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Sprout Evergarden

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    Botanical Resident

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  1. you do cat stuff. Chase some mice, Smoke some catnip
  2. as an experiment put my Same exact avatar in a different dress and hair style.
  3. weard thing hapening on my end wound up with double post
  4. Except for when it was not many periods of European history more Rotund women were preferred because it was a indicator of the lady coming from wealth ((could afford to eat in excess and not toil in the fields all Day)) this is exactly why more wan complexions were more popular. the trend reversed in the industrial age when having the ability to have free time for self care and time in the sun making suntans desirable. beauty standards fluctuate and it's a product of economic and how people earn there living or what leisure time looks like. the funny thing is the modern era the "Junk in the trunk" trend is the result of Plastic procedures like Brazilian but lifts and how expensive they are to have done (once again the body as a Status symbol) Personally my avatars tend to conform to the Japanese beauty standard. which looks youthful to western eyes and i get accused of looking like a child often in spite of being 6'4"
  5. i thought of this first but was afraid of outing myself as old LOL
  6. Let me get this strait your asking would I allow my Skull as well as the membrains that make up the Meninges to be cut open? As in Full Violation of the Case that protects the organ that makes up 100% of my personhood the organ that can't fully heal for an elective not nessasary for life preservation surgery just so I can better access and use SL?
  7. So far i have exactly one outfit that works with X which is a corseted gown and lara X does well with it infact i like it for any outfit that hides the legs and pelvis for antthing else i am sticking to orignal Lara
  8. I like the Catwa WokeUp it is verry Lions main lookingto me it it should be fuffy and somewhat unkempt as a Lion's Maine is extreamly dense as it serves as natural armor for the neck
  9. I am Joining the plant Kingdom the animal kingdom is overrated.
  10. I gave it a try it worked but feels very feature incomplete (and i got a message about not having hardware in spec in spite of having a M2 Max.) Lots of warnings about medic codecs and the graphics felt a little fuzzy compared to firestorm but i confirmed it is running native as a ARM application so that was cool
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