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End of an Era, no more Pods.

Anna Nova

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Today Yavanna switched off the PODs.  No longer will you see them on the roads and waterways, and in the air of secondlife.

As a provider of a pod station in Satori, I am bereft.  One of my few reasons for paying tier on bit of mainland has gone.


Pod station.png

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3 minutes ago, ItHadToComeToThis said:

That’s quite interesting. I don’t understand why their removal is a reason to quit second life though. Seems a bit knee jerky tbh

I'm not quiting SecondLife.  I'm closing the pod station and leaving the mainland, and saving the tier.  I have a houseboat in Belli...

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1 minute ago, Lewis Luminos said:

Oh no, this makes me sad. Any news on the reason for Yavanna stopping them?

She's had Covid-19, and is finding recovery hard.  Also the Lindens have been less than helpful, where she thought she had their support, and in her current state she doesn't want to 'fight City Hall'.  Today is 10 years since they started.

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1 minute ago, Cinos Field said:

We're these the bad ones that everyone hated or the good ones? I remember two people having "public transport" and one was widely loathed.

All I can say was that at my little station out on the end of bad road route, I got 10's of people a week. 

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1 minute ago, Cinos Field said:

We're these the bad ones that everyone hated or the good ones? I remember two people having "public transport" and one was widely loathed.

Yavanna's Pods were the good ones. The other were self-driving vehicles by ... um... Anna Something-or-other, and they had a reputation for being badly scripted and regularly going off-road and getting stuck on other people's property. I had both types going along the road beside my mainland home, and often had to return one of those tractors, but I never had to return a stuck Pod.

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7 minutes ago, Cinos Field said:

We're these the bad ones that everyone hated or the good ones? I remember two people having "public transport" and one was widely loathed.

I would say these were the good ones - the other ones have been gone for awhile.  These were the ones that have also been used for doing the tours at the SL Birthday regions.

I will miss them.  I've ridden on quite a few over the years, on various mainland continents, and always enjoyed the rides, especially as there was also often good commentary provided about the area or sights that the pod was traveling by.  When I had mainland, I was always glad if it bordered a road on one of the pod routes. 

ETA:  I am sorry that she has had difficulties with COVID-19, and I hope that she is able to  fully recover.  

Edited by Moira Timmerman
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Oh, I'm so sorry! For Yavanna, of course! What awful times these are for some of us!

But also for the pods. I don't use them -- I prefer to tour the mainland on my scooter. But they have always been a friendly sight on the roads, a reminder of other people, and other times in SL.

It's a bit like letting go of trams or steam engines. SL is a little diminished.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
OMG what is wrong with my spelling?
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Yes, Yavanna is an absolute gem among SL residents, and I hope her RL recovery comes quickly now.

This loss of Pods is pretty sad for the Mainland, and for scripters. Yavanna refined the Pod network to run like the proverbial well-oiled machine, and they'd become a regular, valued feature of the SL Birthday celebrations, too.

According to a notecard I received in-world, this coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Pod service. There is more information about how this decision was reached, and the faintest glimmer of hope that they may return some day when recovery progresses and if there is just a hint of supportive sentiment from the Lab.

Without wading into negativity, I'm weighing how to best encourage some positive intervention by any Lindens I know... and some I don't.

Others may want to do likewise.

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One worthy thing to note about the pods: During my stint as a Poderator, Yavanna and I tried to link up my Easter Egg quest into the pod tours.  Our initial tests worked great, but we abandoned it due to the sheer amount of work it'd mean for Yavanna.  I think 2 of the pods gave hints out if memory serves.


Godspeed on your recovery Yavanna

Edited by Adamburp Adamczyk
better wording
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First, let me say that I hope Yavanna makes a full recovery from COVID, which many are finding can be devastating for a long time. That's awful, and it's terrible when it affects someone's contribution to SL, which should be a haven for them.

Second, let me say that I am glad the pod era has come to an end and I hope it will not be replaced, that the Lindens will come to their senses, and get rid of the other highly visible self-driven vehicles in SL.

No one avatar should be able to dominate all sims and all roads in this way. It is profoundly wrong. Even if they ostensibly don't use it for commercial gain, it's reputational visibility and gain and no one should be allowed the entire world as their canvas without paying for it as everyone else does -- ESPECIALLY when it diminished the value of others' land and experience because it is essentially endless spam.

If you live and work on the Mainland as I do, and you aren't a tiny percentage of forums regs with this pro-pod opinion, you grasp the issue: nearly 100% of the pods have no drivers, and are spam. They endlessly careen across sims, occasionally crashing and piling up, and if they were some other thing, they'd be called spam and banned.

The tiny percenters claim that they help explore the Mainland and they use them. But I'm here to tell you that 100% of the pods I see every day -- and I see dozens and hundreds if I am on for a few hours or more -- HAVE NO DRIVER. They are empty. Because people do not use them. Because exploring the Mainland is something only a small percentage do, sadly, and those using pods are an even tinier percentage.

Recently, a couple rented some land of mine and said they had discovered it while riding a pod. Well, what do you know! Wouldn't that be enough to make me pro-pod?! It brought me business. The answer is: no. Because these people in fact are a fluke. Now that they are living on the Mainland on the roadside, they, like me, may come to see the constant stream of driverless pods as an annoyance. It's not just that they come relentlessly. It's that in an effort to be "low-key," they look like a little pea pod -- half sphere -- so they are odd. They aren't cars or trucks or bikes such as what real people drive. They're pods as from outer space.

I would not oppose them if they had STATIONS where they could be REZZED ON DEMAND. The Lindens could use their considerable amount of roadside land to put some pod stations where anyone could come and rez one. They could put them in every 2 sims, even. Then we would see their actual use. We would seldom see them. Because only real people would use them, occasionally. There is absolutely no reason not to make stations with rez-on-demand. It's not like you have to "hunt all over" if they are on every other sim. You could start with infohubs and them go from there. It's not a big deal, make a model, plunk it down. Put a pop stand next to it even. But make it only on demand. The tiny, tiny number of people who use them don't have to have the convenience -- which turns into spam for the rest of us -- of having them "right there all the time". Because "right there all the time" means literally 100% driver free for those actually observing in world.

I once asked a scripter who has a script to count vehicles if they could also count drivers with avatars. That might not be possible. But if they count avatars AND vehicles they will rapidly see how many crossings are vehicles with no avatars. This is possible to do, so do it, and you will discover the truth of what I'm saying, instead of spouting your minority opinion on this here.

You can credit Yavanna for making pods that at least stay on the roads and generally don't pile up. That's why some will think it's unfair for her to be banned over a pile-up. But the other character who has been banned on several accounts but keeps spawning green buses over oceans and other nonsense is still active. And now is the time for the Lindens to bite the bullet and say, no more spam cars. Only Lindens can make these vehicles and they must be rez-on-demand. Or if they must use resident vehicles, only authorized makers at rez-on-demand stations. This should not be so hard.

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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2 hours ago, Anna Nova said:

I'm not quiting SecondLife.  I'm closing the pod station and leaving the mainland, and saving the tier.  I have a houseboat in Belli...

Bellissaria *is* the Mainland. It may be the Mainland on the Social Register. But it's still Mainland.

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The pods are still working! They're just not leaving their stations unless you go there and start one. There's a station in Calleta and one in Kama City. When you start one, it says "The route has been suspended", and the pod will de-rez when the last rider gets off.

Edited by animats
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