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Are you afraid to move from your new home?


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I have a question. In the older generation homes if i was not comfortable with the location of the home or just did not feel right  i would abandon and get a different one. But since i got one of the houseboats i am kind of afraid to do that. I love the houseboat but not so much the location. Very cramped. I find that when i am building something for it ok but when that project is over i get the  cramped feeling again . I am finding i am logging  in  less and less and do not want to play the catch game .The upside i am saving rl money  . Has anyone else felt this way?

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2 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

I have a question. In the older generation homes if i was not comfortable with the location of the home or just did not feel right  i would abandon and get a different one. But since i got one of the houseboats i am kind of afraid to do that. I love the houseboat but not so much the location. Very cramped. I find that when i am building something for it ok but when that project is over i get the  cramped feeling again . I am finding i am logging  in  less and less and do not want to play the catch game .The upside i am saving rl money  . Has anyone else felt this way?

Maybe this has more to do with SL itself for you? Either way, if I don't like a place and feel cramped or bothered I move. Rather homeless than feeling not happy in a house/boat.

 Good luck ♥

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Not so much afraid just tired of not getting something close to what I am looking for.  I saw three unreleased regions that would be perfect but I know if I get my hopes up high I probably won't get any of the homes I have my eyes set on.

It is just difficult to watch when a release is going to happen when you are sitting at work and really have no time to monitor the forums or play the refresh game on company equipment.

The releases are never focused towards every time zone some are during work hours or others are sleeping. Wish they did more then one release in a day giving each time zone a chance. It can be frustrating missing a release of an area you really wanted.

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21 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

I have a question. In the older generation homes if i was not comfortable with the location of the home or just did not feel right  i would abandon and get a different one. But since i got one of the houseboats i am kind of afraid to do that. I love the houseboat but not so much the location. Very cramped. I find that when i am building something for it ok but when that project is over i get the  cramped feeling again . I am finding i am logging  in  less and less and do not want to play the catch game .The upside i am saving rl money  . Has anyone else felt this way?

I've always abandoned any home that did not make me happy. Some I knew right away that they were not right for me; for instance if they the middle house in rows of other homes. I prefer being on a corner lot if possible so that I have some clearer views from some parts of the house. I also prefer when the front landscaping has been done nicely by the Moles; a good walkway with a bit of fencing with some thought put into the placement of shrubs and flowers that they use (a lot of times they seem very randomly placed and since I garden in RL that matters to me). I once got a home that I really loved the location of but the entire back of the house was an enormous wall of huge boulders and it just made me feel boxed in so after trying to make it work for a week or so I finally admitted defeat and abandoned that one.

However, my houseboat, while the location isn't *perfect* is good enough for me. I would have preferred it to be near a sandy shoreline, perhaps in a more neighborly area. It's in one of the original release regions and surrounded completely by water and other houseboats. As it turns out, though, it's perfect for sailing. I have a lovely neighbor to one side and the other neighbor I have never seen in the nearly 1/2 years I've had that home. So, it's quiet, remote and I'm pretty sure I'll hang on to it for the long haul.

Everyone has different ideas of what they feel is "home" to them and there's nothing wrong with continuing to search for one that feels right to you. If you can tolerate being homeless for periods of time, than keep trying. It seems most of us eventually do find a home (or 2, or 3) that make us quite happy.  And yes for many the main joy of these houses is decorating them and once that's done, well, it's on to another location to play again with another theme in another area. Again, nothing wrong with that either. Just remember all of the Linden homes will feel cramped give or take, but with vision and skill you can overcome that!

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I understand anyone's reticence to try for another home whilst there is a supply and demand issue, if you don't want to be without a home (and don't want a first gen home). 

But I also think that one has to be realistic about getting 'the perfect' plot. It might not even exist. I think a good strategy is to look around at new locations and see if you think you really would be happy with any of them.

When I was hoping to get a new home I actually explored the houseboat areas looking to see what I thought would make me happy, so that when I did manage to get one I'd know straight away whether to release it and try again quickly, rather than spend time seeing if I like it, then drop it and have missed out on other houseboats.  I soon found that there were only about 5 or 6 locations that I really liked. One or two of those would have been my 'perfect'.

 I realised I only wanted a square plot preferably with a decent view not overlooking too many boats, for example on a corner or near the end of a row.  I was actually fortunate to get something very much like this. It's not ''perfect' as I would really like to have some sand or grass at the back rather than other boats, but it's near as and I made it even better for myself by derendering a couple of neighbouring houseboats to make the view even more to my liking. So sometimes there are ways to make something better for yourself if it's not quite right.

The chance of those couple of 'perfect' locationsbeing made free are pretty slim I think, so I'm quite happy to stay where I am. I feel lucky to have landed the houseboat location I did, so I wouldn't want to risk losing that, especially with the current demand for homes -  it's not as if we have a great range of free homes to choose from, and as I know there are very very few locations that would suit me better,  I think it would be silly for me to abandon it. If they make a surplus of houseboats in the future may I'd consider it (but I doubt that will happen).

Apart from those thoughts, just the knowing how in demand the homes are, which makes them so hard to get hold off would put me off trying for something else. And I really hated the refresh lotto:( I don't want to do that again.

Of course this might all change depending on what future themes are introduced - maybe homes in the future will offer something that means more to me than my houseboat currently does. I do hope that LL make a few more homes than is needed so that it is easier to get one, and not feel like you are having to compete with so many others for just one spot.

Edited by Evangeline Arcadia
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30 minutes ago, Elora Lunasea said:

I once got a home that I really loved the location of but the entire back of the house was an enormous wall of huge boulders and it just made me feel boxed in so after trying to make it work for a week or so I finally admitted defeat and abandoned that one.


You could have derendered the boulders (if you have Firestorm viewer) :)

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14 minutes ago, Evangeline Arcadia said:

But I also think that one has to be realistic about getting 'the perfect' plot. It might not even exist. I think a good strategy is to look around at new locations and see if you think you really would be happy with any of them.

This is a good point.

I think this is the formula I've been using.

What % of new homes (or existing ones) would I prefer to live in. If it is 75% it's worth moving. If it is 10% and I am in the mood for a sustained effort, then it is still worth having a go. If it is 2% I might be better having a rethink. If 0% then maybe something else is going on and it's time to step back for a while.

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I've mentioned this before in another topic, but I kinda feel the same way. I didn't get my "dream location" on Belli, but it'll do for now. I'll wait until the hype dies down and there will be enough homes for everyone and then I might try for a better location, without the fear of being homeless for weeks. 

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When I got my first house I was excited and felt lucky to get one.  However as time went on I found it hard to decorate the yard and I was also landlocked and surrounded by houses.  I had this house for quite a while and continually tried to make the landscaping work for me.  Finally I decided to let it go as it got the point where I wasn't even going to my house anymore.  When I let it go, I let it go knowing that it might take me time to get a new one.  And I did get one 2 weeks later.  I have gone thru about 5 houses and now have the house that works best for me.  It's not 100% perfect, but it pretty well checks all the boxes on my list.

I also agree with @Evangeline Arcadia about being realistic as well.  From what I see it is harder to get a HB than a house.  If you are that unhappy in that location there is nothing wrong with releasing it, just make sure it is really what you want to do and realize you might wait to get another one, or you could luck out and get one right away.




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I like mountains, water and rocky landscapes. Our home meets none of those criteria. I don't let myself dwell on what I don't have though and just focus on what I do. Hubby and I both decided to be happy with what we have because we know how lucky we were to get a house on the first major release. We aren't going to release because it would be more hassle at this stage because finding perfection in what we don't have is harder than finding perfection in what we do. It is less stressful too! At least for us.

Everyone is different though and if you feel the need to search for your missing perfection, go for it! Being happy is important.

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i love the houseboat  just the location  boats on both sides ok but the boats in back facing  making like a T  figure so its not a straight flow  and boardwalks narrow . i guess it might be all like that i will have a look around . Some have a nice flow  even though there are others behind  but they are a straight flow  an open flow so you get nice views  with the t formation you get the front and when you walk out its another boat behind  longwise so you have no view only that boat  and both sides boats . I will probably stay where i am as  i do not want to land in a limbo catch release thing ,I am grateful  though ,,,,, i guess i need my  coffee  busy since early hours and reading forums inbetween lolol  .

Edited by roseelvira
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My main complaint about my house is that due to the mole landscaping I can't bring a driveway to the front, I've manage to drive in/out the side but that involves dodging a bush and a tree.  Also the whole neighborhood is kind of in a grid pattern and void of any bodies of water, boring compared to many other areas.  But being what it took to snag the house I decided to just stick with it and adapt.  Maybe after supply has reached demand I'll try for a better place, it's also pretty likely I'll get too settled in to ever move.

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the other reason i do not want to leave is the prim allotments . though i loved my older generation cabins i like having  more prims to work with so its a trade off. Not really interested in the campers as they have the lesser prims to use. 

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6 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

the other reason i do not want to leave is the prim allotments . though i loved my older generation cabins i like having  more prims to work with so its a trade off. Not really interested in the campers as they have the lesser prims to use. 

Can you derender some of the stuff around you for now just to make it look more open?


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I just took the first property i could get while it is near a pool which is one of my preferred places/community areas to live near, i'm not wild about the location. if it wasn't for the time it might take to get somewhere with nicer landscaping around it and now being settled in my home i'd try for another place 

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7 minutes ago, Knutz Scorpio said:

My main complaint about my house is that due to the mole landscaping I can't bring a driveway to the front, I've manage to drive in/out the side but that involves dodging a bush and a tree.  Also the whole neighborhood is kind of in a grid pattern and void of any bodies of water, boring compared to many other areas.  But being what it took to snag the house I decided to just stick with it and adapt.  Maybe after supply has reached demand I'll try for a better place, it's also pretty likely I'll get too settled in to ever move.

I feel your pain you may have a concept on how you want to decorate and then little things like that hinder you in accomplishing that. I had one home I tried everything I could before releasing it to figure away to improve the outside it was very plain had no landscaping other then large trees placed around the home.

Another home was surrounded by large bushes not even the low ones and the home was off centered from the street and sidewalk and then was on a slope elevation on one side was not a very pleasing property for me and quickly let it go so someone else could enjoy.

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I have 2 premium accounts right now.

Between them in the span of a half week I have been able to get 3 campers and 3 houseboats.

I have also PASSED on another 2 houseboats, 2 or 3 campers, and 3 traditionals that I chose not to take...

I think the risk of moving is presently over-rated.

Yes there have been hours long periods of looking at Meadowbrook...


But something then pops, and I'm good to go.


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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I think, for me, it would totally depend upon how much I hated my current location and how much time I had to do the refresh game, whether automated or manually, and what times I could do those refreshes. 

Given that almost all of the single region releases happen while I'm working, that reduces my chances of catching something during a release to almost zilch, unless I just happen to be off work that day or possibly working from home.  That leaves me with a few hours each evening and the weekends, both of which are times when (these days, at least), I tend to be bouncing away from the computer off & on, doing misc RL stuff.  That reduces my odds of getting anything during most of those windows.

So for me, I don't have a lot of times for playing refresh nor are the odds great for me during those times.  In my case, I still have another Premium account that can do the trying so I don't actually have to give up my current location.  However, if I didn't have another Premium account, I'd only abandon the current one if I really hated it - if it contributed to making SL no fun for me.  Homeless isn't horrid, there are plenty of places that I can find to set Home to and most of them also allow rezzing.

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10 hours ago, Elora Lunasea said:

And yes for many the main joy of these houses is decorating them and once that's done, well, it's on to another location to play again with another theme in another area. Again, nothing wrong with that either. 

Ever since I got a houseboat, this is kind of how I feel about my beach home. I've decorated it over and over, and am tempted to give it up and just lazily play the clicky click game for a while and see where I wind up next. 

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1 hour ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Ever since I got a houseboat, this is kind of how I feel about my beach home. I've decorated it over and over, and am tempted to give it up and just lazily play the clicky click game for a while and see where I wind up next. 

Be careful as it can be a tad addicting.  I brought an alt out for a month to get one of those campers and discovered that the campers just aren't for me.  I think they are super cute but 175 is just not enough for what I want to do.  So I have been kind of hopping around with my alt to see what comes up for traditional houses.

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1 minute ago, karynmaria said:

Be careful as it can be a tad addicting.  I brought an alt out for a month to get one of those campers and discovered that the campers just aren't for me.  I think they are super cute but 175 is just not enough for what I want to do.  So I have been kind of hopping around with my alt to see what comes up for traditional houses.

Luckily, the beach house is owned by my main account, which will stay Premium no matter what, so I can hop around on it without increasing my expenses! Heck, if I land on a really interesting houseboat parcel, I could move to it and give up the one my alt currently owns. Yeah, that's the ticket... I'll be saving money! 😛 

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1 hour ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Luckily, the beach house is owned by my main account, which will stay Premium no matter what, so I can hop around on it without increasing my expenses! Heck, if I land on a really interesting houseboat parcel, I could move to it and give up the one my alt currently owns. Yeah, that's the ticket... I'll be saving money! 😛 

That's actually what I did.

And... my alt has also managed to add one more home to her tally today. Tossed back yet another houseboat and snagged a traditional about an hour later.

Meadowbrook can't hold me down.

1 hour ago, karynmaria said:

Be careful as it can be a tad addicting. 

You don't say... /clicks-teh-shiny-buttonz


This is like playing gatchas except you pay by the month...

Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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i am not totally thrilled with my location either. ive been undecided about releasing it and trying for a new location.  yesterday, i made up my mind and released the house.  for about 30 minutes, i tried to get another one, and guess what? when i did get another house, it was the same damn house i released. exact same location. i know this because of my neighbors. lol. so, i took it as a sign that this is where i am supposed to stay, for now anyway. now i am decorating again.

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