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How are you feeling today?

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4 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Though I am concerned about climate change, the song I posted is (to me) actually more about that part of your comment that I italicized. I've been buried in home remodeling for quite a few years now. I'm nearing completion, not so much because I'm done as because I'm lowering the threshold for what I consider "done". It's a big, beautiful, scary world out there and I get the feeling that I've been hiding behind a can of paint rather than engaging it.


There is a distinct connection, Maddy, between climate change and politics.


That's how I feel today, how I felt yesterday and every day in my past. It's how I will feel tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life.

There really are no words to describe having to watch the destruction of our only home on a daily basis through the actions (or inactions) of those who have ignored hundreds of years of warnings. I'm glad I won't be alive to see the colonization of Mars (the only hope for the survival of humans) end in its destruction as well. Too many are willfully blind to the fact that humans are the conductors of our own extinction.

I'm already regretting posting this. It is what it is.


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31 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

There is a distinct connection, Maddy, between climate change and politics.


That's how I feel today, how I felt yesterday and every day in my past. It's how I will feel tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life.

There really are no words to describe having to watch the destruction of our only home on a daily basis through the actions (or inactions) of those who have ignored hundreds of years of warnings. I'm glad I won't be alive to see the colonization of Mars (the only hope for the survival of humans) end in its destruction as well. Too many are willfully blind to the fact that humans are the conductors of our own extinction.

I'm already regretting posting this. It is what it is.


Dear Selene, 

I wasn't going to say anything except for the part that read I'm already regretting posting this. I came from Poland to Canada in 1985 without any knowledge of history. All I knew about aboriginal people is what I learned in the song Cherokee by Europe which described the Trail of Tears and Iron Maiden's Run for the Hills. I have almost felt connected to indigenous culture, maybe its because my dad sat in prison for his beliefs. But to make a long story short I think that the creator or god or whomever the wonderful magician is that made all of this wonderful vast space, definitely knew what they were doing when he entrusted the native people as its caretakers.

I have never seen a more resilient and spiritually rich culture. I for one feel very blessed to read such a post on a forum such as this and that is what it is. :)

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37 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

I'm already regretting posting this. It is what it is.

You feel what you feel. Hopefully we can all use this thread to be honest about our state of mind and not invalidate the way anyone else is feeling. 

In a lot of ways, I absolutely agree with you. Humans are the worst thing that's happened to the planet, and the planet will be better off when the humans are finally gone. I hope that before Earth gets past the point of no return, she'll hit us all her force and wipe us out like using flea shampoo on a dog. 

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   It is dark and cold. But not quite cold enough. So, pretty decent, in terms of the season. I'm also not sick for the first time in several weeks, which is nice. But I also don't really have anything that excites or exhilarates me at the moment, so .. As we say in Swedish; 'Det rullar på' (it goes/rolls on/forwards).

   We also used to have a little list to reflect on at the start of the day at my old workplace, that we called 'DAG' ( = 'DAY').

  • Vad mår Du idag? ('How are you today?')
  • Har Du några angelägenheter idag? ('Do you have any affairs today?' - referring to off-schedule tasks, such as 'Today I'm going to the dentist after lunch' or 'I need to make a phone call to the tax agency during their open hours')
  • Vad skall Du göra idag? ('What shall you do today?')

   I quite liked it. Also the fact that it was preceded by one minute of silence - meaning we were paid to sit down and be quiet for roughly 4 hours annually.


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16 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

You feel what you feel. Hopefully we can all use this thread to be honest about our state of mind and not invalidate the way anyone else is feeling. 

In a lot of ways, I absolutely agree with you. Humans are the worst thing that's happened to the planet, and the planet will be better off when the humans are finally gone. I hope that before Earth gets past the point of no return, she'll hit us all her force and wipe us out like using flea shampoo on a dog. 

I don't believe in destroying all of humanity for the "sins of the few".  On the other hand, our Mother, the earth (or nature), doesn't "discriminate" either. 

Humans will face extinction at some point. That is inevitable. I just can't understand those who want to see that end during their own lifetimes. 


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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

We don't have anything called "lemsip" in the states and it sounded really good, like lemonade or something, until I googled it... lol!

Feel better!!

Lemsip tastes horrid, they put tons of lemin in it to mask the aspirin/paracetamol.

My preferred cold remedy is whisky, honey and hot water. Doesnt' cure the cold but it makes me feel better

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Well yesterday when I said Tomorrow Is Another Day... I wasn't wrong

Today I have one sent home from school with a sore throat and temp and the dog back from the vets  (£££ I could have done without spending before Christmas) Apparently he has a nasal infection and needs antibiotics. 

So I guess for a change I am not the only ill person in the house.  🙄 

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I’m good today, despite having to work. It’s supposed to get warmer this weekend, which I am sure sounds good to most people, but not to this Floridian. It Is hard to get into the holiday spirit when it’s almost 80 F. Give me 40s and 50s please! 
I really want to move.

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I had a bad reaction to my shingles vaccination yesterday.  Got the shot in the morning, and by lunchtime I felt achy and feverish, and the injection site was really sore.  By midnight I was shaking with uncontrollable chills and climbed into bed under two extra blankets.  Sweated through the sheets.

I still feel wrung out today, but at least I no longer feel like I have the world's worst flu.

What was that about, "First, do no harm?"

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15 minutes ago, Eva Knoller said:

I’m good today, despite having to work. It’s supposed to get warmer this weekend, which I am sure sounds good to most people, but not to this Floridian. It Is hard to get into the holiday spirit when it’s almost 80 F. Give me 40s and 50s please! 
I really want to move.

My daughter lives in Florida now and just before she went back home last Sunday, she was commenting about how she has totally acclimated to the warmth and was upset that it was only going to be in the 60s that day when she got home.  Her preference is 80s or higher and if she wants cold and snow, she'll visit the relatives in Colorado or Nebraska.

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11 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I had a bad reaction to my shingles vaccination yesterday.  Got the shot in the morning, and by lunchtime I felt achy and feverish, and the injection site was really sore.  By midnight I was shaking with uncontrollable chills and climbed into bed under two extra blankets.  Sweated through the sheets.

I still feel wrung out today, but at least I no longer feel like I have the world's worst flu.

What was that about, "First, do no harm?"

I've been debating whether or not I'm going to get that shot.  My doc also mentioned that I should probably get a booster of the MMR vaccination, which I'm also still debating.  Heck, I already had that shot, why do I have to do it again?

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I've been debating whether or not I'm going to get that shot. 

The shingles shot? Stop debating and get it. My Dad had shingles when he was in his early 90s, and he was absolutely miserable. He was lucky he didn't lose sight in one eye. The Shingrix vaccine is apparently a quantum step beyond the old one, which had to be renewed every few years and was only marginally effective. You do have to have two shots, spaced no more than 6 months apart -- I don't know why -- but it's worth the expense for the peace of mind. 

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2 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Today I have one sent home from school with a sore throat and temp and the dog back from the vets  (£££ I could have done without spending before Christmas) Apparently he has a nasal infection and needs antibiotics. 

Wait... which one has the infection, the dog or the child? O.o

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Grouchy right now.  I had to go in for my yearly mammogram this morning and that stupid machine squishes you to death, thus making me cranky.

Men get breast cancer, too, though not nearly at the same rates women do. Still, I think they need to be subjected to the squish at least every few years, too.

I would almost rather get a pelvic than a mammogram. It's just so awkward and weird and there's that whole no deodorant thing which sucks if you're getting it done in the summer.

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34 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Wait... which one has the infection, the dog or the child? O.o

The dog has a vet diagnosed infection.  The child has had Calpol to reduce temp, a nap and is now devouring pizza.  I doubt the two things are related.  The dog is just a very old man now but he got the full MOT and is doing pretty well for his age . (which we think might be 13 but he was a rescue dog so thats a guess) 

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I've been debating whether or not I'm going to get that shot.  My doc also mentioned that I should probably get a booster of the MMR vaccination, which I'm also still debating.  Heck, I already had that shot, why do I have to do it again?

I'm with Rolig on this. Both of my parents got shingles and it's dreadful. I got my Shingrix shots last year, and had no reaction to them. Lindal may be one of the unfortunate few to suffer a reaction, but that's still far better than getting shingles.

12 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I would almost rather get a pelvic than a mammogram. It's just so awkward and weird and there's that whole no deodorant thing which sucks if you're getting it done in the summer.

You can use any deodorant that doesn't contain aluminum or zinc.

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I'm grouchy AF today because work is crazy busy AND I'm working an event tonight until 9pm so there goes my Friday night. Oh, and I'll be dealing with people and they'll be drinking the booze and I won't be and that's always miserable. I'm sure there is going to be Christmas music as well, and all sorts of Christmas crap going on.

Oh, and I'm irritated about this, too - We are having a mandatory staff meeting/potluck. I don't mind participating in office holiday things when it's my choice to do so. I'm doing the Secret Santa, I'm doing the door decorating contest thingie, but I resent the hell out of being forced to make a dish for 20 people the week before Christmas. 

People think it's harmless to shove the holidays down people's throats. The one year I didn't do the Secret Santa, I was called a Scrooge. I consider things like that religious bigotry. I don't care that other people want to do all the Christmas things. I have no objection to any decorations or celebrations or whatever, but being forced to participate in a holiday celebration, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Diwali, whatever, is not cool when you have no religion, and therefore celebrate no religious holidays. 

And sure, I could raise a stink about it, and then I'd be the witch ruining everyone else's fun, so that's not going to happen. 

It's just freaking aggravating when you just want to be left alone. 

I am doing an incredibly passive-aggressive door decoration, though. Instead of Christmas, I'm doing a Chalica door. Sort of my way of saying, "Hey, you snotty Christians, we heathens can be good people, too!" 

...grumbles and goes back to work...

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