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1 second Orb timing, is it necessary

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7 hours ago, diamond Marchant said:

It appears that the OP assumed that it might be possible to travel by boat from the Blake Sea to Bellisseria. Regardless of the orb situation, such a journey is not possible due to lack of continuous water from the Blake to Bellisseria. This can be remedied by adding additional regions, however, LL has made no commitment to do this.


Bingo! Gimme some cream with that coffee!

The worst that should happen to an avatar who "violates" private property is that that they are denied access. If relocated, it should be no further than their last location prior to entering the private property. If in a vehicle, it should be no worse than bouncing off an end-of-world region edge.

As to the current situation, I strongly support governance getting involved when people set "booby traps"... things like banlines adjacent to  protected water or roadways. Also, short fuse orbs can be booby traps.

There is also the issue of understaffed governance. Orb violations remain in Bellisseria, even when ARed.

So called "ban lines" by water and roadside aren't "booby traps" neither are zero second orbs.  They're legitimate tools provided by Linden lab and scripters utilising them, to allow people to protect their privacy/safe spaces call it what you will.


People have no "right to roam" unless it's on Linden owned land or water.

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I gotta say, I've never needed a security orb on any of my parcels. Right now I've got 5 different parcels I actively use across mainland and Linden homes, across two accounts, plus a friend's place.

Never needed an orb.

In my experience, it's generally two types of people that have them- people near a public passageway that picked the worst possible place to rent while having that kind of attitude, and people doing something to make people interested in bothering them.

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4 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

For those who need privacy it's not about those who "find themselves so important they can't stand the thought of someone accidentally seeing their artificial stuff that doesn't even exist". It's not about 'things' at all -- it's about what their space represents to them, what it means to them or how they experience their home on a very personal or subjective level. Perhaps they never had privacy in RL, or were unable to keep people out of their physical and emotional space. Perhaps they need a place to be alone and aren't in SL to interact with others at all. Maybe they are frightened if someone is suddenly 'there' without warning because they've been invaded without permission in RL. Maybe they've encountered griefers or unwelcome sexual advances in SL.

We just don't know for sure what meaning it has for them and why they desire privacy, as there are so many possibilities, but I do know it's not right for you to insult and ridicule another because of the personal space and privacy they need.

If there's some program to use SL (or any online experience) to help victims recover from whatever causes such extreme social sensitivity, that would be great but it would require a heck of a lot more than any security orb could deliver and must include progressive desensitization, not reward for ever increasing vigilance to the trigger.

As an introvert, occasionally having somewhere to retreat for a little virtual "me time" has appeal, but overall SL is a social platform. The Fortress of Solitude, long term, is not a healthy place. It's just not.

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1 hour ago, belindacarson said:

unless it's on Linden owned land or water.

most problems seem to happen on places where waterwways are at regions where no protections is set to the land. For many years these parcels are sold and traded between residents. But by their origin are no public passages.
Somebobdy to blame? .. nah, thats to big, but it's how mainland was designed.

OK, ill blame somebody at 3 sides .. the landowner could be less restrictive, the traveler could be more carefull and plan better, and as third, LL redo the design of seemingly public passingways and make it LL owned.

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As Que pointed out, it would be impossible for someone to have enough time, with a 1 second TP home orb, to take a gyazo screenshot inside someone's home.  Beside she was using a sailing route over water I presume, and would be nowhere close to a living room.  The screen shot was taken inside the OP's OWN HOME, which I thought was obvious.  Those warning boxes persist after being TPed home.  Some posters must have left their brains in the freezer before jumping to a silly conclusion and accusing her of snooping in someone's home.

I had an orb that detected people outside of my parcel boundaries, and a neighbor claimed she was TPed home, on her own parcel, from my orb next door.  Now this was on a private island where the land was all in one group, but parceled out to renters.  My orb was in a skybox 600 m high, and my neighbor claimed she was TPed home on the land level whenever she tried to leave her home in her own front yard.  Was she lying, since I didn't have time to confirm it?  She complained to the sim owner, who believed her, and deleted/returned the orb from my sky ranch wall.  Only problem was the Orb control was linked to the walls, ceiling and windows.  So I came home to find most of the ranch building missing.   After that I bought an orb that actually kept it's invader detection to within the parcel boundary.

I still have that old ranch, built around 2010, in my inventory.  Might be worth some experiments to see if the ranch orb can really eject/TP outside the parcel boundary.

Edited by Jaylinbridges
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Unfortunately, it is one of the best tools people have to ensure their privacy.  I do wish LL would make other tools available for people to use, so that security orbs are not as practical to use for people who want privacy.

But yeah, they are annoying,  thankfully most people don't tend to use them.   When it comes to the few that do use them, a lot have enough consideration to set them to 15 seconds or longer.

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2 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

I had an orb that detected people outside of my parcel boundaries, and a neighbor claimed she was TPed home, on her own parcel, from my orb next door.  Now this was on a private island where the land was all in one group, but parceled out to renters.  My orb was in a skybox 600 m high, and my neighbor claimed she was TPed home on the land level whenever she tried to leave her home in her own front yard.  Was she lying, since I didn't have time to confirm it? 

If the land being "all in one group" means it was actually deeded to that group, then yeah, this can absolutely happen.

On the plus side, though, unless the item itself were deeded to that group, it could only work while its owner is present, and only if that owner has a group role that includes some Parcel Access abilities like "Eject and freeze Residents on parcels" and "Manage parcel Ban lists."

This is why landlords who want to allow security devices really need to do some homework, especially if they use a shared group to own all rented parcels—which isn't ideal anyway.

In the more common case of privately owned land, it's easy for the scripter to avoid sending bogus messaging outside their parcels. Even when sensor-based detection was common, the handy llOverMyLand() function was available to scripters who actually knew what they were doing. Now, everybody uses llGetAgentList() with either AGENT_LIST_PARCEL_OWNER or AGENT_LIST_PARCEL (the latter of which also solves the problem of a shared landowning group).

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I have a 4096 corner parcel with a beach theme on a private island.  No ban lines or isolation walls are allowed, to maintain the Beach theme. 

One neighbor moved in and immediately set up a zero second orb for his entire parcel up to the top of the sky.  There is no warning messsage and it has no delay.  When I was landscaping near his parcel, I would sometime step onto his side of the adjacent boundary with one foot, and instantly be ejected to the bottom of the ocean.  This got rather annoying, and the last thing I wanted to do was touch his BDSM beach playground.  So my answer was to put up a security wall, so I could not drift onto his parcel by even 0.00001 meter.  It works just fine, and I hope he enjoys his privacy:




(I was tempted to make the texture on his side a collection of dog turds, but alas I opted for 100% transparency on both sides.)

We are so isolated on this island that we never see a visitor.  I have no orbs active at any level because they are not needed. 



Edited by Jaylinbridges
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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

but overall SL is a social platform. The Fortress of Solitude, long term, is not a healthy place. It's just not.

I don't think you get to make that call for how people approach their use of SL.  It also supposes that they never go anywhere else to socialise.  They may just not want to be forced to socialise in their sanctum.

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Never had any orb in my places, and I've had a few over the years. Or banlines. Never rented in places that allowed banlines also. But that is me, others will have what they want.

One of the reasons  I like Bellisseria is the 15 sec limit that gives me time to move out, and no, I'm not wandering into peoples homes, but on very rare occasions I have lost control of my boat or horse and it happened.  

 15 sec is a good time in an orb, even 10, just let me get out of the place, because if I'm there it is only by accident

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23 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:
2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

The Fortress of Solitude, long term, is not a healthy place. It's just not.

I don't think you get to make that call for how people approach their use of SL.  It also supposes that they never go anywhere else to socialise.  They may just not want to be forced to socialise in their sanctum.

Maybe was Superman reference? Retro, old movie version of course. 

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53 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Maybe was Superman reference? Retro, old movie version of course. 

That's how I would take it. I know it from before the movies, reading the comics as a kid.

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Yeah, Superman, but @Gabriele Graves' point stands: I don't get to dictate how sociable people must be in their sanctum.

What I really meant to react to, though, was the idea that we'd do a favor to those feeling privacy-abused by granting them a special place in SL to withdraw. People want solitude for whatever reason and if they enjoy what they get in SL, fine, but this is not a real place of solitude and certainly not of healing.

For that solitude, there's OpenSim on a stick with the network cable unplugged. Or, much better, a meditation app.

For healing, there are mental health professionals, not orb scripters.


Also, let's not pretend there's some special nobility in selecting Mainland of all places as the place to seek privacy in SL. The tools are grandfathered-in so Mainland will always have these lame functions to achieve a kind of half-assed "privacy" and folks will always be able to use them, but only a dedicated, one-owner Estate region has anything like meaningful privacy. Meanwhile, the Mainland "privacy" seekers will forever be dissatisfied with their results while inconveniencing others. As a designed environment, Mainland "privacy" is less a compromise than a failure, but it's a permanent failure now.

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7 hours ago, Mollymews said:

just a fyi about this

the script picks up that we are in range of the sensor.  The script says in chat or dialog that it will try to eject us. It can't actually eject us as we are not on the parcel

if we are going to Abuse Report this then it comes under Spam. A dialog or chat message that has no purpose is spam. Is the same kind of spam when we are going by a parcel (not on it) and the script shouts greetings at us, or shouts and drops LMs and such on us. This is all spam, as we are not on the parcel

I used to have a weapon that would send someone else home (only ever used in weapons testing sandbox), guessing it was a modded security system. last time it happened to me, was around nov 2021 traveling on foot ran the public roads on main land north western part of one of the continents and one got me and I'm pretty sure I reported it. I was teleported away. Run all public roads and see what happens. I would not post the location next time it happens because it will, I would AR it and let LL handle it. 

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5 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

As an introvert, occasionally having somewhere to retreat for a little virtual "me time" has appeal, but overall SL is a social platform. The Fortress of Solitude, long term, is not a healthy place. It's just not.

I'm going to have to agree with @Gabriele Gravesabout this.  I am quite social when I choose to be.  I'm hopping all over the grid most of the time.  But, just as in RL, my home is for my down time.  The one place in SL I should be guaranteed some solitude if I so choose.  I don't have any social anxiety.  As people say, I'm social selective.


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I read the first few posts on page 1 where it was noticed that the OP was indoors, and not on a path to anywhere as she claimed. I didn't read the whole thread so I don't know if something else was noticed - the chevrons in the OP's pic. It means that other notices are underneath, and I wonder if the 1 second warning is the last of a series of warnings that totaled a lot more than 1 second.

Anyway, 1 second is idiotic, imo. It's allowed, as is instant (0 seconds), but idiotic.


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The only security system I've ever used is my own, which simply send me a message with a link to their profile when someone enters my parcel. It does nothing else and the visitor won't even know it's there.

I think a few seconds of warning time is a reasonable ask and acceptable to the trespasser. I'm still not convinced there's any harm that could be caused by this. There are many ways to harass a person from outside their orb distance.

Nobody should be able to mess with your stuff in that time (if this has happened, what was it?), and most people are just passing by without even realizing they stepped over your grass.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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6 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:
11 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

For those who need privacy it's not about those who "find themselves so important they can't stand the thought of someone accidentally seeing their artificial stuff that doesn't even exist". It's not about 'things' at all -- it's about what their space represents to them, what it means to them or how they experience their home on a very personal or subjective level. Perhaps they never had privacy in RL, or were unable to keep people out of their physical and emotional space. Perhaps they need a place to be alone and aren't in SL to interact with others at all. Maybe they are frightened if someone is suddenly 'there' without warning because they've been invaded without permission in RL. Maybe they've encountered griefers or unwelcome sexual advances in SL.

We just don't know for sure what meaning it has for them and why they desire privacy, as there are so many possibilities, but I do know it's not right for you to insult and ridicule another because of the personal space and privacy they need.


If there's some program to use SL (or any online experience) to help victims recover from whatever causes such extreme social sensitivity, that would be great but it would require a heck of a lot more than any security orb could deliver and must include progressive desensitization, not reward for ever increasing vigilance to the trigger.

As an introvert, occasionally having somewhere to retreat for a little virtual "me time" has appeal, but overall SL is a social platform. The Fortress of Solitude, long term, is not a healthy place. It's just not.

Having a subjective experience which differs from yours is not something anybody needs to "recover" from due to "extreme social sensitivity". Only one of my four scenarios pointed to any kind of need for healing and "recovery" (being frightened if someone appears without warning due to being invaded in RL). The rest of the scenarios describe perfectly "normal" needs for privacy (having little privacy in RL and so wanting SL to have what their RL lacks, desiring a private space where one is free from griefers and sexual advances, viewing their SL home mostly as a place to be alone instead of a place to socialize with others). 
And none of these "normal" applications excludes socializing when leaving their home, or implies they never socialize in their own home -- it only points to the fact they want to have a choice in the matter.

You seem to imply though, that if someone is experiencing "extreme social sensitivity" they should not be accommodated? Why would this need to be -- is the world only for the "normal" in your eyes?

I guess, since you view SL as some kind of a sandbox where you can play with gadgets and script, and drive cars, instead of imbued with any sort of feeling or meaning beyond your preferences, you can't imagine any other "normal" person could be different?

And I guess, as a man you can't understand the annoyance of 'existing while female' in SL and all the hassling women have to put up with because of it?

You do realize that a large portion of the desire for privacy comes from these guys lacking social skills who manifest into women's spaces?  Is 'existing while female' some sort of mental illness women need to recover from if they don't accommodate this unwanted behavior from men who think SL and the women in it exist only for their pleasure? If there is any kind of "recovery" or healing needed by those in SL, this behavior fits the bill more than any other.

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16 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:
17 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I was on Mac's roof yesterday, for spring cleaning. As I climbed over the peak, heading towards the gutter, the little voice way in the back of my head suggested I take a running leap. Once I'd settled into a crouch to scoop out the muck, the voice kept nagging me to just roll over the edge.

Honestly, there's nobody more dangerous to me than me.

Satan tried to get Jesus to jump, too! According to the story.

You don't think this is a case of Satan trying to devour his own children?

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5 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I don't think you get to make that call for how people approach their use of SL.  It also supposes that they never go anywhere else to socialise.  They may just not want to be forced to socialise in their sanctum.

Agree with this. People use SL for all kinds of reasons. SL is my creative outlet. Others use it to socialize. Others use it to roleplay. Others love to log in and play with friends in skilled gaming regions. Others are looking for relationships.

I prefer socializing elsewhere these days, so when I log into SL, I intend to build something, I want to photograph something, I want to shop events and create a new look or avatar, I want to tear my house down and redesign a new space, etc. So there's a good chance that when I'm home, I'm zoomed in on a couch as I try to come up with a good pillow arrangement or color match it to the rest of the furniture, or I'm lost in my inventory searching for the perfect accessory, or zoomed in on my hands posing my fingers for a shot.

Because these are mostly things I do alone, I specifically choose to live on remote private islands out in the middle of nowhere. Because I'm anti-social? No...because it kind of sucks to have someone's big ole boom boom booty land in my view while trying to build. I have had friends TP right on top of my freaking head with their pointy stiletto heels as I was in the middle of plating some food (yes I like to customize my plates and food arrangements to please my inner Gordon Ramsay). I love them dearly, but...srsly...get your feet out of my hair. I'm working here! 😄 I was on their land at the time decorating FOR them - otherwise, I would've lovingly yeeted them into the sun, too. Friends do know how focused I tend to get with this stuff, but we all love our shenanigans I suppose.

But no really - If you cam-sit uninvited inside my home while I'm doing any of that (which has happened, oddly), you're getting yeeted within 5 seconds. Not because I dislike people or anything - but because you're in my damn way! There's a reason I don't mess with mainland. 😂 

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