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Simply put - no, it was not. I wrote the post, therefore I know what it was and was not linked to.

Enjoy interacting with/arguing with whomever has the patience to deal with you.

Edited by Solar Legion
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I am not understanding.  I have a regular home and furnishings store of four regions, which I added one at a time as I found they could not only pay for themselves but generate enough income that SL could fully support my family. I understand that rentals don’t generate much income, but surely if the content was set for sale, it would generate much more. People could use the content to make their own little HL. 

But as I say, I must be missing something. I do agree that LL should step up and preserve the very best examples of SL creation, that just makes economic sense. But LL doesn’t always listen to my wise counsel. 😩

Edited by Pamela Galli
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7 hours ago, Lawrence Celestalis said:

I know, right?  "Just because William Gibson, Venice Art Biennale, New World Notes, The Guardian and Oprah Winfrey support you, should we think you are worth?" LOL! Thank you for your support and appreciation!

Humility is not really your strong suit is it? Frankly I would have dropped the topic a long time ago if each and every rebuke you posted didn't just perspire of arrogance and a feeling of superiority.

It's the kind of things that motivates a lot of people to just keep digging.


A question remains: Why not tier down back to a single region? That is what many people do when they have to dial down on what they can effectively financially support.

Constraints are rarely an issue for artists, they are an opportunity to flourish.

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52 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

I am not understanding.  I have a regular home and furnishings store of four regions, which I added one at a time as I found they could not only pay for themselves but generate enough income that SL could fully support my family. I understand that rentals don’t generate much income, but surely if the content was set for sale, it would generate much more. People could use the content to make their own little HL. 

But as I say, I must be missing something. I do agree that LL should step up and preserve the very best examples of SL creation, that just makes economic sense. But LL doesn’t always listen to my wise counsel. 😩

Thank you for your wise suggestions, they do seem wise to me as well!

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24 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

A question remains: Why not tier down back to a single region? That is what many people do when they have to dial down on what they can effectively financially support

I have replied to this one some posts ago. I understand it's a lot of pages and therefore not easy to spot. 

24 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

Constraints are rarely an issue for artists, they are an opportunity to flourish.

This is very true, Djehan has chosen (for the reasons you will find in the previous post) in the following order: to have it supported by donations, where she would continue in upgrading the artwork and maintain it, to have it preserved by LL, or to move on and proceed to other platforms and AR. I believe it is exactly the constraints you are talking about to push her to make these choices  and she is very peaceful about all of them.

I want to acknowledge you for bringing up very valid suggestions to the discussion, thank you. 

Edited by Lawrence Celestalis
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25 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

Humility is not really your strong suit is it? Frankly I would have dropped the topic a long time ago if each and every rebuke you posted didn't just perspire of arrogance and a feeling of superiority.

I wasn't talking about me, rather about the artwork which has gotten a lot of acknowledgents in real life. I still am surprised with all the outrage this has caused in this forum. If an artist, either in Sl or Rl have acknowledgents, this personally makes me very, very happy. 

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42 minutes ago, Lawrence Celestalis said:

I have replied to this one some posts ago. I understand it's a lot of pages and therefore not easy to spot. 

This is very true, Djehan has chosen (for the reasons you will find in the previous post) in the following order: to have it supported by donations, where she would continue in upgrading the artwork and maintain it, to have it preserved by LL, or to move on and proceed to other platforms and AR. I believe it is exactly the constraints you are talking about to push her to make these choices  and she is very peaceful about all of them.

I want to acknowledge you for bringing up very valid suggestions to the discussion, thank you. 

IShe won t upgrade artwork , because you have said sooner that you refuse to downgrade for less sims ; in your opinion ut would break the "artwork" . So , she won t upgrade it

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7 minutes ago, note Genesis said:

IShe won t upgrade artwork , because you have said sooner that you refuse to downgrade for less sims ; in your opinion ut would break the "artwork" . So , she won t upgrade it

Yes note, that's correct, she chose not to downgrade the artwork. If the donors cover the expenses for a year, she will keep maintaining the city and update/upgarde the buildings so that the experience for residents and visitors is always optimal.

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Oh FFS people, where were some of you when MY favorite sims had to be shut down (for a myriad of reasons)? Why weren't you up in arms when the very long standing, amazingly built, super user friendly, beautiful and very well loved Africa sims from yesteryear had to close? Those had far greater traffic, far more usability, far more educational content, and a much bugger audience. Why didn't you care? A work of art would be an understatement. It was truly breathtaking, well maintained, didn't collect tier funds by breaking the well known rules about nonprofit regions...ugh


See how damn snotty that sounds? That's how some of you sound trying to defend someone that got caught after breaking a well kniw n rule for quite some time. I don't blame LL for not allowing them nonprofit status discount and it is not because it's a badly made region. I've been there and have been just as in awe as many of you. It truly I'd beautiful, IMO and worth being preserved (by its creator) . But, clearly, rules were broken here (having rentals once told not to previously) and LL has to take that into consideration.

Are some of you even aware of the kinds of places that have come and gone which were very much loved, frequently visited, were amazing works of art, really, inspirational? Why do the ones only YOU want to save deserve your loud voices. Some of you were here when most of them came and went. So what is your excuse for not caring about them and thinking that your attitude towards them is somehow not right here for others. I wouldn't blame you for not wanting those Africa sims saved, if you didn't like them. I wouldn't tell you that you have no sense of good art, quality, an idea of what's good for SL, etc. I would say "well I'm sorry you don't enjoy it as I do" and that would be that. But, that's not been the approach here at all by those wanting to save the sim. In fact your approach has been largely coming across as "if you don't like it, its because there's something wrong with you" and also "I don't care about sims others want saved, mine deserves it more because I said so"


Pfft that's ridiculous

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38 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

Oh FFS people, where were some of you when MY favorite sims had to be shut down (for a myriad of reasons)? Why weren't you up in arms when the very long standing, amazingly built, super user friendly, beautiful and very well loved Africa sims from yesteryear had to close? Those had far greater traffic, far more usability, far more educational content, and a much bugger audience. Why didn't you care? A work of art would be an understatement. It was truly breathtaking, well maintained, didn't collect tier funds by breaking the well known rules about nonprofit regions...ugh


See how damn snotty that sounds? That's how some of you sound trying to defend someone that got caught after breaking a well kniw n rule for quite some time. I don't blame LL for not allowing them nonprofit status discount and it is not because it's a badly made region. I've been there and have been just as in awe as many of you. It truly I'd beautiful, IMO and worth being preserved (by its creator) . But, clearly, rules were broken here (having rentals once told not to previously) and LL has to take that into consideration.

Are some of you even aware of the kinds of places that have come and gone which were very much loved, frequently visited, were amazing works of art, really, inspirational? Why do the ones only YOU want to save deserve your loud voices. Some of you were here when most of them came and went. So what is your excuse for not caring about them and thinking that your attitude towards them is somehow not right here for others. I wouldn't blame you for not wanting those Africa sims saved, if you didn't like them. I wouldn't tell you that you have no sense of good art, quality, an idea of what's good for SL, etc. I would say "well I'm sorry you don't enjoy it as I do" and that would be that. But, that's not been the approach here at all by those wanting to save the sim. In fact your approach has been largely coming across as "if you don't like it, its because there's something wrong with you" and also "I don't care about sims others want saved, mine deserves it more because I said so"


Pfft that's ridiculous

With respect ser Landar, while you make some good points, I am rather impressed with the passion involved to save this. 

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49 minutes ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

With respect ser Landar, while you make some good points, I am rather impressed with the passion involved to save this. 

I actually am to an extent to, but not because of what the place is or who made it...instead it is because I simply enjoy watching people have passion about something. It really needn't require a thread about a sim at all to peak my interest. 

I find it a total shame that many of its supporters seem to be having the opposite effect they desire. That superiority complex is bound to bite them in the ass some day, so I'll just let that karma take its own course as she so often does. 


Still pisses me off to be honest that some of these long standing forks have never once stepped forth to save other just as "miraculous in the eyes of those who loved them" sims, buy seem to expect that we should all be in support of this one set...just because they say it's amazing. Hell I think it is too, but I'll be damned if I am going to tell others who don't like it that they haven't good sense. You know what this kind of support of a cause (I call it backhanded snottery, asshatery really) usually leads to, even if the call to arms (raising money) is initially successful? It leads.to that cause and those people (sim and, well supporters) having a bad rep. Does the sim owner deserve that? Nope. So knock off the better than thou crap, ask people who are interested in helping to do so and quit acting like the shutting down of your favorite virtual spot is somehow a real life disaster. It sucks, really, and I very much know what it feels.like to be so connected to something, somewhere, even virtual and then lose it. But for crying out loud the world is not going to implode. 

I think my give a damn is busted on this one. A.real shame, jut I think it's because of perspective and RL issues that make petty arguments about someone not being able to have her virtual cake and eat it too seems so damn odd Lmao.

Now if you really wanna get in on something that can preserve art forever, for millions how about we all find a way to raise enough noise and enough funding to get me started in my working bionic eye prototype before I go  100% blind instead of 75% (much sooner than ever anticipated) and can no longer use it



If that's not a worthy cause to you...well



It's ok :-) 

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I haven't read every single post in this thread, but would it not be possible for the owner to create some commercial spaces to help with income?I understand it's not-for-profit, but what if the decision was made to become for profit instead? That way there could be some spaces for shops (with perhaps strict covenants that only certain types of items could be sold that are in keeping with the feel of HL) to be rented, and apartments too (again strict covenant that they are maintained to keep with the theme of HL). If there is the fan base that's suggested here would there not be enough support to help generate some of  income this way to keep it open?

I don't know enough about the status of HL, non-profit etc., and I maybe asking a silly question based on ignorance of the matter. Was just a thought:)

I think it's unfortunate when lovely builds have to close, and there have been many over the years. Places like these are what I think contribute to SL being a great place to visit and be. But the reality of the financial aspects can make that hard to maintain. I'd personally love to have a region and make a beautiful place, but the costs make it out of the question. Perhaps however, with LL saying they are moving more towards lower land costs etc. that this may become less the case in the future.

Edited by Evangeline Arcadia
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6 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

Oh FFS people, where were some of you when MY favorite sims had to be shut down (for a myriad of reasons)? Why weren't you up in arms when the very long standing, amazingly built, super user friendly, beautiful and very well loved Africa sims from yesteryear had to close? Those had far greater traffic, far more usability, far more educational content, and a much bugger audience. Why didn't you care? A work of art would be an understatement. It was truly breathtaking, well maintained, didn't collect tier funds by breaking the well known rules about nonprofit regions...ugh

See how damn snotty that sounds? That's how some of you sound trying to defend someone that got caught after breaking a well kniw n rule for quite some time. I don't blame LL for not allowing them nonprofit status discount and it is not because it's a badly made region. I've been there and have been just as in awe as many of you. It truly I'd beautiful, IMO and worth being preserved (by its creator) . But, clearly, rules were broken here (having rentals once told not to previously) and LL has to take that into consideration.

Are some of you even aware of the kinds of places that have come and gone which were very much loved, frequently visited, were amazing works of art, really, inspirational? Why do the ones only YOU want to save deserve your loud voices. Some of you were here when most of them came and went. So what is your excuse for not caring about them and thinking that your attitude towards them is somehow not right here for others. I wouldn't blame you for not wanting those Africa sims saved, if you didn't like them. I wouldn't tell you that you have no sense of good art, quality, an idea of what's good for SL, etc. I would say "well I'm sorry you don't enjoy it as I do" and that would be that. But, that's not been the approach here at all by those wanting to save the sim. In fact your approach has been largely coming across as "if you don't like it, its because there's something wrong with you" and also "I don't care about sims others want saved, mine deserves it more because I said so"

Pfft that's ridiculous


Not exactly sure what you're saying here. "No one was there to save MY sim, so now I begrudge others rallying for this one."? Frankly, I didn't even know your Africa sim existed. In fact, there are a great many sims I don't know about. Or care about, to be brutally honest. I care about THIS one, though. And no one would have stopped you had you wanted to save your Africa sims.

"Why do the ones only YOU want to save deserve your loud voices."

Um, because that's how it works, maybe?! People rally for things that are dear to them. 

"I don't care about sims others want saved, mine deserves it more because I said so"

People want to preserve the things they care about, yes. There is no deserving it more, though: it's simply a matter of ppl showing/speaking up about matters they hold dear. The bedrock of your entire argument seems to boil down to "I didn't get a sandwich, so all y'all can't have one either."

As for ppl suggesting HL be 'amputated', and just left running with half the sims cut off, yes, I will gladly concede to stating those folks do not exactly 'get' art. :)

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I will add a bit to a personal note from a prior post of mine: One of the reasons I wish I had discovered this place much sooner deals with my older RP days - a few of the characters I brought over to Second Life from my chat/text days have no pictures to go with them simply because I could not easily find the proper backdrop to suit their background/back story.

HL may fit into a specific genre of science fiction but the cityscape is varied enough that I could have used much of it for such a purpose.

Sadly with the advent of Windlight and Mesh .... not only are these representations out of date but they would be quite out of place among all the advanced lighting tricks - they'd look artificial inside of a place that is full of the artificial (that may only make sense to a few).

Best of luck in the future.

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