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What scares you?


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7 hours ago, Orwar said:

   Hm, I skimmed past an article a while back that claimed that coulrophobia had surpassed arachnophobia as the 'most common phobia'. Though depending on the definition of phobia, I kind of think plain old social phobia is the most common one. At least here, a clinical phobia is one which is somehow detrimental to your everyday life - not wanting to cosy up with a big old spider isn't the same as not wanting to leave your house in the morning because you're afraid you'll be assaulted by spiders if you do. Although, I suppose if one were to live in Aussieland ..

   Personally I don't really mind spiders, as long as they aren't scooting around my room (although I do quite like them being around to kill other crawlies). Though I wouldn't likely want to pick up a random spider to try tickling or nuzzling it. Still, they can be pretty amazing to look at from a comfortable distance!


Myself , I don't consider my fear of certain spiders to be a phobia, but more a reality..

Soon as I see one, the whole rest of everything in the world goes on pause until I kill it. Then since I seen one it refreshes all those precautions that I would take to make sure the kids never got hurt by one..

I used to be really bad, like staying up all night cleaning the house from top to bottom.. double sided tape over the kids beds to stop anything from walking over their beds, plus putting it around the legs of the beds.. Shaking their beds down before I would let them on them.

I have everyone in the house to where they check their shoes and boots before putting them on as well as their clothes.

I have a whole routine before getting in the shower.. I pull the shower curtain open real fast and give it a quick look to make sure nothing drops on the floor or is on the outside of the curtain.. then I slap the curtain a bunch of times to knock off any critter that might still be hanging on.. Then pull the curtain back enough to get the shower going so if something did fall or was on the other side, it's getting hit and washed down the drain.. All this is after I have give the walls and ceiling and under the vanity and everywhere, a good look over..

I have old flat bottom sneakers strategically placed all over the house, just in case I notice a spot on the floor or the wall or the ceiling that I never noticed before..

I can spot something pretty freaking small from across the room with my peripheral vision..

There are a lot of things that just became regular normal routine just because of these certain spiders.. It's not really because of what they would do to me, but the fact that I just can't stand the thought of one of my boys getting bitten..

I'm not as bad as I used to be.. Before, It was an obsession that lasted a few years. Now I just pretty much call them a name.. You little bastage!! Take that!! SMASH!

I used to be so bad that one time I seen one go under a desk, Couldn't find it anywhere, so I tore the desk apart and burned it in the yard.. I took it apart piece by piece and dragged each piece outside after doing a check around the desk in case it trying to make a getaway.. OMG! My husband was so pissed off. hehehe

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4 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I have everyone in the house to where they check their shoes and boots before putting them on as well as their clothes.

I have a whole routine before getting in the shower.. I pull the shower curtain open real fast and give it a quick look to make sure nothing drops on the floor or is on the outside of the curtain.. then I slap the curtain a bunch of times to knock off any critter that might still be hanging on.. Then pull the curtain back enough to get the shower going so if something did fall or was on the other side, it's getting hit and washed down the drain.. All this is after I have give the walls and ceiling and under the vanity and everywhere, a good look over..

I beat my shoes, toes pointing skyward, on the floor and examine the inside before putting each on.

I do this because I've twice found jumping spiders in them.

I shake my jeans and shirts before putting them on ever since I found recluse spiders in a relatives closet inside their clothes...

I examine the inside of an oven mitt before wearing it to get a pizza out of the oven.

I examine the ceiling of my shower before getting in because I've found a cellar spider in there at least half a dozen times over the last decade.

Went over a year without seeing anything, but last week got in the shower without checking and looked up and sure enough, saw a cellar spider crawling overhead. I deflected shower water to it to make it fall and smashed it with my rag.

I once had to get up in the middle of the night and use the bathroom with the hall light the only illumination, looked over after sitting down and saw a wolf spider the size of my palm just a foot away on the wall beside me. It made me stop mid-stream, heh. Definitely woke me up.

I keep fly swatters in every room these days.

This is what the cellar spiders I get look like:


Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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I've always done the shoe bash thing.
We DO have a couple of funnel web spiders and they ARE approximately 50 feet from where I'm sitting right now. (outside).
The only thing between them and I is my casting room which was custom built by us, to be funnel web proof.
Nothing can get in there and regular use of kilns and machines makes it unsuitable for KILLER beasties.
Every now and then I'll check them out. They're cool so long as they don't push their luck.
They only jump 3 feet in attack mode anyways. 🤭


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I am afraid of heights. But that is no problem in SL. Fortunately, because I sometimes go to places at interviews that are very vertigo-sensitive.

As far as films are concerned, I found especially the horror that used POV technique quite scary, that started especially with The Blair Witch project, but it is mainly the Oriental/Japanese films from that period that impressed me like: POV, a cursed film, Ringu and Pulse. Desolate, gruesomely real and responding to all sorts of myths, but also referring to the relatively high number of suicides in a certain time. So there is a 'real' element to it which makes it all the more scary without the gruesome details. it is often also the suggestion. The best horror is the one that plays on our fears, not on gruesome effects and lots of blood.


Edited by archangel969
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4 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

We DO have a couple of funnel web spiders and they ARE approximately 50 feet from where I'm sitting right now. (outside).

   "Studies have shown that you're never more than ten feet away from a spider, and one estimate puts you as close as three feet. To be "spider-free" you'd have to go into space in a fumigated capsule."

   - The Internet

   More on that here: https://arthropodecology.com/2012/06/05/you-are-always-within-three-feet-of-a-spider-fact-or-fiction/

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Diatomaceous Earth works really good on just about any bugs in the house..

You just have to make sure to  put it in places that they go but you can't..

Like we did behind all our outlets and switches and under trim and things like that.. Plus I go around the house every spring and dust the foundation and the ground outside.. Just have to make sure to wear a mask and eye protection, because it's ok to eat, but breathing it is not good to do.

It gets on the critters exoskeletons and causes them to dry out once it sticks to them from walking across it..

Our old orkin man used to use it for spiders back in my really bad freakout days where I had to have an orkin man.. hehehehe

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On 10/24/2021 at 5:55 PM, Lucia Nightfire said:

I loosely based my comment on the ranking of angels as well as the up to 5 different crowns one could allegedly be rewarded with for good deeds in mortal life.

I'd rather not have this thread derailed into religious discussion so I will not obliging any further opinions/beliefs on the matter from anyone.

If you didn't want it "derailed into religious discussion"  you shouldn't have taken the first step.

Edited by Doris Johnsky
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When I was in my early 20s a bunch of my friends and I went to Corpus Christi Texas for about six weeks just to hang out and party. One night around 2am, we went to swim in the gulf when the tide was out.. the shore looked very far away. The tide started coming in and I tried to swim back to shore to beat the tide. It was crazy scary… Thought I was going to drown.

The next morning I was listening to the news and it was reported that a huge school of hammerhead sharks were in the bay very close to shore at the time I was swimming. That has stayed with me all these years and I have never gone back in the ocean again. I don’t even want to swim in lakes. I have a very large imagination and I think about things like Loch Ness monster, huge fish, things like that .🤪

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26 minutes ago, Walelu Summerwind said:

When I was in my early 20s a bunch of my friends and I went to Corpus Christi Texas for about six weeks just to hang out and party. One night around 2am, we went to swim in the gulf when the tide was out.. the shore looked very far away. The tide started coming in and I tried to swim back to shore to beat the tide. It was crazy scary… Thought I was going to drown.

The next morning I was listening to the news and it was reported that a huge school of hammerhead sharks were in the bay very close to shore at the time I was swimming. That has stayed with me all these years and I have never gone back in the ocean again. I don’t even want to swim in lakes. I have a very large imagination and I think about things like Loch Ness monster, huge fish, things like that .🤪

That's something I'll never do.. I won't even stick a toe in the ocean..I'll never go on a cruise or be in a plane that crashes into one..

I'll swim in a lake or a creek or a pond, But the ocean has too many sharks in it for me..

Being in the ocean and seeing a shark fin and trying to swim away has to feel like that nightmare where you try to run from something but are in slow motion..

I've been to Myrtle beach a bunch of times, but never went in the water..I don't even know what ocean water feels like.. hehehehe

I can't imagine going through what you did.. I'd be freaked out for life..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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Memories .

Just nodding off to sleep and unbidden something from the past will enter my mind . Live fast and die young was kinda my plan , no consequence of permanent sleep so who cares .

Regardless i survived it all and here I am remarkably fit and healthy not looking forward to old age . And only now i think what if i hadn't walked away . What if i'd only just survived , paraplegic or something ?

A ludicrous train of thought but it makes trying to sleep pointless so i have to get up and find distraction until i can go to bed thinking of something altogether different .

"a wasted youth is better by far than a fine productive old age" 😉

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On 10/27/2021 at 7:03 PM, Bree Giffen said:

You know what really scares me now? I watch stuff on Kaotic and realize that the world isn't a safe place.

The whole universe is a violent place..

The world itself has never been a safe place to live and never will be..Most of it we can't even live on.

Myself, I've never been comfortable enough to ever think of the world or society as safe.. Although, I'm probably safer than I have ever been  now.. Still, I can't relax enough to take it for granted.. hehehe

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5 hours ago, Mortified Wanderer said:


   I'm making a friend watch Dead Silence, probably sometime this week. Let me know if you want to tag along! ^_^

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On 10/30/2021 at 12:43 AM, Mortified Wanderer said:


Like those really old porcelain dolls, and those baby real ones.  the older porcelain dolls freak me out because I can't help but feel like I'm being watched by the lil f'er.  those babyborn things well.. uncanny valley.





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