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The new premium home gold rush...

Pixels Sideways

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43 minutes ago, Alaeric said:

I've been a premium member for years, but I don't monitor the forums.  I guess this means that those of us who don't have no way of knowing about new advances to our paid memberships?  It's been two weeks since the release, and I've yet to see a single in-world notice about a new premium benefit.  Perhaps something sent out to premium members would have been in order?  But that's just the opinion of one RL customer service rep....<grins>

Thanks for the great info here, and I look forward to eventually snagging my own new home!


It is also on the blog feeds on your own dashboard, not just the forums.  Hoping all of you who didn't get a home, get one soon.

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3 hours ago, kiramanell said:

But there's also realism: considering how much work is involved just making these new homes/scenes, we can't just expect them to work on it for over, say, a year, only to release a deluge of them all at once then. So, the approach in waves does feel equitable to me.

Just wanted to note that they have been working on Bellisseria for somewhere in that year time stamp -- and only a portion of the continent is completed.  


Dated March 21, 2018  in the "Fifteen Years" blog post. 


and the SSP? thread was started on August 20, 2018 when the staging regions first appeared on the grid. 

It takes TIME. Better to take that time and make something worthwhile and lovely than to hurry. 

Edited by Chic Aeon
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4 hours ago, Zoya McDonnagh said:

Frankly, the first wave of homes should have gone to the ones the most active/paying the closest attention.

I think that's what made it work. Look at the old Linden Homes continents on the map. About one green dot per 50 sims. Few people use those places much. Now look at the map of the new continent. There's always something going on. I see a boat or a plane or a land vehicle every few minutes. There are usually five or ten people nearby.

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3 minutes ago, animats said:

I think that's what made it work. Look at the old Linden Homes continents on the map. About one green dot per 50 sims. Few people use those places much. Now look at the map of the new continent. There's always something going on. I see a boat or a plane or a land vehicle every few minutes. There are usually five or ten people nearby.

💯. If the houses were given out through some sort of "lottery" system, there's no guarentee they'd be half as active as they are now. With them being active, though, the Moles get to see how the continent actually gets used, so they can plan ahead (such as finding out just how popular houseboats would be) as they make it. I'm sure they're noting what style houses people favor and whatnot, as well as taking suggestions of what people want to see in the continent. Those sorts of things would be very hard to do if they just waited and released it all at once.

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7 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:


Be like Oprah:  You get a home and you get a hoe and YOU GET A HOME!!!



This, however, is a very interesting idea, though I am afraid you just made a typo. 

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I seen a mole the other day they working on what they can its hard work. They doing odds and ends. Maybe they need like volunteers to help but people they can trust its a lot work . I live in the area like in real yes house can be put up in days but takes team work to do it.

Edited by MaylaSkye
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I keep seeing bitter complaints about how there was this teeny tiny window of opportunity and only people who have no lives and were sitting here staring at the forums got homes. It's simply not true.

I was at work all day (US time) the day of the release. I had NOT been monitoring any threads and had NO idea the homes were being released that day. I read a blog notice about it that night, easily got a new home, abandoned it, got another one on a beach.... and over a week later, got a houseboat simply by refreshing the new home page a few times per day. In other words, I did no hovering, but also I did not waste my time whining because I knew I'd get a houseboat eventually. As will everyone else who wants one. 

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I messed up and lost my houseboat the first day of the release, I have refreshed but not gotten lucky to get a new yet. BUT Instead of wasting my time whining I been exploring the new continent I have planned how my houseboat will be when i get it and I been making friends , taking pics just enjoyed. Because you do not NEED to live in Bellissaria to have fun there. And like Sylvia says. Everyone will get a house or houseboat, just have some patience. Better they use time and do it right then fast forward it and it look bad ☺️

Edited by Quiet Mirabella
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10 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

The old  Linden slums homes are a great example of what happens when you get carried away and make way more than the demand.

I only hope that when everything is finally released, LL's house-lucky-dip algorithm isn't entirely random and sneakily favors putting new claims on regions with active populations to keep the community aspect alive.

It's all about who you know; found that out years ago, and it's still true today.

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11 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

The idea that some folks because of their level of community engagement in SL are more entitled and should have had first shot at the new homes is straight out of Orwell's "Animal Farm" when the authoritarian pigs declare "some animals are more equal than others."


Hyperbole much?! It's not about entitlement (I reallly hope you realize the irony of you talking about entitlement, btw). It's about making a minimal effort to obtain something you want. There are ppl waiting in line, at 6 AM, in front of an Apple store, to get the latest iPhone, because they want one really bad. New products tend to be scarse like that. So, if you want something new and shiny, most ppl grasp that you kinda need to jump on it a bit. Eventually, I'm sure, Linden will phase out all the old homes, and replace them/offer new ones. But if you want one NOW, do what everyone else does: jump on them as soon as you can, knowing their supply isn't unlimited.

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12 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

People I heard from were well aware of the new premium membership homes and the date they would be available. They didn't have the time (or access) to hover at a computer all day waiting for the start signal or refreshing.

If they were aware, they could have had their other land sold/older linden home abandoned and been ready. You claim the home from the dashboard. Something a smartphone can log into.

In fact, I didn't! I didn't know about the new homes coming. I didn't know the day/time. So I still had my older linden home. I just happened to sit down and open Reddit while eating lunch 3 hours after they supposedly went live (I am going by the time stamp that was on the Reddit post when I saw it). In less than 5 minutes I was in SL, picked up my stuff, abandoned that home, tabbed over to my dashboard and claimed a Traditional. Before I even finished lunch. If I had known that that was the day, I would have had the other home already abandoned and would have claimed my new one while I was in line at the pharmacy picking up scripts.

Should they have had more houseboats? Yes. I don't think even they knew those would go in the first 2 hours. Above all, Linden Labs is a business. This was a marketing tool. It created hype. It got a ton of free word of mouth advertising and a lot of attention.


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12 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

I appreciate your replies.

This isn't about paying attention. People I heard from were well aware of the new premium membership homes and the date they would be available. They didn't have the time (or access) to hover at a computer all day waiting for the start signal or refreshing. And they shouldn't have had to.  No one should.  They are paying the same premium membership fees as everyone else.  Some have been members for years, one person I know holds a weekly event, others are less engaged in the community but that still should not make them more or less eligible to have the same access to the new homes as everyone else.

The idea that some folks because of their level of community engagement in SL are more entitled and should have had first shot at the new homes is straight out of Orwell's "Animal Farm" when the authoritarian pigs declare "some animals are more equal than others."

Also "That's the way they've always done it in the past" is no excuse for not improving the user experience which encourages user retention.  Offering new premium members new homes and not delivering sets a negative tone.

The moles are LL employees (or contracted) so saying they worked really hard on making these homes, sims, etc, so cut them some slack is a rather odd perspective since that is their RL job.  Not to say they shouldn't be praised or appreciated for their talents and hard work but they do get paid to create content for SL so they're not some volunteer org toiling away on their own dime.

I realize there will always be subsequent ptemium members signing up however, current premium membership numbers are not an unknown since LL derives revenue from the fees and setting up an online query is not a lot of "paper" to pull in info from members to determine what type of home they want so LL could gauge how many of each to provide. 

The roll-out of the Linden homes was not thought out very well in advance otherwise there would have have been more than enough new homes for every member.  Would members have had to wait longer? Yes.  Would it have been a fairer process to wait so everyone who is a current premium member could get a home at the same time? Yes.

The only way rolling out a limited number of the new homes would have worked fairly would have been via a lottery and would still require a pre-selection of home type by premium members..  


Okay let me get this straight, you feel that a lottery of some sort should have been used, instead of a first come first serve basis. Look it has nothing to do with entitlement. It literally has everything to do with, people were much quicker than you, and got there first. That has nothing to do with inequity, that just has to do with all these people wanting homes right away. As I said before, there is another phase rolling out. The only reason why they did it like this, is so they could get customer feedback on the first phase.

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Just going to chime in here... When the Premium Houses (512m plots) where released it was on first come first serve basis. Meadowbook being the most popular. And they were rolled out in waves. Problem with that roll out was you had to wait for an available style house, some houses were more popular then others to grab. At least now we can either do a land plot or house boat then select which style home if any. And they did have a preview of the homes and house boats to check out prior to launch. 

I myself missed the launch since i still owned mainland home and didnt have time to clear me plot and release it before the end of the launch. 

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13 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

The idea that some folks because of their level of community engagement in SL are more entitled and should have had first shot at the new homes is straight out of Orwell's "Animal Farm" when the authoritarian pigs declare "some animals are more equal than others."

Kind of ironic in a thread that's all about a "premium membership benefit," ain't it?

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My two cents - I haven't always followed the forums, but I tried to check in daily after the first 'SSP' sightings were posted. If you read back through the posts you can see there was no 'advance information' given out here ahead of time, so it was a surprise when I got home one day and found that Bellisseria was finally open for business. Fortunately I had already gotten an alt ready for the land rush.

The Second Life forums are the closest thing we have to a news outlet for residents. Yes, a lot of time residents (myself included) don't have time to read everything here. I think the main complaint here is 'nobody told me'. Perhaps we need a "news group" that people could join that would alert online residents to what is going on? I have met residents that didn't know where Bellisseria was....



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1 minute ago, RuffertasAlt said:

My two cents - I haven't always followed the forums, but I tried to check in daily after the first 'SSP' sightings were posted. If you read back through the posts you can see there was no 'advance information' given out here ahead of time, so it was a surprise when I got home one day and found that Bellisseria was finally open for business. Fortunately I had already gotten an alt ready for the land rush.

The Second Life forums are the closest thing we have to a news outlet for residents. Yes, a lot of time residents (myself included) don't have time to read everything here. I think the main complaint here is 'nobody told me'. Perhaps we need a "news group" that people could join that would alert online residents to what is going on? I have met residents that didn't know where Bellisseria was....


Just subscribe to the Update thread, and you'll get the news immediately.

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4 minutes ago, RuffertasAlt said:

Perhaps we need a "news group" that people could join that would alert online residents to what is going on?

Isn't that what the LL Blogs and forums do.  If people don't bother reading the official linden channels, what  makes you think they will find out about some news group?

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