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In which way do you prefer to crash?

Tama Suki

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There are two ways we crash.


Is the perpetual freeze where the viewer freezes and you know you're crashing and can't do anything about it. The peculiarity of this crashing model is very evident if you were talking to someone in voice. As you crash you will continue to hear others talking while you are relentlessly falling into reality and you can do nothing but listen to those voices that slowly recede. 



Is when simply in the blink of an eye the viewer disappears and you find yourself in front of your desktop suddenly. With the strange feeling that time and space did not exist until a moment before and you realize it only in that moment as if they are a surprising novelty.

If I can express my preference, I would say that I prefer the latter because it always gives me a certain feeling of sudden existential awareness that tickles the tip of my ears.
And you? In which way do you prefer to crash?

Thanks to Roling Loon I have to add a third model/experience that I had forgotten.

It happens when you cross a sim and your avatar continues to walk endlessly towards the romantic sunset even if the viewer has disconnected from your connection.

Edited by Tama Suki
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If it were really up to me, I'd prefer not to crash at all.

Otherwise, I don't care I just want the viewer to close so I can pull it back up and relog. I don't really have the surreal, dream-like existential crisis when it happens... just a quick "damn, it crashed" and perhaps a slightly frustrated sip of soda while waiting to get back online.

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3 hours ago, Tama Suki said:

In which way do you prefer to crash?

To be perfectly honest, I prefer not crashing.  But that's me. [ETA: And LilNosferatu, it seems.]

Your first choice sounds more like a disconnect than a crash. It tends to happen when your viewer and the SL servers have somehow gotten out of sync. The servers gradually realize that they don't really know where you are and finally decide to put you out of your misery by dropping the connection altogether. That rarely happens to me these days, but I can see it happen to people around me every once in a while. They get a funny sort of vacant look for a few seconds and then suddenly POOF. If it happens often to you, I'd suggest improving your Internet connection (rebooting your router more often, ditching the wifi, etc.)

I'm more likely to have the second sort of experience, which is a real crash. Here one minute, gone the next with no warning.  I usually put it down to having too many things going on at once on my machine, but it could just as easily be a hiccup in the servers.  

I suppose that, given a choice, I'd prefer to keep having the second type rather than being stuck in a hopeless limbo, waiting to die.  That first experience is much too close to one of my recurring nightmares of being unable to yell out, "I'm OK!  Just get me out of here!"  Just let me crash and get it over with.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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4 minutes ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

Ideally I’d crash on a soft comfy freshly made bed, complete with a sandy haired cowboy with biceps the size of an oak. 
Oh wait 😆

If there was a long-limbed geisha in my soft bed with ivory skin and long silky coal-black hair, I'd happily crash twenty times a day. 😻

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My favorite crash was when we were testing the new "simulator going down" notification.  The viewer would sometimes get stuck gonging and wobbling the view until killed with Task Manager.

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I would prefer not to crash at all, but when I feel myself going into limbo I go look at the console window that I always have running in another window just to see what's happening behind the scenes.  I will watch how fast in terms of data scrolling up my screen the process really is, and as the scrolling stops and starts I'll get the gist; "failed to ..." and "cannot connect with ..." and I know it will be my appalling internet connection and either wait for the inevitable "bing" letting me know that I now have a choice of quitting or keeping the viewer on just to view the IMs that were ongoing, or I can click the X in the corner of the console window and force a quit.

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51 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

To be perfectly honest, I prefer not crashing.  But that's me. [ETA: And LilNosferatu, it seems.]

Your first choice sounds more like a disconnect than a crash. It tends to happen when your viewer and the SL servers have somehow gotten out of sync. The servers gradually realize that they don't really know where you are and finally decide to put you out of your misery by dropping the connection altogether. That rarely happens to me these days, but I can see it happen to people around me every once in a while. They get a funny sort of vacant look for a few seconds and then suddenly POOF. If it happens often to you, I'd suggest improving your Internet connection (rebooting your router more often, ditching the wifi, etc.)

I'm more likely to have the second sort of experience, which is a real crash. Here one minute, gone the next with no warning.  I usually put it down to having too many things going on at once on my machine, but it could just as easily be a hiccup in the servers.  

I suppose that, given a choice, I'd prefer to keep having the second type rather than being stuck in a hopeless limbo, waiting to die.  That first experience is much too close to one of my recurring nightmares of being unable to yell out, "I'm OK!  Just get me out of here!"  Just let me crash and get it over with.

Back in early-2008 I remember watching my avatar walking through the wall of a club I was in and while I could still communicate via IM with the person I was with, it was only for a few more seconds, but my avatar would still be walking off into eternity. I once left her walking in mid air, and when I came back to the computer quite a long time later, she was still there, walking in mid air. It was one of those marvellous quirky aspects of Second Life that I've always loved, even though I don't fully understand how anything would still be visible on my computer screen. To my friend I had "crashed" a long time earlier. I was still connected partially I think, but couldn't do anything.

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Sorry Rowan, I think the bit where you replied to me got removed with the bit you replied to the OP.

It doesn't happen now I think because of a combination of things. I think (hope) my internet connection and computer that I use are both a little more stable, but also Linden Lab are always tweaking and rolling out new code and fixes every Tuesday. Things are evolving and improving all of the time and we test it without even knowing that's what we're doing just by logging in and using our world in all our many and varied ways.

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3 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Sorry Rowan, I think the bit where you replied to me got removed with the bit you replied to the OP.

It doesn't happen now I think because of a combination of things. I think (hope) my internet connection and computer that I use are both a little more stable, but also Linden Lab are always tweaking and rolling out new code and fixes every Tuesday. Things are evolving and improving all of the time and we test it without even knowing that's what we're doing just by logging in and using our world in all our many and varied ways.

There was one place I would go, a.club in a skybox, that I did actually lag walk all the time right out the back of the club, then fall.to my death.  I do think.that was before.my internet upgrade come to think of it.  At least I didn't crash!


Edited by Rowan Amore
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I am very used to crashing for two main reasons. The first is due to the obsolescence of my machine and the rarefied connection I use. In this case, the existential crashing model occurs to me.
The second is because I often find myself in rather gruesome combat situations and happen to encounter unheard-of warriors who use graphic crashers as a last resort when they realize they can't win. And that situation manifests itself most of the time with the crash poignant model (some rare times it happens that you are forced to turn off your computer because you find yourself and the whole system completely frozen inside an impenetrable iceberg).

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20 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Back in early-2008 I remember watching my avatar walking through the wall of a club I was in and while I could still communicate via IM with the person I was with, it was only for a few more seconds, but my avatar would still be walking off into eternity. I once left her walking in mid air, and when I came back to the computer quite a long time later, she was still there, walking in mid air. It was one of those marvellous quirky aspects of Second Life that I've always loved, even though I don't fully understand how anything would still be visible on my computer screen. To my friend I had "crashed" a long time earlier. I was still connected partially I think, but couldn't do anything.

I still get that sleepwalking feeling sometimes, but not as often as I used to years ago. Region crossings can be a bear.  The servers screw up the handoff as you go from one region to the next and they leave you walking off into the sunset. That kind of disconnect is SL's fault, and it's frustrating.

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11 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

you walking off into the sunset

You mentioned a crashing model that I almost forgot!
"the solitary walk".
I consider it one of the most romantic models. It also lasts a long time. Do you believe me when I tell you that when it happens I feel a certain pleasure in watching my avatar walk around in nothingness? It seems to me as if I have the very rare occasion to see myself inworld while still being offline.
On the other hand, I noticed that in some regions crossing from one sim to another is a dramatic experience, in others you hardly realize you have done it.

Edited by Tama Suki
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By far my favourite is the “oops, I didn’t meant to hit the X at the corner”. Oddly, it tends to happen while at parties I’m kinda dragged in to, or whilst suffering holding IM conversations that bore the living daylights out of me. It’s the damnedest thing, I think my mouse sort of shimmies up & right to the screen corner, and then... bam!, unexpected crash.

Also, I tend to recover extremely slowly from those. Like, hours, ya know.

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