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So sad I didn't get a new home

JOVIYON Wycliffe

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39 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


So, tl;dr, the same could maybe be done for skybox plots: tiny 1024m2 min-regions, as it were,, all unconnected in the meta config, that peeps can use for their large environment surrounds, and be ideal for skyboxes.


a year or two maybe ago now, there was a discussion on here about this.  The idea was that a new parcel option be added. When checked then a person on the parcel would not receive any data (agent or object data) from other parcels  from the region server. And a person on the region, not on that parcel, would not receive any agent/object data from that parcel

as I remember it was @Penny Patton who kicked off the discussion. A Linden ,whose name I can't remember off the top of my head, said they thought that was an interesting idea and went off and did some viewer-side only coding on it to see what it would look like from a viewing pov.  After which they commented that it was all a bit disconcerting when traveling across a contiguous region with this option.  Stuff popping in and out of the view depending on the individual parcel settings.  So the matter, at that time. never went any further than an idea

the only way the idea can work is when the agents cannot move off their parcels, and when camming then all they will ever see is stuff and agents on their own parcel. From a pragmatic pov then anyone wanting such a setup is not interested in moving off their parcel in any case. They are just wanting it as a room/skybox/island for themselves and friends

can work in this case meaning that LL puts some further thought into it, in terms of a premium offering, and some kinda estate control that sets the whole region either on/off. This not being an individual parcel option

edit ps

i don't ever see this as any priority, it can go on the long list of everything ever wanted and i am happy to wait like I am happy to wait for the 50+ other things I want LL to make for me :D.  The priority right now for LL is get the new Linden Homes continent built and done

Edited by Mollymews
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2 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

the only way the idea can work is when the agents cannot move off their parcels, and when camming then all they will ever see is stuff and agents on their own parcel. From a pragmatic pov then anyone wanting such a setup is not interested in moving off their parcel in any case. They are just wanting it as a room/skybox/island for themselves and friends

can work in this case meaning that LL puts some further thought into it, in terms of a premium offering, and some kinda estate control that sets the whole region either on/off. This not being an individual parcel option


Personally, I think the 'unconnected mini regions' idea (see above) is much cleaner, as it doesn't have to deal with camming restrictions and such. In fact, all regions are natively unconnected, unless the meta config file says differently. Unconnected really means other regions are simply not just not visible, but truly not there (the latter is relevant, of course, for large environment surrounds that wouldn't be overlapping someone else's region, as there are simply no connected regions at all; it's all virtual, naturally, so 'connected' or not is just a matter of software).

The unconnected idea may likely not work for parcels (or not without a major rework). But there's nothing stopping Linden from essentially just creating mini-regions (like homesteads, but then only 1024m2, and accordingly prim-limited). That, to me, would constitute a very elegant solution, and ideal for skybox dwelling.

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8 minutes ago, kiramanell said:

The unconnected idea may likely not work for parcels (or not without a major rework). But there's nothing stopping Linden from essentially just creating mini-regions (like homesteads, but then only 1024m2, and accordingly prim-limited). That, to me, would constitute a very elegant solution, and ideal for skybox dwelling.

there is a current business revenue issue for LL with making these as standalone mini-regions, particularly if the mini regions were to be sold directly to residents.  At the moment to secure a homestead region we have to buy a full region. If people were able to buy homesteads without a full region it would impact on LL's current revenue stream. Direct resident mini-regions would probably exacerbate the revenue situation at this time.  LL are I think fully-aware of all this, and their revenue forecasting would take all this into consideration

i think that we have to remember too, when it comes to what people like myself demand from LL, is that I pay $US72 a year. $US6-10 about for my parcel and the rest on L$ spending money. This money is important to LL for sure but $US6-$10 per anum for a standalone mini-region with its own server instance and estate controls? This is not going to happen at this price point. When the alternative is 64 parcels stuffed on 1 estate server instance. Not less than $384-640pa revenue, if we assume that L$ stipend has some effect on  L$ buys     

when talking about LL's revenues I think we have to remember that they had been declining over a long period, and is only in this last year or so that the decline has been arrested, and is now some hope for the future. I think we also have to remember when talking about homesteads (and new mini-regions) that it has been the large private estate barons, individual full region owners, and the mainland rental barons, who have insured the survival of SL over the long period of revenue decline,  by continuing to make the tier payments regardless of whether or not they generated sufficient parcel L$ rental payments

i still want a black box room for sure. But I want it at my price point. Which at this time may not make financial sense for LL


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1 hour ago, Eowyn Southmoor said:

Those water regions are substantially limited in both avatar limit and prim count to be used for housing because they're either Homestead or Open-space regions, with the following limits:

Homestead: 25 avatars, 5000 prims

Openspace: 15 avatars, 1000 prims

That was my assumption, yes. However, enough full regions of linden housing to satisfy demand will eventually be added, one way or another. Rather than spend time decorating every region by hand, which uses prims and takes time, it seems simpler, faster, and more efficient to upgrade water regions that require no additional decoration. Just a dozen water regions with skybox housing means potentially as many as ~600 new home lots that could be available very quickly, with minimal effort.


As for how having water plots for skyboxes differs from buying mainland and not building on the ground... it doesn't really! But neither does having a skybox in mainland differ from having a skybox in Bellisseria, yet here we are. I suspect there's a number of people unaware that their free 1024 allotment can be used towards mainland. I also suspect there's a desire to be near the shiny new continent. Perhaps providing nearby skybox parcels may satisfy both needs :) 


This is not at all to say that people should not be allowed to decorate or not decorate, use or not use their home in Bellisseria as they see fit. But it would provide a very simple way to add a large number of parcels near the new continent in a very short amount of time, and may be adequate to satisfy the needs of those who are uninterested in the house itself or in the community aspect. If given a bonus prim allotment, as discussed earlier in the thread, I could see this option being very appealing to those who are less interested in the other amenities the continent has to offer.

Either way, I'm very happy with what's already being done and would not be at all upset to continue with exactly what we have (but more of it). I just saw the potential value in the suggestion, that's all :) 

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2 minutes ago, Teager said:

Either way, I'm very happy with what's already being done and would not be at all upset to continue with exactly what we have (but more of it). I just saw the potential value in the suggestion, that's all :) 

it is certainly worth chatting about.  All the what if this, what if that, maybe this, maybe that. Sometimes stuff falls out of all these kinda conversations about this, that and everything else, and Somebody Linden goes ooo! and does it. And we go: \o/ thank you!

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I'd much rather see things go the other way.

If the desire is to change the rules that govern the current Second Life experience for specific purposes, offerings that boost engagement, interaction, creativity and scope is the only way to go. Second Life is it's people in a shared environment, but that environment doesn't have to be uniform and I would argue, should never enable isolationist tendencies.

Special regions with special rules. Off the top of my head...

Event regions, a regular region .. with two small differences. A massive population count and a standard phantom proxy avatar. Viewer renders an impostor texture as you enter and the region slaps that on a base low poly avatar (or let us design and upload our own singular templated texture map in advance), that's all you or anyone gets to see. No attachments, no animations, no particles, just the region contents and a two dimensional crowd .. go for style and make us all actual cardboard cutouts. Find a way to put hundreds of us in the same space.

Racing, sailing, flying, combat, rp - The same land mass as 4 regular regions (2x2 or 4x1), half the Li, script & max populations a regular region, no ability to sub divide, sell parcels or set home location. Double the physics, or better  yet, client side authoritative game engine style physics using the havok library we already have - yes, this could get insane, that would be the point.

Space option - The ability to disable physics gravity and have no water layer or land mass.

Infinity option - Make the edges seamlessly map to the opposite side of the same region and maintain velocity and momentum, asteroids style. The only way to leave is by teleport.

Mega voids - like a void region .. only HUGE. Don't bridge continents with 50 regions, do it with 5 .. they don't even have to be square.

Or better yet,  An actual world encompassing void - no more connecting anything, it's all connected. attached object entry only, no rez (of any kind) and ocean forever. Abandoned / detached objects instantly cease all motion, become phantom and remain for a few hours before auto return (so you can get back to your boat if you crash). The server only tracks position, handles scripts and interpersonal interest list. Regular regions intersecting the void only show land mass. local physics to offload the hard work to the clients. No voice, no IMs, just local chat. Here be dragons .. but that's why it's called the void, better journey with a friend or two.

Isolated little bubbles are easy to make already, there is no wider benefit in changing the rules to boost that specific aspect.

When we were excited by what SL offered, we evangelized and delivered incredible growth, this is the only reason SL is still a thing and is the one element all other virtual worlds have lacked. We can do that again if suitably challenged and inspired.


Edited by CoffeeDujour
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I don't have any issues with the people that have and use sky boxes rather than their houses.  They pay for the Premium membership and thus they are entitled to a Linden House - and these new ones allow sky boxes.  I simply hope that they go ahead and use a bit of their LI to landscape it a bit so it doesn't look obviously empty (or maybe do like one person did and put in a lot of tall grass with a broken down lawnmower).  

Question for those of you that would like to restrict it in some way:  Would it bother you as much if there were already more houses than was needed, nobody waiting for one?  Is it mostly rubbing you wrong because you are still waiting for one and thus someone is (in your eyes) wasting what you could put to good use?


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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I don't have any issues with the people that have and use sky boxes rather than their houses.  They pay for the Premium membership and thus they are entitled to a Linden House - and these new ones allow sky boxes.  I simply hope that they go ahead and use a bit of their LI to landscape it a bit so it doesn't look obviously empty (or maybe do like one person did and put in a lot of tall grass with a broken down lawnmower).  

Question for those of you that would like to restrict it in some way:  Would it bother you as much if there were already more houses than was needed, nobody waiting for one?  Is it mostly rubbing you wrong because you are still waiting for one and thus someone is (in your eyes) wasting what you could put to good use?


I'm of a couple minds about this actually. I don't take major issue with it, but I am a bit bummed that their living situation just ends up making the continent feel more empty. For me, and I imagine many others, the exciting part of this is the communal feel, and it's a bit of a bummer when it feels like your neighboring houses are just never going to be sold (because spoiler: they already were sold, and are just empty and with no one ever in them). People can do whatever they want, of course; it's their right. You could even make the case that if they were forced to live on the land, they might not make good use of it and the spirit/theme of the continent, and it is also possible that they are just waiting for houses to be released that will suit their needs (be it a beach house, or something more urban, or something more open layout). But I would also be all for there being a more hidden "I just want a skybox and I'll be happy" section for premium users, so everyone gets what they want.

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2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Question for those of you that would like to restrict it in some way:  Would it bother you as much if there were already more houses than was needed, nobody waiting for one?  Is it mostly rubbing you wrong because you are still waiting for one and thus someone is (in your eyes) wasting what you could put to good use?

I had absolutely no intention of trying to restrict anybody in any way; indeed, I clearly acknowledged that is was their right to only use the skybox, if that was how they wanted to use their new Linden Home. I simply thought that it was a crying shame that a quality home might have been grabbed purely because a skybox was wanted and, yes, I was mindful of the long line of people who would loved to have got one, in the first round of releases, for its full value. Their turn will come, though. Like everything else connected with this new venture, a little patience will be required.


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28 minutes ago, rasterscan said:

Heard a whisper the next release of new homes and houseboats will be this week. 

One whisper even suggested maybe as early as tomorrow (Monday). I haven't seen anything cast in tablets of stone yet, though. Until then, we can only keep guessing!


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i would like all the things that you have mentioned. I can see myself getting into those things, like I get into all the other SL activities that I get into now. They are not though a substitute for quiet time, they are further hectic opportunities I can add to my life

suppose we define isolation to mean a quiet space in which to take time out. And then apply it to an individual person and what it might mean for that person

in SL I don't stay on my parcel and never leave it. My parcel is where I take time out. SL like RL can get hectic sometimes. In RL when things get hectic I retire to my room, my own quiet space. Listen to my music stream, sort out my closet, lie on my bed, chat to a friend on my phone, stuff like that. In SL when things get hectic I retire to my parcel, my own quiet space. Listen to my music stream, sort out my inventory, lie on my lawn, chat to a friend in IM, stuff like that


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10 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Question for those of you that would like to restrict it in some way:  Would it bother you as much if there were already more houses than was needed, nobody waiting for one?  Is it mostly rubbing you wrong because you are still waiting for one and thus someone is (in your eyes) wasting what you could put to good use?


Wouldn't bother me in the slightest if this was the case. I know plenty of people who missed out on houses, some of which are friends and are pretty upset over it, actually. This is the only reason i'm a bit aggro over it. I have a place i've been renting from a lady for a good while. I'd like a house, but i'm not freaking out over it. I can enjoy the place just wandering about for now. I have nothing against people technically living in skyboxes, but if the intention was to live in a skybox (only) I suppose i'm on the thought train that maybe those people should of waited a little bit so people who actually want the house and community can get in. Again though, that allure of prims is hard to ignore.

I do really like the ideas of skybox plots over water others have had, though. Perhaps give them a prim/LI alottment for rezzing the box that won't count toward their parcel prims/LI, to maybe keep it on par with the houses and houseboats.

This is the last i'm saying on this topic. It's my opinion. You have yours.

Edited by s2Pandora
Still waking up. Spelling errors everywhere.
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Can't believe people are getting irked about what others want to do with their plots already.  I missed out too but I am happy to wait and wish good luck to those who have their homes.  I guess if I want to rez a Jason Momoa statue in my garden the community will decide that's unacceptable except @Selene Gregoire who will want to rez her bunk next to it 🙄


giphy (1).gif

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Keep an eye on Patch Linden's Linden Homes Update post, that'll let you know when they're available.

As he has said in the post, a release of houseboats will be coming next (and very soon by the looks of the area where they are preparing all these things), and houses will come in the release after. But remember, there are some that have a house at the moment that really want a houseboat (the houseboats were the first to 'sell out'), so as they migrate when the houseboats are released, so houses will become available!

As for refreshing the availability page, you don't have to sit there clicking for minutes on end, just do the occasional refresh between other things... that's how I got my one yesterday.

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5 minutes ago, anthonytorino said:

Sign up for premium. Planned to pay a year ahead just to find out no new homes are aailable ater being told they are now available. Feel duped.

It's a shame that you didn't get to the forums before you signed up. But don't worry, it really won't be long now.

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4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Sweet now we can camp out on the open lands or the beach! LOL! 

Although this one looks a little fancier! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AZ-Vintage-Tent-Wearable-Range/14940759 


Edited by Barbie Glas
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1 hour ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Can't believe people are getting irked about what others want to do with their plots already.  I missed out too but I am happy to wait and wish good luck to those who have their homes.  I guess if I want to rez a Jason Momoa statue in my garden the community will decide that's unacceptable except @Selene Gregoire who will want to rez her bunk next to it 🙄


giphy (1).gif

Just to let you know - I will be perfectly alright with that statue in your yard....just hope my house is across the street from yours...lol

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