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motorcycle riding or driving problems with roads

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Hey everyone, I did a search and couldn't find the answers I was looking for so started a new post. I bought a motorcycle, and have been trying it out. Tried route 10, 9, and 7. On all 3, I keep getting thrown into the air, or going down into the ground. I do end up back on the road and can continue (unless I fly over someones house and they eject me forcing me to rez my bike back in) but this is extremely annoying. I have been invited to join some friends to ride, but can't figure out what I am doing wrong, or what may be the hangup. I would love to go riding with them but need some experience riding on SL first, but can't seem to do so if I keep having these issues. Can someone tell me whats happening? also, do you have any ideas of places to ride where I can rez my bike in and ride for longer distances to get used to it without these issues? Any help is appreciated.

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1 hour ago, malcolmmerlyn1 said:

 also, do you have any ideas of places to ride where I can rez my bike in and ride for longer distances to get used to it without these issues? Any help is appreciated.

search inworld for motorcycle clubs

there are a few which have bike tracks, where they allow the public to rez bikes and use. Most of theses motorcycle club tracks are contained on a single region (often spirally for several kilometers up into the sky) which allows us to avoid the region crossing problems, while we are learning to ride our bikes. Some also have race lap timers. Which is quite good as a learning tool.  Like we can learn a lot more sooner, about how our bikes handle when we race ourselves against the clock  

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Try Historic Route 101 maybe? It's an enclosed sim with multiple tracks stacked on top of each other; I've never had any issues rezzing my bike or riding up and down it (well there was *one* incident where I may have flown off the track into the void but I was being a little over zealous with my speed... 🤣 )

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2 hours ago, malcolmmerlyn1 said:

Hey everyone, I did a search and couldn't find the answers I was looking for so started a new post. I bought a motorcycle, and have been trying it out. Tried route 10, 9, and 7. On all 3, I keep getting thrown into the air, or going down into the ground. I do end up back on the road and can continue ...

Hi @malcolmmerlyn1!

What you describe is a perfect example of region crossing issues.  This can happen with any vehicle, not just motorcycles.  The basic problem is that when you change regions, the region servers must do a hand-off.  The region you're leaving must contact the one you're entering, and the one you're entering must get all the data about you...your appearance, your scripts, your vehicle, your position and speed, etc.  This takes time, and if SL isn't working really well, or your avatar and vehicle are very complex, it can fail, or at least take a long time.  During that time, SL tries to "guess" where you are, and this can lead to you floating around for several seconds, or diving into the ground, until everything gets caught up.

You can't entirely eliminate this.  With land vehicles, one solution is to stay within a single region.  Flowersforkain has suggested one region that has tracks where you can drive.  Some other things you can do to help:

  • Cross region boundaries slowly, and at right angles.  Don't try to cross diagonally, especially at region corners.
  • Simplify your avatar.  Remove all unnecessary HUDs and other scripted items.  Wear a classic avatar and simple clothing, not mesh.
  • Reduce your draw distance (but not so much you crash into things and miss corners!)
  • Check your internet connection to make sure it's performing well for Second Life.  See: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
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3 hours ago, malcolmmerlyn1 said:

Hey everyone, I did a search and couldn't find the answers I was looking for so started a new post. I bought a motorcycle, and have been trying it out. Tried route 10, 9, and 7. On all 3, I keep getting thrown into the air, or going down into the ground. I do end up back on the road and can continue (unless I fly over someones house and they eject me forcing me to rez my bike back in) but this is extremely annoying. I have been invited to join some friends to ride, but can't figure out what I am doing wrong, or what may be the hangup. I would love to go riding with them but need some experience riding on SL first, but can't seem to do so if I keep having these issues. Can someone tell me whats happening? also, do you have any ideas of places to ride where I can rez my bike in and ride for longer distances to get used to it without these issues? Any help is appreciated.

make sure you are in a lower gear, shift down. I find when I am higher than 2nd gear, 3rd for hills... I go bat shift crazy into the air and crash. But I've only been driving in the new prem regions.

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To practice with your bike, try a region dedicated to riding that you can practice on without sim crossings. Somewhere like Rock of Casheil

For Region crossings, not all bikes\vehicles are equal. Alot of vehicles are scripted to run on one region, for racing and just cruising. There aren't many bikes that are good on sim crossings. I would recommend those by  humble worker, like this one. The scripts they use are designed to be good on region crossings.

Edited by Aethelwine
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32 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Hi @malcolmmerlyn1!

What you describe is a perfect example of region crossing issues.  This can happen with any vehicle, not just motorcycles.  The basic problem is that when you change regions, the region servers must do a hand-off.  The region you're leaving must contact the one you're entering, and the one you're entering must get all the data about you...your appearance, your scripts, your vehicle, your position and speed, etc.  This takes time, and if SL isn't working really well, or your avatar and vehicle are very complex, it can fail, or at least take a long time.  During that time, SL tries to "guess" where you are, and this can lead to you floating around for several seconds, or diving into the ground, until everything gets caught up.

You can't entirely eliminate this.  With land vehicles, one solution is to stay within a single region.  Flowersforkain has suggested one region that has tracks where you can drive.  Some other things you can do to help:

  • Cross region boundaries slowly, and at right angles.  Don't try to cross diagonally, especially at region corners.
  • Simplify your avatar.  Remove all unnecessary HUDs and other scripted items.  Wear a classic avatar and simple clothing, not mesh.
  • Reduce your draw distance (but not so much you crash into things and miss corners!)
  • Check your internet connection to make sure it's performing well for Second Life.  See: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/

All of what you said is right, except the crossing at right angles. Roads won't always cross the region border at right angles and in my experience on bikes and boats the angle makes no difference. What I would say though is not to be turning on the region crossing if you can help it because then sometimes it will part remember that you are turning lag and then try and turn you back over the region border before or as soon as you have made the crossing into the region you were heading sometimes putting you in a sim crossing spin. As you get to the region border it is best to line your path up and then just wait until the crossing is complete before steering again.

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You really do need to "travel light" to be able to stand a good chance of crossing region boundaries (sim crossings) successfully. As has been pointed out above, particularly by @Lindal Kidd, the more data that has to be passed from old region to new region, the worse things get.

Its easy to forget that your avatar might be quite heavily loaded with scripts (re-sizing scripts, colour changing huds, AOs, "personal" bits and pieces, etc), and these can all be removed. It will help no end!

I'll just add this. NEVER, NEVER attempt to cross at the region corners (where four regions meet). Steer well clear of these intersections. Its anyone's guess as to where or how you'll end up!

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Okay, first I want to thank you all for your replies. I am having a very difficult time finding my attached scripts to see if there is a problem there. I am using the firestorm viewer, and tried the ll viewer as well. I used the instructions in this link, (

) but could not come up with a list. Can someone point me to a current instruction for finding the scripts? I have tried under Avatar Health and this is the only list I could find which doesnt seem like much.20200124_103746-1.png.322849e2ba4ef14cef90af9329c7b86c.png

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12 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Not saying it's a lot or a little, but you can get rid of all those parts...everything except the Firestorm Bridge, if you put your AO's animations in Firestorm's AO instead of the Vista HUD.

Thank you for that, I ended up using the firestorm ao for dance animations, but have not messed with it further. will check into it though. I usually keep my vista ao off except when walking or standing still. I have been on here for 2 years but am still learning as I go.

Edited by malcolmmerlyn1
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17 hours ago, malcolmmerlyn1 said:

Hey everyone, I did a search and couldn't find the answers I was looking for so started a new post. I bought a motorcycle, and have been trying it out. Tried route 10, 9, and 7. On all 3, I keep getting thrown into the air, or going down into the ground. I do end up back on the road and can continue (unless I fly over someones house and they eject me forcing me to rez my bike back in) but this is extremely annoying. I have been invited to join some friends to ride, but can't figure out what I am doing wrong, or what may be the hangup. I would love to go riding with them but need some experience riding on SL first, but can't seem to do so if I keep having these issues. Can someone tell me whats happening? also, do you have any ideas of places to ride where I can rez my bike in and ride for longer distances to get used to it without these issues? Any help is appreciated.

What you're seeing is an illusion.

When traveling any significant distance in Second Life,  you're going to be changing from one region simulator to another every 256 meters, and this changeover takes time, especially in a vehicle. What's really happening is when you cross a region border, there is a pause when your information is transferred from one region to another. To hide this pause, the viewer normally keeps drawing your avatar as if it were moving the same speed and direction as it was when the region-crossing pause started.

This works just about seamlessly when you're walking or using avatar flight, and not too badly when you're in something like a boat or airplane that normally travels in a straight line, but when you're in a land vehicle this "interpolation" often makes you LOOK like you're continuing to climb, fall or turn because you were doing those things when you hit the border when following the road.

You can either get used to it or set your viewer to stop dead at region crossings, which will eliminate the "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" moments but will create pauses at every crossing which can be just as jarring.

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Rule of thumb in SL: Just cross sims regions slowly.

If you like speed, stay as much as possible in a single region (like Brilliant).

If you like to travel distances and enjoy the scenery, go slow.

If you want both, pay a visit to Steam*.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
* That's a gaming platform, not a region
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19 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Animats, a frequent poster to these forums, has made something of specialty of investigating region crossing issues and designing ways to build improved vehicles.

I've kind of gotten out of that. There are basically two problems.

  • There's a really serious bug server-side which causes avatars and vehicles to become disconnected at region crossing failures. LL has been unable to fix this for over five years. There are some things that can be done by users and in vehicles to make it happen less. The most important fix is to slow down or stop near a region corner where two region boundaries are crossed in succession. Many newer SL vehicles have this. Some older ones, too. It used to be kind of a secret how to do this, but since I started writing about it, now most better builders put a workaround in their vehicles.There are a number of vehicle builders along a stretch of road through Burns and Neumogen in Heterocera who get all this stuff right. Still, expect about one failure per hour of travel across many regions. It's been better since the entire grid was restarted two weeks ago, though.
  • Then there are the visual problems at region crossings - going into the air and into the ground. That's because there's a second or two during sim to sim handoff when the viewer isn't getting any updates and is guessing what happens next. The viewer's guesser isn't very good. It's made worse by a sim side bug which seems to produce wrong values for the last update before a region crossing. I put a fix into Firestorm to not guess at all, just freeze the vehicle in place during the sim crossing. Bikers liked it because there's no bogus movement, sailors hated it because it's so abrupt.  LL put a similar fix in their viewer, which is halfway between a hard stop and full prediction. This spread the misery around - nobody really likes it, but you don't go flying as far into the air at a region crossing. I've thought about working on this again, but am off on other things now. If someone from a third party viewer wants to talk to me about this, IM me.

If you want to have a good driving experience, run Firestorm 6.2.4 (not a later version), open Preferences->Move and View->Movement, and set "Movement at region crossing": "Stop". Then go to Burns, walk down to the road, and find a vehicle shop with a demo rezzer. Rez some vehicle. Drive around Robin Loop, turning left at all Linden road junctions. Make one loop slowly to learn the route (there's a steep hill to take slowly and a T-intersection with a cliff behind it), then go around fast. Don't worry about region crossings. It's a pleasant drive in a good looking area.



Edited by animats
Fix menu path
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It's not you it's SL. I used to be an avid motorcycle rider on mainland and sure there were hiccups but since they introduced pathfinding a few years ago it became so bad it was an exercise in temper and patience and I have just given up on motorbike riding/car/helicopter/plane driving or anything involving some speed. All I manage now is slower kayak or slow motorboat sailing and horseback riding. I even tried no scripts/noob avatar and no huds with same results. I remember it all happened the first day of pathfinding.

Edited by Ziggy Starsmith
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All very good answers, Thank you all for your thoughts and replies. I stated earlier that I really have not gotten out of first gear, was just trying to learn it, but it definitely sounds like a LL sim crossing problem rather than necessarily mine. So, I will look into staying on one sim made for riding. Thank you for your replies, much appreciated!

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