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What does everyone do all day

kevin Jerrold

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Hanging out, chating, bantering to high heavens and, lately, watching Kalegthepsionicist having been tamed out of his (apparently glorious) havoc-wreaking days.

And of course sharpshooting here at the forums.

Edited by Ren Toxx
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You're asking two different questions. 1:

17 hours ago, kevin Jerrold said:

What does everyone do all day?

I script and make mesh things.


And 2 (emphasis mine):

17 hours ago, kevin Jerrold said:

What do you like doing.?

I like reading. I wish I had more time to read:


Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
Maybe I should trash Farm Heroes Super Saga from my phone. I'd have much more time to read then.
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9 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

It used to be easier to "match existing builds" (copy designs, which not everyone appreciates) when there were prim builds. With mesh, of course, it's a lot harder.

I have been spending a lot of time making things for events. I am waiting for the day when they have the premium plus accounts with the bulk discount for texture uploads.

You are brave to go on the auctions.

@Persephone Emerald What kind of freaks me out is the enormous amounts of time I will spend sorting my inventory. No one objectively needs me to do this. I could die tomorrow and it won't matter. It doesn't really help that much to find things, although I suppose faintly, it reminds me of what I bought and spurs me to put it out in rentals or my own homes and projects, and that's to the good, I suppose, so it doesn't sink to the bottom of inventory, forgotten. But I won't get to a lot of it, and I don't delete enough of it to truly make it a valuable exercise. So while it does contribute to a sense of inner being satisfaction and being-duty, I suppose it is built on false premises, not only because it's pixels.

I recently spent a three hour boring Zoom meeting for work happily sorting my SL inventory. I would have done better to sort my RL email, which is also fairly pointless. Either of these inventories can be word-searched and objectively speaking, don't need sorting. But again, there is a sense of order and dignity about making a folder "medical" to go under "decor" or making "round" for the "tables" folder.  Again, no one needs me to do this. I probably spend more time on this than anything which is particularly insane, although I can -- again, faintly -- justify it because it is going in part into rentals decoration. Decorations that quite a few tenants ask to remove, and then reach into their own inventory...

Sadly I'm not quite thier when it comes to mesh so tend to stick to the old school prim builds. Blender 🤔 scares me. I cant do blender.

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4 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

Oh the inventory... I do not sort it much, I do not remember to delete every landmark, notecard and unpacker script daily or even monthly. So I have deleted over 25 000 items this weekend. So many, many thousands was notecards and landmarks. I despise notecards. I want an end to all "thank you's" and "read this" info that no one need. And after seeing the first notecard titled "don't read this, really, don't" it became lame. Just trying to be funny so you can tell me to raise my LOD to 4, like you are not the last in a very long line of merchants. Bleugh.

Only by using the search word "store" and filter first on notecards and then landmarks, gave me 1014 items to delete. All for "store policy" that interest me zero. Put your store policy in your profile, and the tp to your store.

After I had used every word I could think about in search, it struck me that I can search only one letter? Yes, I can! Searching with first "a" and then "e" gave me new 3000 items og landmarks and notecards.

Maybe I can keep my inventory under 100 000 until Easter now.

I use the Filter option to bring up just landmarks or just notecards.  

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21 minutes ago, Kyle Blackwood said:

I get woken up about each 3 hours at night and spend all day looking after someone with Alzheimer's so SL is sort of an escape from a more stressful life than anyone who has not been a 24h carer can possibly comprehend.

Not Alzheimer's, but I certainly comprehend. Sleep lack included. Been a 24 hour carer for eight years, on and off as symptoms vary; three years straight at the start and always have to be vigilant for rapid/instant deterioration. Instant life change for us both. I can get on SL when things aren't too bad. When they are, I can't even do this.

Best wishes to you.

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3 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

How do you do it??? Whenever I try to weed my inventory, I spend hours, and then find my Trash folder only contains a few hundred items. Then I get all discouraged.

Inventory sorting I found to be pointless. I've actually lost tons of stuff that I wanted to keep but somehow just disapeared

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5 hours ago, Kyle Blackwood said:

I get woken up about each 3 hours at night and spend all day looking after someone with Alzheimer's so SL is sort of an escape from a more stressful life than anyone who has not been a 24h carer can possibly comprehend.

I feel for you. My Mom had Alzheimer's. I wasn't her fulltime caregiver, but I heard enough stories from other people who were for their loved ones. ❤️

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16 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I use the Filter option to bring up just landmarks or just notecards.  

Yes, but in my inventory it does not open the folders, so I have to do it manually. The "clothes" folder is closed. I have to open it. Then I have to open "merchant name" and find the notecards hidden in those folders, and repeat. Every time I have tried to have a routine on sorting, it works a short time, and then I let it get out of control again.

Filtering and searching for words is what I have done in years. But the creativity in making titles is too big for using words. Searching for one letter also opened the landmarks and notecards with an "a" and "e" in the title. I should do a new search for "o", I think I have covered all possibilities then.

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Days I get to spend in SL are filled with things I cherish and love doing. First and foremost I'm a mother in SL to an adorable zooby toddler. I adopted my daughter in 2016 and never regretted or tired of choosing to do so. Some get bored of SL parenthood, but I've not experienced that. My days are filled with taking care of my daughter and cat, spending time with family and friends, roleplaying, visiting zoos and parks, going out dancing, bike riding, horse back riding, sailing, shopping, exploring, taking photos and blogging. I also have a job and do volunteer work at times.

Nothing too exciting, but I enjoy them. :)

Edited by Dafadilia Wayfarer
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What do I like doing? That's a great question!

I love voice chatting and having intelligent conversation about life or even dumb stuff late at night or any time of day. 
I love to network and make friends. Finding good friendships on SL has become a basis of my daily life when I log in.
I love to make custom avatars from furry, to human, to object heads, to feral animals, etc. That's where my creativity drives.
I love to go to sims and find good places to do photos of my avatars or sims, that's where even MORE creativity drives.
I love to sim hop and find weird places that no one goes to. Exploring Mainland is super awesome!
I love helping out new people. Sometimes I go to the Firestorm Sandbox or Newbie welcoming area to hang out, find new people and make friendships and get them started on SL!
I love shopping and some events to just browse and desire to buy an item.
I love to be on SL in general. 

So, that's all that in no particular order. 😆

Edited by Iggy UwU
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I haven't been in world for a bit.. I got hurt at work......Again hehehe

It's like the 3rd or 4th time someone has hit me with a part at work.. This time they hit me right in the right hip, right in between the leg and  hip bone. It missed bone but hit that thing in between the two bones.. I still can't remember the name of it.. but it's all swelled and hurting pretty darn good.. hehehe

So I have been doing physical therapy and kind of dealing with all that until they have me all fixed back up..

The nice thing is, They won't let me do any over time so I have the weekends off now.. :D


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I either work my dreamjob (decorating rentals, writhing descriptions and ads for them, taking pictures), 
Or I'm working on another avatar/my parcels, which includes some shopping for them.
I do get out and do some activities with friends, mostly things like surfing, simboarding and simple hangouts.

What I definately don't do enough is explore.

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