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What is Your Wish List for New Features? I Have None

Prokofy Neva

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I rarely have any wishes for new features. Perhaps I could come up with some if I tried really hard but really, my wants are few.

I want the map tiles and search to be fixed on the regular SL viewer, which I know is merely a kind of "sandbox" to inspire the real viewer of SL, Firestorm, but still...I think the map is broken in FS too, and some people say even search isn't working as it once did in FS.

I don't even follow most of the new features people clamour for. I was intrigued by a post in another thread which listed all these half-finished projects, selected out of the mix of things people who can attend office hours and shout the most on the forums got put on the Linden's docket -- and which then were left in various stages of half-repair.

I mean, I know among these projects is a kind of cluster of projects called "Premium Plus" or "Premium Bonanza" or whatever its name is, which will enable 1) more spider legs, maybe even 180 of them and 2) some kind of bulk discount on texture uploads. Also, some other stuff, I forget.

I know many people who don't need spider legs, but do need texture load relief, even if they aren't creators or Creators but just make signs to sell their gatchas and rentals. In fact, if the Lindens want to follow the lead of our dear new president, and send out a Texture Upload Relief Check of $1400 Lindens, I would welcome this gesture.

But seriously, when I read the list of things they fix in every patch with a funny drink name, I don't see most of them as even "a thing" let alone noticeable, although of course I realize that if reticulating splines are broken, this impacts valence electrons. And more.

Fixing broken things on a list of new features (which is why they didn't get done) to me isn't even really so desirable, no, not in a world where a) the map is broken b) search is broken. 

I really don't care about sim seams. Oz Linden, who could say some pretty categorical and cruel things, was absolutely right that most people stay on their sim -- no, their parcel, no their $25/50 prim skybox with scenery in the sky. They don't go out and don't travel -- and most are on islands that don't let you do that anyway. So why chip your nails?

So if you are chasing sim seams to become "seamless," as it were, you are chasing it for a population on only 5000 sims, of which many are Linden-owned, out of what, 28,000? And a population on those sims who like to drive. I like to ride my Megapuss around and I even got a Dinkie Roadster to make a story with -- I do this maybe once a month at best. I see those damned pods everywhere empty, and literally once a week or less, I see some real person on some real things like a horse or car. The population of travelers really only exist theoretically, on the forums, where people think it is a nostalgic thing. But reralistically? Out of the concurrent log-ons? I think "travelers" have to be under 10%. More like 1%. And while "sim sims" thus seem to be about the "heart of SL as Philip envisioned it," something I actually have a lot of respect for, I think it can be put low on the list. It's good enough now. You can indeed cross a sim.

I remember once, God knows why, I happened to be sitting next to Phillip at this SLCC meet-up, when the world was smaller I guess, in 2009, was it? And I wanted to ask him all these things about his concept of world governance -- but he was kind of hazy in these areas, although, as with art for many people, he knew what he liked. But since he had a captive audience and thought we all cared about this deeply, he began taking paper napkins and drawing on them and explaining all the things about sim seams that make this hard. Little of this retained with me, although it likely did for the nerds sitting at the table, but I remember once thing he said was about "the child" sim. If I understood this correctly, the "child" was to the "father" of the sim where you were sitting. That "father" needed to look into the next sim to see where his child had run off to. So he needed to be able to "see into" the next sim. Naturally, I wondered. "Why does he need to do that? He can just cross into the next sim and look at it then. If he has a 15 second blind spot, sure, the child could get into a lot of trouble, but this is a figure of speech we're using." 

But the Zen of sim seam crossing is all about the ability to see into the thing you are crossing into *as* you are crossing. You don't do that while teleporting, which everyone seems to have internalized and accepted. But you "can't" have this on crossing a sim seam.

No, I don't need anyone to correct me or explain this because: it doesn't matter. Oz is right. The population is small. It works good enough. And if you are stopped, well take the time to smell the roses. Next?

The ideal new features' list is a huge sprawling, cacophonous, crazy mess of conflicting agendas, levels of technical understanding, and a wide variety of use cases in SL. 

When I talk to the ordinary people among my tenants who aren't on the forums and don't go to Linden offices, or, in the case of one of my particularly boisterous no-show confreres, believes that since he is "14 years old" and "older than most Lindens" they should "make him king", they ask for: 1) prims 2) cheaper land. The hard math of Mainland is each meters costs US $0.00267. Each sim of 65336 has 15000 prims. I think this is actually enough, and the price, while onerous, is made less onerous by not getting as much land. I mean, now that all these free void sims are being added and you can have a Linden house on sims all connected with roads and waterways, I wouldn't blame the Lindens if they just focused on the sim seams there, if at all.


Edited by Prokofy Neva
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1. MAP MAP MAP - A Map tab that will show only the connected mainland.  MAP tab for Estates.  MAP tab for semi-transparent overlay features like Rez Zones, elevation tints, Events pins, and land with Banlines covered with transparent Red or Yellow stripes so we know not to bother trying to enter those parcels and we can navigate around them before we run into them.  MAP overlay for Protected Lands and Routes.  MAP overlay for Sale LMs, Abandoned Land, Land for Sale, Land for Auction, etc.  MAP overlay for personal map Pins (like sticky note reminders).  MAP overlay for Noobs-Welcome locations.  MAP overlay for Destinations!

2. Super Duper Premium - My wish for a "Super Duper Premium with extra Sprinkles" account would be a 1/4, 1/2 or full Homestead Region Linden Home connected to Mainland's seas with no banlines allowed and a mandatory Protected Route through each parcel with some themed landscaping options like a Park or Beach setting on the ground if the Homeowners would prefer to have a skydome or live in the sky overhead or underwater. 

3. MOAR OPTIONS for GROUPS - My wish for Groups would be 10 extra Roles or to be able to turn on or off abilities for any member in the Group.

4. STOP POP-UPS - Subscriptions which don't Pop-up.  Maybe a tab for Subscription Notices in the Notifications window or at the very least a way to turn the pop-ups off for a ZZz period of time while you don't want them to interrupt an activity.

5. Search FOLDER-ONLY  - Open any folder in Inventory in it's own window (more than just 1 window at a time, also would be helpful for sorting Inventory to have a few windows open to sort Objects which is a MESS in my Inventory) and have a Search bar for just that open window.  (When searching for a Landmark, it takes ages to search every folder - in my Inventory for sure...idk about the more organized Residents 😉 - and open each one which meets the search criteria if searching for a common keyword).


6. OFFLINE INVENTORY ACCESS - or Inventory on the Web so we can sort it offline and not have to haul it around everywhere and wait for it to load/unload each log-in or log-out.  Just pick out what I want from Inventory to wear or take with me and a place to carry new acquisitions each day.

7. PRO-RATA Tier - pay for exactly what land we own or donate for the time we own it, instead of paying an entire month for a peak amount of tier.  Put a chart or an instant tier calculator somewhere on our Land Fees on dashboard.  It just feels very over-complicated as it is.  It should be clear like: 

m2 (- Group Bonus)  X  days owned  -  Premium tier bonus =  PAY this Amount in L$    OR   USD$   

8. RESIDENTS SEND LOVE - Allow Residents to send some love to each other or to the Lindens or Moles because WE LOVE SL, too!

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13 hours ago, BJoyful said:

1. MAP MAP MAP - A Map tab that will show only the connected mainland.  MAP tab for Estates.  MAP tab for semi-transparent overlay features like Rez Zones, elevation tints, Events pins, and land with Banlines covered with transparent Red or Yellow stripes so we know not to bother trying to enter those parcels and we can navigate around them before we run into them.  MAP overlay for Protected Lands and Routes.  MAP overlay for Sale LMs, Abandoned Land, Land for Sale, Land for Auction, etc.  MAP overlay for personal map Pins (like sticky note reminders).  MAP overlay for Noobs-Welcome locations.  MAP overlay for Destinations!

2. Super Duper Premium - My wish for a "Super Duper Premium with extra Sprinkles" account would be a 1/4, 1/2 or full Homestead Region Linden Home connected to Mainland's seas with no banlines allowed and a mandatory Protected Route through each parcel with some themed landscaping options like a Park or Beach setting on the ground if the Homeowners would prefer to have a skydome or live in the sky overhead or underwater. 

3. MOAR OPTIONS for GROUPS - My wish for Groups would be 10 extra Roles or to be able to turn on or off abilities for any member in the Group.

4. STOP POP-UPS - Subscriptions which don't Pop-up.  Maybe a tab for Subscription Notices in the Notifications window or at the very least a way to turn the pop-ups off for a ZZz period of time while you don't want them to interrupt an activity.

5. Search FOLDER-ONLY  - Open any folder in Inventory in it's own window (more than just 1 window at a time, also would be helpful for sorting Inventory to have a few windows open to sort Objects which is a MESS in my Inventory) and have a Search bar for just that open window.  (When searching for a Landmark, it takes ages to search every folder - in my Inventory for sure...idk about the more organized Residents 😉 - and open each one which meets the search criteria if searching for a common keyword).


6. OFFLINE INVENTORY ACCESS - or Inventory on the Web so we can sort it offline and not have to haul it around everywhere and wait for it to load/unload each log-in or log-out.  Just pick out what I want from Inventory to wear or take with me and a place to carry new acquisitions each day.

7. PRO-RATA Tier - pay for exactly what land we own or donate for the time we own it, instead of paying an entire month for a peak amount of tier.  Put a chart or an instant tier calculator somewhere on our Land Fees on dashboard.  It just feels very over-complicated as it is.  It should be clear like: 

m2 (- Group Bonus)  X  days owned  -  Premium tier bonus =  PAY this Amount in L$    OR   USD$   

8. RESIDENTS SEND LOVE - Allow Residents to send some love to each other or to the Lindens or Moles because WE LOVE SL, too!

1. So, MAP MAP MAP, I can totally get behind this in one basic sense -- fix the map so it works. For point-2-point teleportation. Which you felt was so all-fired God-almighty-important that you had to ruin the cash-cow telehub sims and create other nuisances along with the "affordances" that you "had" to make them mandatory. Now they're broken. So you liked them, fix them, Lindens, that's all I have to say. 

These other things you are mentioning, these overlays like Google Maps can be made to do (I never got very good at that but some of my work colleagues did amazing things with those). I think probably the Lindens would say they "can't" do this because...I don't know? I mean, ban lines are "dynamic". They love to say things are "dynamic" and so they "can't". I've been looking at the same ban lines that block the creek in Keuka for about 10 years now, and I can't get the Lindens to sink their land around there a little bit to make a once-navigable river navigable again, so "dynamic" is not a word that makes a dent on me. A dent, like what I want you to put in your land right cheer.

3. I'm really vague on what the actual, forecasted, or probable "Premium Jimmies On Top" as we call them upstate really is. I think asking the Lindens to zone more than Bellissaria and a few other Legacy areas like Brown is probably going to meet with a big fat "no," but why not put the idea in front of them once again. I'd be for mandatory 1000 m or higher for domes. I have them 500 or higher in my rentals which I think still really makes the sky better for most people. I don't think the Lindens are interested atm to make anything better on the rest of the Mainland, or the Legacy Mainland, or The Dog's Breakfast, or whatever they call this thing back here where we live. I think I've lowered my "ask" to "just don't make it worse, plz". Like fix search and make the map work. TIA.

4. I'm bewildered by what you by "stop pop-ups". What are those? Groups chattering at you? Well, you can either unjoin them or tab them down. What do you mean exactly?

5. You can already open a second inventory window on the regular SL viewer, that's not enough? 

6. I think offline inventory access just has to be doable, because -- the Marketplace is. If you can have all those goods for sale to be delivered on the Marketplace on the web, that is, what amounts to a bunch of code pointing to other code, right? I mean, not actual hard little pieces of stuff on the ground you trip over, right? So...why not? Then it would be way easier to search and sort, right? Not sure. It might be doable, but then have the same lag inworld search of inventory has. It might be doable, but then sprout all its own problems, like the MP does now and then. I mean, be careful what you wish for...

7. The Lindens can't change their onerous tier system, that's how they make bank. Make it to "on demand" or "only what's used" like an electric meter (which doesn't even quite work that way) and they lose money. They can't do that.

8. There are resident-made inworld devices that allow for anonymous love letters or signed postcards, I have them at Flamingo Court in Juanita. I don't think they need to build that into the viewer. I don't want to be on the Lindens' Love Machine. I think they need to keep that to themselves in real life. If you love any individual Linden or Mole or their work, you can send them a love pat or a thank you or a gatcha or something, they might appreciate that more.



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13 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

Hoping SL survives the current state .. that it's going not too well is obvious with all whats not told and non repaired issues.

[ somebody has to tell the sky is falling... better do it early in the thread :)  ]

I've never seen them go so long and not fix something basic and inherent to the world like "the Map" or "search" and I think it is not explained entirely by "the Cloud" and is not a few mop-up jobs such as have been implied in various double-speak interviews lately. I think something is "up," and whether it is some big management decision about direction under the new ownership, or something banal as Google's new ad system, or something more fixable but not so easy, like "Let's find a new VP of Engineering" -- I don't know. But yes, just as when Corey left the earth cracked in many places and the fissures remain, so when Oz left the sky fell at least in places and the people who might pick up the pieces have been crushed under the load.

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12 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

4. I'm bewildered by what you by "stop pop-ups". What are those? Groups chattering at you? Well, you can either unjoin them or tab them down. What do you mean exactly?

They are Subscribed news such as pictures, LMs, redelivery notices, etc. (used by many Residents rather than Joining a Group) They are similar to having Group Notices pop-up, but these blue pop-ups don't get saved anywhere so once you Dismiss it they are gone, but they also appear as high priority, so they pop-up and take precedence over any window you happen to be typing in, or while using Mouselook to sail, drive or pilot an aircraft, scripting, building, moving objects.  I would like to have them just be information that arrives and is stored until I can take the time to read them.  They also disappear if I try and take a gyazo or a screenshot of them so they're hard for me to get a picture unless they happen to appear on screen while I'm making a 7 second gif.

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13 minutes ago, BJoyful said:

They are Subscribed news such as pictures, LMs, redelivery notices, etc. (used by many Residents rather than Joining a Group) They are similar to having Group Notices pop-up, but these blue pop-ups don't get saved anywhere

OMG those notices are so triggering...


My single BIGGEST pet peeve in SL is UNSOLICITED notices.  Everyone gets these.  This is how it works.  You go to a store or the Marketplace and get a demo.  After opening the bag/box a script inside that box adds your name AUTOMATICALLY to that merchant's spam list.  Next thing you know you are getting 1... 2.... 3.... 12... 38.... 73 messages a day from different merchants.  Then your only way out of them is to track them down and find the unsubscribe at their store, raise holy heck with the store owner until they take you off their list, or outright BLOCK the owner of the objects sending the messages out...


PS: To any SL merchants reading this... If you engage in this practice... I HATE YOU

Edited by Evangeline Ling
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5. You can already open a second inventory window on the regular SL viewer, that's not enough?   Nooo, not for me, lol  I'd need about 5 windows open!  Clothing>Footwear, Clothing>Casual, Clothing>Outerwear, Clothing>Accessories, Wearables, Furniture, Buildings, Boxed back-ups, Shareables... plus the subfolders in all of those which are inside this:   3cf78ab471e32ec39cd524880b30f59b.png  Most things arrive in Objects and need to be opened and moved to where I should be able to find them again, lol.  Each weekend I end up with even more from the Sales!  I need a personal assistant OR extra hours in the day OR to be able to sort Inventory offline because there's just too much fun to be had inworld that will always be more important than sorting my Inventory... until the moment I need that carpet I bought 3 or 4 weeks ago that I can't remember the name of or the store where I got it and haven't made time to get into the Furniture>clutter>carpets folder 😉

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So unambitious. Here's a list of ambitious things SL might add.

  • Face tracking of facial expressions, used to animate bento avatars. Bento avatars are capable of elaborate facial expressions, but nobody uses this. That's why SL talking-head videos look so dead. All it takes is a webcam, some open source face tracking software, and an efficient data channel from the viewer to LSL. Not many people would use this routinely, but machima and Youtubers would, so it would be seen by many people.
  • Zoom calls to and from SL. Talk to people over Zoom as your avatar. This would get SL more connected to RL.
  • Joystick and gamepad support for vehicles. You can hook a joystick to SL, but all it does is work the arrow keys.
  • When you teleport beyond the current sim, show the map, zoom out, then zoom into the new location, then the world appears. Google Earth and GTA V do this. It gives you a sense of where you are in the world, and how big it is.
  • Infinite viewing distance. This can be done with region impostors. As with map tiles, take a picture of each non-isolated region. Take it from 8 directions, plus above. Use that to make big impostors of regions beyond draw range. At last, see the mountains of the Snowlands and the cliffs of Heterocera from the distance. See the far shore when sailing.
  • Physically based rendering. It's time.

All of these are quite possible technically. Once LL management realizes that Tilia is not going to become a big name in finance, maybe they will return to paying attention to their core product.

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I really hope Unlimited view distance doesn't come back, few people made devices or ways to view as far as you could but because of Griefers, they look at people who don't need or want them to. And then finding the dot of the offending person takes forever or not at all depending on the viewer you use or settings. Imagine the copy bot problems we would have then.

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1 hour ago, Florence Millar said:

I really hope Unlimited view distance doesn't come back, few people made devices or ways to view as far as you could but because of Griefers, they look at people who don't need or want them to. And then finding the dot of the offending person takes forever or not at all depending on the viewer you use or settings. Imagine the copy bot problems we would have then.

If you want to limit view distance, the right way to do it is via "fog", or atmospheric effects, rather than looking off into blankness.


Hiding distant objects, right. Many games do this. It's exaggerated here. A little fog helps, because the distant impostors can be lower rez.


Hiding distant objects, wrong.

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On 3/14/2021 at 2:17 PM, animats said:

Face tracking of facial expressions, used to animate bento avatars. Bento avatars are capable of elaborate facial expressions, but nobody uses this. That's why SL talking-head videos look so dead. All it takes is a webcam, some open source face tracking software, and an efficient data channel from the viewer to LSL. Not many people would use this routinely, but machima and Youtubers would, so it would be seen by many people.

something like this? ...  hehehe! 😉


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I'd like functional mailboxes for Bellesaria. It would be neat to be able to drop someone a note when you looked at their open house home, let a friend know you stopped by, or send holiday or rezzday cards. Or to rp as mail carriers. I'd also like to be able to rotate a home in 90degree increments so I get the best view. 

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7 hours ago, Stella Carver said:

I'd like functional mailboxes for Bellesaria. It would be neat to be able to drop someone a note when you looked at their open house home, let a friend know you stopped by, or send holiday or rezzday cards. Or to rp as mail carriers. I'd also like to be able to rotate a home in 90degree increments so I get the best view. 

You can make your own mailbox with a "receive notecard" script. IM me for a free one, or they are in the "Alchemist's" site in the SL Public Lands Preserve where there are a bunch of free scripts. There are also these devices sold by several makers which send postcards or anonymous crush messages. I'm putting this in one of my Victorian homes.

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On 3/16/2021 at 11:22 PM, Prokofy Neva said:

You can make your own mailbox with a "receive notecard" script. IM me for a free one, or they are in the "Alchemist's" site in the SL Public Lands Preserve where there are a bunch of free scripts. There are also these devices sold by several makers which send postcards or anonymous crush messages. I'm putting this in one of my Victorian homes.

I will Prok! Thank you for the offer. I turned my stilt into a little yoga studio and left it public. It would be nice to know if anyone stopped by and liked it.

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I'm presuming this wishlist is specifically for Linden Homes, rather than SL in general. So my wishlist for Linden Homes is...

  • Custom interior wall colours for Trads and Houseboats, like they introduced with Logs & Vics.
  • Ability to rotate the house 90 or 180 degrees
  • When you abandon a house, the same house is excluded from your availability for the next 24 hours. OR the 5 claim limit per 24 hours doesn't count duplicate claims on the same parcel.

If we're talking general SL features, the only thing I really want right now is a working map.

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On 3/12/2021 at 6:43 AM, Prokofy Neva said:

now that all these free void sims are being added and you can have a Linden house on sims all connected with roads and waterways, I wouldn't blame the Lindens if they just focused on the sim seams there, if at all.

What's that a reference to? is that like the spots where you're on land, but right next to is the edge of the universe with a view to unreachable water because the region just 'ends' with no region next to it? Like the whole South East corner of Zindra?

Or am I misunderstanding?

- If I am misunderstanding, having all those spots in SL where land just 'ends' get filled with a region next to them that carries the land down to the water line - that's something I want.

Likewise, any spot where 3 regions meet but a 4th is not filled in, and the corners that connect result in an uncrossable gap because the middle corner is private lane... I'd like that filled. Example: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Haneulgil/11/246/20


Since your list seemed general SL:

I wish the script function for checking memory could return value in use, not value allocated. Though value allocated is actually a key metric if you want to know how taxed a region is.

I wish I had a script function to tell me how many polygons an object or resident was. Though that's a bit of drama for you right there.

I wish the function to get agent height actually did... I mean... if you know ALL of the relevant shape dials, you can actually resolve this with math, so the function should.

Alternatively I wish any function to display anything 'height like' for a resident could be removed. Yes, the exact opposite wish... because while I would like to use it to help people make the shape they want, in reality this function is only used to add drama to landing spots about how anyone shorter than Yao Ming is a child AV, or anyone taller than Verne Troyer is a jerk... So... if people want to know height - rez a bleeping prim.

I wish the 'shape dial' for arm length could be 'reset' to be able to be dialed to 200, since the current 100 is, anatomically speaking - what should be 50.


movement controls that work like modern video games. This would mean right and left clicks in the world would NOT trigger menus and edits unless done with a modifier key. Then you have two common methods: 1: left click and hold to turn camera. 2: camera always follows mouse unless some modifier disables that. Add an 'autorun' key, mouse turning, spacebar jump, etc...

Alternatively: Let me custom keybind everything, and also have the ability to alter how the camera works so I can recreate the above on my own.



Belli specific:

Add me to the list of people that want all house styles to be rotatable.

Add an option in the house rezzer to 'move' the house in 4m steps closer to the center of the parcel, x / y individually, up to a max of 20.

Make inside doors and outside doors work on different 'autoclose' settings.

Add an option for doors to open/close on collision, not just touch.

House exclusion - The 24 hour block noted above sounds good. Alternatively keep a list for every user that has the last 20 houses they've had - as an exclusion list.

Ability to gift a house to any account that has had the same email address or payment on file for at least one quarter.

Change to covenant to allow security orbs to '0 second instant eject' if above 2000m height.

Change to covenant to not allow fullbright except when used on a light that is on.

Change to covenant to not allow 'alpha glitching walls' - this is a weird one, but I see from time to time someone rezzes an item that is like... 1% transparent or something, and it causes chaos with the camera when you look in that direction...

If two accounts have the same email or the same payment info on file, block them from being able to claim houses in the same region within 72 hours of each other.


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the things I would love is for certain features to always can be toggled off, even on no-mod items. These are specifically:

  • Full-bright
  • Glow
  • Alpha-blend (toggle to alpha-masked with cut-off of 1).

If those features are already OFF there should be no ability to turn them ON, but there should always be the ability to disable them if the creator has set them ON. As well as making all clothes wearable with long hair, it would also solve one of the Belleza bodies problems without needing them to issue an update.


Belli-specific wishlist:

  • Add my vote for the rotatable houses for all types (except stilt on pier that probably won't work at all)
  • Add my vote for the 24-hour exclusion for repeat claims on the same parcel
  • Change covenant to allow the ability to show Belli parcel in Search at the usual cost (helpful for people who have turned their home into a community space)
  • Completion of the sailing route around the north coast around the Logs regions to link the Stilts with the original Trad regions. The south route is complete but is just waaaay too long.


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3 hours ago, GinaFreumann said:

I'd like the ability to color-change the ceilings, right now they're all just grey.  Also, I'd like to be able to change the music (in About Land/Sound)  in my alt's house, rather than having to have  "her" log in to change it.

I'm not sure they will allow anyone but the owner to ever modify parcel settings, but the music issue is easily gotten around with a basic radio script that allows anyone to change the music stream from a "radio" rezzed by the alt owner.  In my case, a "radio" is a fully transparent box that I place over the stream changer object of my my choosing (it may actually be a radio, but could also be a phonograph, guitar, or anything else).  

There are any number of scripts for sale on the MP.  I use this one:  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Radio-Station-Script-50/13572950


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i am in the camp of there is nothing more that I really really want

most things I really really wanted came eventually

really really wanted was able to wear more than one thing on a layer

really really wanted was able to wear more than one attachment on an attachment point

really really wanted was wiggly fingers

really really wanted was to have a wearable music player

really really wanted was a bulldozer to come along and flatten the then bumpy Linden road by my then parcel

i have list of things I would like but not that I really really want

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On 3/19/2021 at 2:43 PM, Karly Kiyori said:

I'm presuming this wishlist is specifically for Linden Homes, rather than SL in general. So my wishlist for Linden Homes is...

  • Custom interior wall colours for Trads and Houseboats, like they introduced with Logs & Vics

How about the ability to import custom interior wall *textures*? It would be nice to save the 4-6 LI needed for a shell, and not have to fiddle with placement to avoid flickering walls!

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On 3/12/2021 at 9:43 AM, Prokofy Neva said:

Oz Linden, who could say some pretty categorical and cruel things, was absolutely right that most people stay on their sim -- no, their parcel, no their $25/50 prim skybox with scenery in the sky. They don't go out and don't travel

This behavior is indicative of a systemic problem. We didn't always hide in our little skyboxes or gather silently mourning the death of conversation.

You're right, It's not region borders though, those have always been  .. adventurous. 

On 3/30/2021 at 8:38 AM, Maitimo said:

One of the things I would love is for certain features to always can be toggled off, even on no-mod items. These are specifically:

  • Full-bright
  • Glow
  • Alpha-blend (toggle to alpha-masked with cut-off of 1).

If those features are already OFF there should be no ability to turn them ON, but there should always be the ability to disable them if the creator has set them ON. As well as making all clothes wearable with long hair, it would also solve one of the Belleza bodies problems without needing them to issue an update.

Full bright is very conditional as there are a few valid use cases. Also, when people go FULL FULL BRIGHT, that's usually because they are on lower end hardware and SL is dark. There is a usability issue here somewhere.

That aside, I'd like to add tinting to your list of options that should be always adjustable, or even just a new value to adjust texture gamma. Matching furniture by a dozen different creators is a PITA without it. Oh .. and always allow toggling light sources. 

On 3/30/2021 at 8:38 AM, Maitimo said:

Change covenant to allow the ability to show Belli parcel in Search at the usual cost (helpful for people who have turned their home into a community space)

Want a club nextdoor? that's how you get clubs.

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