I would love this too and think it'd be really popular

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For $30/mo I don't ever want to get the message 'sorry, the sim is full' for shopping events. I'm Premier Plus, baby. You better roll out that red carpet when I rez in. 

For $30/mo I don't ever want to experience LAG. 

For $30/mo, that 2048 parcel better be on its own private island and the homes better be mansions. 

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Before I knew the price, I was considering 2 Premium Plus and buying a 4098m mainland. Net price for two accounts is 228 US when the stipend is deducted.

Those money can cover the price for a mainland rental. So no... unless the new Premium home makes me so exited I can not resist.... I am not buying Premium Plus.

Very high price, yes. I think it is needed to split up in a Business Premium and a Citizen Premium. For a creator with a lot of uploads, this must be great for them. For me, no.

Edited by Marianne Little
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2 minutes ago, Chris Corvinus said:

For $30/mo I don't ever want to get the message 'sorry, the sim is full' for shopping events. I'm Premier Plus, baby. You better roll out that red carpet when I rez in. 

For $30/mo I don't ever want to experience LAG. 

For $30/mo, that 2048 parcel better be on its own private island and the homes better be mansions. 

Nothing of that is realistic. If that's what you expect, def better to not go prem plus.

For creators it's brilliant. free texture upload alone makes it more than worth it for many of us. The rest is bonus on top.

being beneficial for creators also has an impact on any other resident. free texture upload, means less cost making something, easier to break even for some creators. Easier to make a gift here or there to make our SL more beautiful for every resident, no matter if they are free, prem or P+. And generally motivating to create nice things to share and enjoy, which is a huge part of SL.

But for some reason so many refuse to look at even that side and prefer to just complain, and make it all about " me, me , me... not for me... me, me," . Sad.

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3 minutes ago, Salt Peppermint said:

being beneficial for creators also has an impact on any other resident. free texture upload, means less cost making something, easier to break even for some creators. Easier to make a gift here or there to make our SL more beautiful for every resident, no matter if they are free, prem or P+. And generally motivating to create nice things to share and enjoy, which is a huge part of SL.

But for some reason so many refuse to look at even that side and prefer to just complain, and make it all about " me, me , me... not for me... me, me," . Sad.

Unfortunately, every time someone has suggested "if we make things easier and better for business owners, everyone will benefit" it has universally not worked out that way. Less fees always translate to more profit, not lower prices. :P

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15 minutes ago, Salt Peppermint said:

Nothing of that is realistic. If that's what you expect, def better to not go prem plus.

For creators it's brilliant. free texture upload alone makes it more than worth it for many of us. The rest is bonus on top.

being beneficial for creators also has an impact on any other resident. free texture upload, means less cost making something, easier to break even for some creators. Easier to make a gift here or there to make our SL more beautiful for every resident, no matter if they are free, prem or P+. And generally motivating to create nice things to share and enjoy, which is a huge part of SL.

But for some reason so many refuse to look at even that side and prefer to just complain, and make it all about " me, me , me... not for me... me, me," . Sad.

Then maybe LL should market it as a Content Creator package instead of a citizen+ package. 

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54 minutes ago, Cinos Field said:

Unfortunately, every time someone has suggested "if we make things easier and better for business owners, everyone will benefit" it has universally not worked out that way. Less fees always translate to more profit, not lower prices. :P

when people are being more motivated to create, it is already working out!

no where did I say this is about lowering prices. Some creators struggle to make a gift simply for having too much cost to go into. will they now make 10 gifts per month? of course not.

but having a bit more motivation to create (gift ot not), is never a wrong thing. And that is beneficial to every single SL resident imho. 

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