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The Non Linden Home Picture Thread - Mainland Only

Ingrid Ingersoll

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7 hours ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

I've been wanting to decorate this house for a while, it's Trompe L'oeil's Darby Modern House. Only 27 prims and just barely fits my 2048 plot

This is by the way inspired by Mies Van Der Rohe's Farnsworth House if you didn't know already.

An icon of modernist architecture :)

Well done with the furniture!


Edited by Samara Sharkfin
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I have 2 adjacent horizons parcels. For the longest time I had a house on one and a horse pasture on the other. But about 6 or 7 months ago I decided to redo and landscape for nature with a tiny shack for a home... it is about 5x8 but I manged to get just about everything I need in it.

There is an upper loft with the bedroom, and the rest of the house is crammed into the lower level. Since there wasn't room for a bathroom, I added an outhouse and outdoor shower.

It is surprisingly comfortable and the outside has a lovely stream with a tiny waterfall and small lake. I have been enjoying this new landscaping much more that the usual run-of-the-mill house I had before.


horizons Exterior Small.jpg

horizons- Interior1 Small.jpg

horizons- Interior2 Small.jpg

horizons- bedroom Small.jpg

outhouse & shower small.jpg

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On 10/18/2022 at 10:59 PM, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

Eu tenho vontade de decorar esta casa por um tempo, é Trompe L'oeil's Darby Modern House. Apenas 27 prims e mal se encaixa na minha trama de 2048.

Visite a qualquer hora: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/26/195/33







I love the modern houses in Trompe, I have this one and I used it in duplicate. Its decor is beautiful.

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53 minutes ago, Stephanie Lovely said:

Home in Iris. 







Iris is one of the best places on Mainland. It is so many that have good taste in buildings there.

That's one of the Atrium houses? I have looked on them so many times, I can't decide to buy the Jungle house or the Compact jungle house. I think what you did with the outside looks very good.

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36 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

Iris is one of the best places on Mainland. It is so many that have good taste in buildings there.

That's one of the Atrium houses? I have looked on them so many times, I can't decide to buy the Jungle house or the Compact jungle house. I think what you did with the outside looks very good.

Yes it is the Jungle Compact House, minus the garden part. Iris is lovely, I had a bit of land there but am in the process of selling off all but 2048m of it to keep my tier at premium plus level. The people who have bought some of the land from me are putting up really nice houses, it is great.

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I have a mainland parcel that's on a very steep slope, but i got bored with the sky platform and decided I wanted something on the ground instead. And what better thing to put on top of a cliff than... a ruined castle.  It's actually livable, there's six interior rooms hidden in there, plus a lovely wild garden.



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Too soon?

Yes, it probably is. But I may not be in SL in December... RL may take the lead and I have no time or energy left for SL. And I suddenly wanted snow.

I think we rebels gather in a supposedly futuristic part of Mainland. We are 3 houses in a row that's not modern/futuristic now. A traditional bloc.


Edited by Marianne Little
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1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

Too soon?

Yes, it probably is. But I may not be in SL in December... RL may take the lead and I have no time or energy left for SL. And I suddenly wanted snow.

I think we rebels gather in a supposedly futuristic part of Mainland. We are 3 houses in a row that's not modern/futuristic now. A traditional bloc.


We just got our first snow of the season in the mountain passes.  It's not too soon.  Enjoy your snow.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 01/11/2022 at 13:01, Maitimo said:

Eu tenho um terreno no continente que está em uma encosta muito íngreme, mas fiquei entediado com a plataforma do céu e decidi que queria algo no chão. E que coisa melhor para colocar no topo de um penhasco do que... um castelo em ruínas. É realmente habitável, há seis quartos internos escondidos lá, além de um lindo jardim selvagem.



I have never had a castle but looking at yours makes me want to have one, especially the garden, which is amazing.

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4 hours ago, Nando Yip said:

I have never had a castle but looking at yours makes me want to have one, especially the garden, which is amazing.

Thank you. Though most of the landscaping isn't my work, it's just as it came. I added some statues, and a campfire/sitting area and thats all. Its incredible how much they've crammed in to a build that comes in under 100LI. 


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On 10/23/2022 at 6:50 AM, Teresa Firelight said:

I have 2 adjacent horizons parcels. For the longest time I had a house on one and a horse pasture on the other. But about 6 or 7 months ago I decided to redo and landscape for nature with a tiny shack for a home... it is about 5x8 but I manged to get just about everything I need in it.

There is an upper loft with the bedroom, and the rest of the house is crammed into the lower level. Since there wasn't room for a bathroom, I added an outhouse and outdoor shower.

It is surprisingly comfortable and the outside has a lovely stream with a tiny waterfall and small lake. I have been enjoying this new landscaping much more that the usual run-of-the-mill house I had before.


horizons Exterior Small.jpg

horizons- Interior1 Small.jpg

horizons- Interior2 Small.jpg

horizons- bedroom Small.jpg

outhouse & shower small.jpg

I just sold that parcel so the house and landscaping are not there anymore. But I have a new place I am just finishing up landscaping and hope to show off soon.

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When I upgraded to premium plus I had another 1024 of land in addition to my 1024 linden home and the 4096 plot of mainland I have a store and a skybox apartment on. I bought this little water plot in Fall Between and I just got the Trompe Loeil - Hyannis Cottage at the black friday sales. There is some nice landscaping by neighbors in the area. It's a nice place to sail from as it doesn't take long to get to protected water.


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On 27/11/2022 at 21:35, starladustangel said:

Quando atualizei para premium plus, eu tinha outros 1024 de terreno, além de minha casa de 1024 tílias e o terreno de 4096 do continente em que tenho uma loja e um apartamento skybox. Comprei este pequeno lote de água em Fall Between e acabei de comprar o Trompe Loeil - Hyannis Cottage nas vendas da sexta-feira negra. Há algum paisagismo agradável por vizinhos na área. É um bom lugar para navegar, pois não demora muito para chegar à água protegida.


I have a few houses in Trompe, this one is really beautiful and is right on the seafront.

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I traded in my Horizons for Sea of Fables on Sanara. A friend and both bought plots that are side by side and built out a large shared area that we call "Seaside" It is still a work in progress, but we are kinda far along now. More pictures will probably come later, but here are a few to share now....



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It's been a while but redid my home in Kot. Since then I've helped to landscape the neighbors' properties alongside Route 9A in Kot as well.

I absolutely fell in love with the Onsu Hollywood House when I first saw it and knew it's what I wanted to switch to. Feel free to come by and check it out as well as the other homes! Currently working on landscaping my neighbor's parcel across the street so if you see me say hi!



This was actually the dining room set up for Friendsgiving but it's since now been changed back to a table with a lot less chairs :D 


I love the original feel of this Onsu house but I wanted it to be warmer


Most of the rooms are still a thought in progress - like my bathroom upstairs 😅



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